
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing Differences | all forms
a world of differenceогромная разница (There's a world of difference between the two expressions. Юрий Гомон)
irreconcilable differencesнеразрешимые разногласия (Халеев)
make a differenceсыграть свою роль (To have some effect on something; to cause a change (The Free Dictionary): I think that made a difference. – Мне кажется, это сыграло свою роль. ART Vancouver)
make a differenceизменить ситуацию к лучшему (To have some effect on something; to cause a change (The Free Dictionary): The government should get rid of the salary cap. That'll make a big difference. -- Это сильно изменит ситуацию к лучшему. ART Vancouver)
make a differenceдобиться перемен (To have some effect on something; to cause a change (The Free Dictionary) | | | The credit goes to whoever did the Russian voiceover for the movie "Dimenticare Palermo" (1989) ART Vancouver)
make a differenceизменить (To have some effect on something; to cause a change (The Free Dictionary): Why even bother? It's not going to make a difference. – Это ничего не изменит. • "... the avalanche carried Michalowski past the treeline, over the cliff, and down between 400 and 600 feet of “very steep terrain,” according to NSR team leader Mike Danks. (...) Searchers found Michalowski after several hours spent digging through avalanche debris. “Sometimes these things just happen,” Danks said. “Even if he had his avalanche safety equipment with him, it would not have made a difference.” "(nsnews.com) – это бы ничего не изменило ART Vancouver)
make a world of differenceотличаться как небо от земли (Andrey Truhachev)
make a world of differenceсоставлять огромную разницу (Andrey Truhachev)
make a world of differenceотличаться как небо и земля (Andrey Truhachev)
make a world of differenceразличаться как небо и земля (Andrey Truhachev)
make a world of differenceиметь важное значение (jimka)
minimize differencesсгладить острые углы (Alex_Odeychuk)
smooth over the differencesсглаживать острые углы (VLZ_58)
there's a world of difference between sth and sthчто-л. и что-л. – это две большие разницы (в русском это малограмотное выражение, а в английском – нормальный фразеологизм: There’s a world of difference between truth and facts. Facts can obscure the truth. [Maya Angelou] unabridgedro.com Franka_LV)