
Terms for subject Microsoft containing DOMAINS | all forms | exact matches only
accepted domainобслуживаемый домен (Any SMTP namespace for which an Exchange organization sends and receives e-mail. Accepted domains include those domains for which the Exchange organization is authoritative. An Exchange organization is authoritative when it handles mail delivery for recipients in the accepted domain. Accepted domains also include domains for which the Exchange organization receives mail and then relays to an e-mail server that is outside the Active Directory forest for delivery to the recipient)
Active Directory Domain Servicesдоменные службы Active Directory (The Microsoft Windows based directory service. Active Directory Domain Services stores information about objects on a network and makes this information available to users and network administrators)
Active Directory Domain Services Installation Wizardмастер установки доменных служб Active Directory (The tool that is used to install and remove Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS))
Active Directory Domains and TrustsActive Directory – домены и доверие (microsoft.com bojana)
Add Domains areaобласть "Добавление доменов" (The area of the Organizations page where hosted customers can set up additional domains)
API endpoint domainдомен конечной точки API (Azure Rori)
application domainдомен приложения (A boundary that the common language runtime establishes around objects created within the same application scope (that is, anywhere along the sequence of object activations beginning with the application entry point). Application domains help isolate objects created in one application from those created in other applications so that run-time behavior is predictable. Multiple application domains can exist in a single process)
application domain hostузел домена приложения (A host on which the application domain is located)
authoritative domain nameдоверенное имя домена (microsoft.com bojana)
baseline domain controllerбазовый контроллер домена (ssn)
Blocked Top-Level Domain Listсписок блокируемых доменов первого уровня (Office System 2010 Rori)
child domainдочерний домен (A DNS domain located directly beneath another domain name (the parent domain) in the namespace tree. For example, "example.microsoft.com" would be a subdomain of the domain "microsoft.com". Rori)
coexistence domainдомен сосуществования (microsoft.com bojana)
composite domain rulesправила составного домена (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
cross-domain barrierмеждоменный барьер (An Internet Explorer security feature that stops scripts and Document Object Model (DOM) objects from executing across domains. Rori)
cross-domain libraryмеждоменная библиотека (A JavaScript library available in apps for SharePoint to allow cross-domain client-level communication. Rori)
custom domainличный домен (A domain name whose purpose is to express the individuality of the person on whose behalf it is registered. Custom domains are often subdomains, and contrast with domain names which resolve to an organization (e.g. a company) or a service that organization offers. Rori)
Default security settings updated for domain controllersИспользуемые по умолчанию параметры безопасности, обновлённые для контроллеров домена (Windows Server 2008, Windows 8 Rori)
domain administratorадминистратор домена (A person who is a member of the Domain Admins group. Domain administrators can create, delete, and manage all objects that reside within the domain in which they are administrators. They can also assign and reset passwords and delegate administrative authority for network resources to other trusted users)
domain-based namespaceдоменное пространство имён (A type of Distributed File System (DFS) namespace in which the namespace information is stored in Active Directory and replicated to other namespace servers)
domain-based namespaceдоменное пространство имен (microsoft.com bojana)
Domain Browserбраузер доменов (Windows 8 Rori)
domain certificateсертификат домена (microsoft.com bojana)
domain configurationконфигурация домена (A configuration object that is used to model Active Directory domains)
domain contextконтекст домена (A client-side representation of a domain service)
domain controllerконтроллер домена (In an Active Directory forest, a server that contains a writable copy of the Active Directory database, participates in Active Directory replication, and controls access to network resources)
domain enrollmentрегистрация в домене (The process of joining a Windows Mobile powered device to a company domain. Rori)
domain extensionрасширение домена (Andy)
Domain Folder Sharing Wizardмастер общих папок домена (A wizard that guides the user through sharing a folder with members of the same domain)
domain functional levelрежим работы домена (Windows 8 ssn)
domain highlightingвыделение домена (An Internet Explorer feature where the domain of the site you are visiting is darker and the rest of the URL is lighter. Rori)
