
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Custom | all forms | exact matches only
app custom actionдополнительное действие на основе приложения (A type of custom action that is added to a host site by an app for SharePoint and that links to more functionality that is contained by the app)
Copy Custom Fieldкопирование настраиваемого поля (Office System 2010 Rori)
Creates a file using custom settingsсоздание файла с использованием пользовательских настроек (Office System 2010 Rori)
custom actionдополнительное действие (A dropdown menu item or ribbon component that is added to a site page)
custom adapterпользовательский адаптер (A custom piece of code that a developer writes and places before a receive pipeline or after a send pipeline to interface with adapters and/or applications)
Custom Animation listсписок настраиваемых анимаций (The list of animation sequences for a slide. Items are listed in the order in which they are added, and include icons that indicate timing in relation to other animation events. Rori)
custom attributeнастраиваемый атрибут (A class used to represent custom metadata)
custom attribute storeнастраиваемое хранилище атрибутов (microsoft.com bojana)
custom bindingспециальная привязка (.NET Framework 4.5.1 ssn)
custom bindingпользовательская привязка (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
custom build ruleнастраиваемое правило сборки (A build rule defined by the user, typically to call a tool that is not part of the normal Visual Studio build process)
custom claimнастраиваемое утверждение (microsoft.com bojana)
custom claims providerпользовательский поставщик утверждений (microsoft.com bojana)
custom class variableпеременная пользовательского класса (microsoft.com bojana)
custom client controlпользовательский клиентский элемент управления (A custom control authored by a user or a third-party software vendor in Windows Forms applications)
custom colorдополнительный цвет (A color in the Visio application that is stored with a shape as an RGB or HSL value rather than as an index to the document's color palette. A custom color is saved only with the shape to which it is applied. Rori)
custom color paletteнастраиваемая палитра (A set of colors on a palette with up to 256 specific color entries)
Custom Columnsнастраиваемый столбец (A grouping of column headings on a report)
custom connectorпользовательский соединитель (ssn)
Custom Connectorпользовательский соединитель (A .NET assembly created using Visual Studio that provides custom connection logic)
custom connectorнастраиваемый соединитель (ssn)
Custom Connectorнастраиваемый соединитель (A .NET assembly created using Visual Studio that provides custom connection logic)
custom controlпользовательский элемент управления (A control authored by a user or a third-party software vendor)
custom dataпользовательские данные (Andy)
custom data processing extensionпользовательский модуль обработки данных (Ding_an_sich)
custom definitionпользовательское определение (Andy)
custom deviceпользовательское устройство (A microphone and speaker combination configured by the user in Lync and Office Communicator)
custom dialog boxнастраиваемое диалоговое окно (A modal pop-up form you create to ask the user for additional information or to display a message)
custom dialog controlэлемент управления "Настраиваемое диалоговое окно" (A control that developers use to create a custom dialog. Rori)
custom dictionaryнастраиваемый словарь (A user dictionary that contains a list of words not in the application dictionary that an author wants the spelling checker to accept as correct)
custom domainличный домен (A domain name whose purpose is to express the individuality of the person on whose behalf it is registered. Custom domains are often subdomains, and contrast with domain names which resolve to an organization (e.g. a company) or a service that organization offers. Rori)
custom driver accessдоступ к пользовательским драйверам (Device IO Control to 3rd party driver, a form of restricted device interface access for privileged apps Rori)
custom editorспециализированный редактор (An editor that allows you to view, edit, compare, or merge content inside a SourceSafe database)
custom eventнастраиваемое событие (ssn)
custom event detailsсведения о пользовательских событиях (ASP.NET 4.5 ssn)
custom event detailsподробности настраиваемого события (ASP.NET 4.5 ssn)
custom event filterфильтр настраиваемых событий (Windows 8 ssn)
custom event filterфильтр пользовательских событий (Windows 8 ssn)
custom event nameимя настраиваемого события (Office System 2010 ssn)
custom expressionпользовательское выражение (A property value that is hand-edited)
custom extraction dictionaryнастраиваемый словарь извлечений (A user defined dictionary that lists single words or phrases that the system matches to words in the content in either a case-sensitive way or a case-insensitive way, depending on the type of dictionary that is used. Rori)
custom fieldнастраиваемое поле
Custom Field ID Value RequiredТребуется значение идентификатора настраиваемого поля (Office System 2010 SP1 Rori)
Custom Field Nameимя настраиваемого поля (Windows 8.1 Rori)
custom formнастраиваемая форма (A form that you customize to better fit your needs)
custom groupнастраиваемая группа (An item of a custom group field. A custom group contains two or more items from a row or column field)
custom installвыборочная установка (A type of installation that allows the user to specify certain installation settings and options, such as which components will be installed)
custom installationвыборочная установка (A type of installation that allows the user to specify certain installation settings and options, such as which components will be installed)
Custom Interaction Operatorнастраиваемый оператор взаимодействия (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
custom itemнастраиваемый элемент (Andy)
Custom Knowledge Baseпользовательская база знаний
custom limitнастраиваемое ограничение (A Flood Mitigation setting that specifies that a limit other than the default will apply to the IP addresses specified in the IP exceptions tab)
custom localeпользовательский языковой стандарт (A locale that supports international properties, providing a more culturally appropriate user experience than those furnished with the standard locales shipped by Microsoft with the operating system. The use of custom locales enables administrators to extend the set of locales provided by Microsoft or to replace the data in a locale that ships with Windows; for example, currency symbols or names of the months of the year. Rori)
custom loggingнастраиваемое протоколирование (microsoft.com bojana)
custom logoнастраиваемый логотип (An organization's logo that an administrator can upload to replace the Office 365 logo in the upper-left corner of the website. Rori)
custom manifest fileнастраиваемый файл манифеста (IIS Web Deployment Tool 2.0 Rori)
Custom MarginsНастраиваемые поля (NickGuskov)
custom menuнастраиваемое меню (Andy)
custom nameпользовательское имя (Andy)
custom orderпользовательский порядок (User-defined sort order. For example, you could define a custom sort order to display values in the EmployeeTitle column on the basis of the title's seniority)
custom OS imageпользовательский образ ОС (The user-customized virtual hard disks (VHDs) that define the operating environment hosted by the VM role)
custom path expressionпользовательское выражение пути (When data binding to a CLR data source or another object, a data path or binding expression that is hand-edited. Rori)
custom phraseнастраиваемый текст (A word or phrase that the administrator sets for the Content Filter agent to evaluate the content of an e-mail message and apply appropriate filter processing)
custom plug-inпользовательский подключаемый модуль (A type of plug-in created by a third-party vendor that is tightly integrated with the Windows Media Services platform architecture)
custom plug-inнастраиваемый подключаемый модуль (ssn)
custom priceрассчитываемая цена (The price calculated according to specific pricing rules that apply to products in a virtual catalog. There are three types of custom prices: percentage off, fixed amount off, and explicit price)
custom profileособый профиль
custom profileнастраиваемый профиль (A group of settings, defined by an end user, for