domain integrityцелостность домена (The validity of entries for a specific column of data)
Domain isn't federated.Домен не включен в федерацию (Exchange Server 2016 Rori)
domain joinприсоединение к домену (The process of connecting an individual PC to a domain. Rori)
domain-joined serverсервер, входящий в домен (microsoft.com bojana)
domain local groupлокальная группа домена
domain nameдоменное имя (The name given by an administrator to a collection of networked computers that share a common directory. Part of the DNS naming structure, domain names consist of a sequence of name labels separated by periods)
domain name registrarрегистратор доменных имён (The owner of the customer relationship with customers who buy second-level domains. There may be many registrars for a single top-level domain. Registrars maintain detailed customer information in their databases, such as the customer's contact address, telephone number, and e-mail address. Customers usually manage their second-level domains at the registrar's Web site, and the registrar updates the registry database when necessary (for example, when a customer renews a domain name))
domain name registrarрегистратор доменных имен (The owner of the customer relationship with customers who buy second-level domains. There may be many registrars for a single top-level domain. Registrars maintain detailed customer information in their databases, such as the customer's contact address, telephone number, and e-mail address. Customers usually manage their second-level domains at the registrar's Web site, and the registrar updates the registry database when necessary (for example, when a customer renews a domain name). Rori)
domain name registryреестр доменных имён (" An organization that controls a top-level domain. Although it does not own the relationship with the customer (a domain name registrar does), it keeps basic information about second-level domains in its database, such as the domain's registration date, expiration date, "lock" status, registrant, and registrar.")
domain name registryреестр доменных имен (An organization that controls a top-level domain. Although it does not own the relationship with the customer (a domain name registrar does), it keeps basic information about second-level domains in its database, such as the domain's registration date, expiration date, "lock" status, registrant, and registrar. Rori)
domain name serverсервер доменных имён (A server that maintains information about a portion of the DNS database and that responds to and resolves DNS queries)
Domain Name Systemслужба доменных имён (A hierarchical, distributed database that contains mappings of DNS domain names to various types of data, such as IP addresses. DNS enables the location of computers and services by user-friendly names, and it also enables the discovery of other information stored in the database; DNS)
Domain Name System resolverсопоставитель DNS (A software feature that communicates with DNS servers to create and resolve name-resolution queries. DNS resolvers exist on DNS clients and DNS servers)
Domain Name System Security Extensionsмодули безопасности службы доменных имен (DNSSE microsoft.com bojana)
domain name system serverсервер доменных имён (A server that maintains information about a portion of the DNS database and that responds to and resolves DNS queries)
domain naming masterхозяин именования доменов (A domain controller that holds the domain naming operations master role in Active Directory. The domain naming master controls the addition or removal of domains in the forest. At any time, the domain naming master role can be assigned to only one domain controller in the forest)
domain networkдоменная сеть (A network location value that is displayed in the Network and Sharing Center. This setting specifies that the network connection is connected to an organization network that includes domains. Other possible network location values are public network and home network. Rori)
domain operationдоменное обновление (A method on a domain service that is exposed to a client application. It enables client applications to perform an action on the entity such as, query, update, insert, or delete records)
domain policyполитика домена (Andy)
domain prefixпрефикс домена (PAYX)
domain redelegationперенаправление домена (The process of telling your current domain name registrar to point your domain name to a new Web site. Rori)
domain relationshipдоменная связь (A diagram element that represents an embedding or reference relationship in a domain-specific language)
domain's data sourceисточник данных домена (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
domain serviceслужба домена (A service that encapsulates the business logic of an application. It exposes a set of related domain operations in a service layer. Rori)
Domain Services Hoursчасы использования доменных служб (A unit of measure for billing usage of the domain services service in Azure Rori)
domain settingsпараметры домена (The settings, related to the domain, a user needs to configure to get messaging up and running. Rori)
domain treeдоменное дерево (In DNS, the inverted hierarchical tree structure that is used to index domain names. Domain trees are similar in purpose and concept to the directory trees used by computer filing systems for disk storage. For example, when numerous files are stored on disk, directories can be used to organize the files into logical collections. When a domain tree has one or more branches, each branch can organize domain names used in the namespace into logical collections)
domain user accountучётная запись пользователя домена (SQL platon)
domain-wideна уровне домена (например: domain-wide operations master roles – роли хозяина операций на уровне всего домена microsoft.com bojana)
Domains pageстраница "Домены" (The page where customer administrators activate and customize filtering services at the domain level)
Domains Quickstartбыстрая настройка доменов (The Office 365 web workflow that leads small business customers step-by-step through adding a domain and setting up user. They find this through clicking Add a user or Add a domain in the Getting Started experience)
e-mail domain nameимя домена электронной почты (Andy)
external domainвнешний домен (Andy)
external domain's data sourceвнешний источник данных домена (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
fault domainдомен сбоя (The physical point of failure in a data center for a cloud service role. For roles with more than one instance, Microsoft Azure deploys the instances in different fault domains to guard against outages due to physical computer failures in the data center. Rori)
federated domainфедеративный домен (A domain that is engaged in a trust relationship with another domain, which is also called a federation. Rori)
fully qualified domain nameполное доменное имя (A DNS name that has been stated to indicate its absolute location in the domain namespace tree. In contrast to relative names, an FQDN has a trailing period to qualify its position to the root of the namespace (host.example.contoso.com))
global domain identifierглобальный доменный идентификатор (An identifier that specifies the country/region, the administration management domain (ADMD), and the private management domain (PRMD) of an X.400 e-mail address. For example c=us; a=MCI; p=msft)
host domainнесущий домен (The domain in which a DFS namespace has been configured. Rori)
Interaction Domain Modelмодель домена взаимодействия (Visual Studio 2010 Rori)
IP and domain restrictionsограничения по IP-адресам и именам домена (microsoft.com bojana)
kernel domainдомен ядра (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
kernel domain modelмодель домена ядра (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
logon domainдомен входа в систему (The domain used to authenticate a user logging on to a computer, program, or network. Rori)
Manage Federated Domainsуправление федеративными доменами (Exchange Server 2016 Rori)
multiple domain controllersнесколько контроллеров домена (Win Server platon)
multiple domain supportподдержка нескольких доменов (A feature of a hosting plan that enables the hosting of more than one domain name under one hosting account)
nonauthoritative domain nameнедоверенное имя домена (microsoft.com bojana)
parent domainродительский домен (For DNS and Active Directory, domains that are located in the namespace tree directly above other derivative domain names (child domains))
policy to support access by users of federated domainsполитика для поддержки доступа пользователей федеративных доменов (microsoft.com bojana)
primary domain controllerосновной контроллер домена (In any local area network, the server that maintains the master copy of the domain's user accounts database and that validates logon requests)
primary domain controller emulator masterхозяин эмулятора основного контроллера домена (PDC emulator master – одна из ролей хозяев операций microsoft.com bojana)
provisioning domainдомен подготовки (The domain name of the Outlook Live domain that you are configuring with Outlook Live Directory Sync (OLSync)(previously known as GALSync 2010). When you deploy OLSync, you manually enter at least one provisioning domain, for example, student.contoso.edu, during the ILM 2007 configuration process. The provisioning domain must be an accepted domain in your Outlook Live deployment. Rori)
Raise Domain Functional LevelПовышение режима работы домена (Windows 8 ssn)
Raise Domain Functional LevelИзменение режима работы домена (Windows Server 2003 ssn)
read-only domain controllerконтроллер домена только для чтения (A domain controller that has read-only copies of directory partitions)
registered domainзарегистрированный домен (The domain that an administrator has registered with a domain registrar. Rori)
remote domainудалённый домен (A specially-configured domain that defines settings for mail flow based on the destination domain of each e-mail message. Administrators can configure specific settings for a specific destination domain, or configure default settings for all destination domains. In this way, they can control the types of messages that are sent to adomain. They can also apply message format policies and acceptable character sets for messages that are sent from users in their organization to the remote domain)
reserved domainзарезервированный домен (A domain that cannot be associated with a Windows Live ID. Rori)
resource domainдомен ресурсов (A Windows NT 4.0 domain that is used for hosting file, print, and other application services. Rori)
resource domainбиблиотека ресурсов
root domainкорневой домен (The beginning of the Domain Name System (DNS) namespace. In Active Directory, the initial domain in an Active Directory tree)
root domainкорневой каталог
second-level domainдомен второго уровня (A domain name that is rooted hierarchically at the second tier of the domain namespace directly beneath the top-level domain name such as .com and .org. When DNS is used on the Internet, second-level domains are names such as microsoft.com that are registered and delegated to individual organizations and businesses according to their top-level classification. The organization then assumes further responsibility for parenting management and growth of its name into additional subdomains)
Set Domain Functional LevelЗадайте режим работы домена (Windows 8 ssn)
single domain controllerодиночный контроллер домена (Win Server platon)
single-label domainодноуровневый домен (A domain, website, or other directory whose name consists of a single chunk, such as "contoso," without a suffix such as .com, .corp, .net, .org. Rori)
split domainразделённый домен (A Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) address space or domain suffix that is shared by two different messaging systems. For example, you may have to share the SMTP address space between Microsoft Exchange and a third-party e-mail system, or between Exchange environments that are configured in different Active Directory forests. In these scenarios, users in each e-mail system have the same domain suffix as part of their e-mail addresses)
staged read-only domain controller installationпоэтапная установка контроллера домена только для чтения (A process in which a read-only domain controller (RODC) is installed in two stages. In the first stage, a highly privileged user, such as a member of the Domain Admins group, creates an account for the RODC. In the second stage, a delegated user attaches the server that will be the RODC to the account that was created for it)
tertiary domainдомен третьего уровня (A DNS domain located directly beneath another domain name (the parent domain) in the namespace tree. For example, "example.microsoft.com" would be a subdomain of the domain "microsoft.com". Rori)
the Domain name cannot consist solely of spaces or tab charactersИмя домена не может состоять только из пробелов и символов табуляции (Windows Server 2003 SP1)
the sender's email address in different countries/regions can end with top-level domain codes, such as .ca, .mx, or .ux.Почтовые адреса отправителей в различных странах могут оканчиваться на код домена этой страны, например ca, mx или us. (Windows Live Mail W4M4)
third-level domainдомен третьего уровня (" A DNS domain located directly beneath another domain name (the parent domain) in the namespace tree. For example, "example.microsoft.com" would be a subdomain of the domain "microsoft.com".")
trusted domainдоверенный домен (A domain that is trusted by other domains)
Trusted Publishing Domainдоверенный домен публикации (A policy that allows for one AD RMS cluster to issue use licenses against publishing licenses that were issued by a different AD RMS cluster. Rori)
untrusted domainнедоверенный домен (microsoft.com bojana)
update domainдомен обновления (A grouping of role instances in a cloud service that allows in-place updates to occur without impacting service availability. When you update a cloud service, Windows Azure updates it one update domain at a time, stopping the instances running within one of the update domains, updating the instances, starting them back up, and then moving on to the next update domain. In this way, at least one update domain stays running while another one gets updated)
upgrade domainдомен обновления (A group in which Virtual Machine Manager automatically places instances of a tier of a service so that when the service is updated, those instances will be updated at the same time)
UPN (A user account name sometimes referred to as the user logon name and a domain name identifying the domain in which the user account is located. This is the standard usage for logging on to a Windows domain. The format is: userимя участника-пользователя
user principal name (A user account name sometimes referred to as the user logon name and a domain name identifying the domain in which the user account is located. This is the standard usage for logging on to a Windows domain. The format is: userимя участника-пользователя
Windows domain user accountучётная запись пользователя домена Windows (SQL platon)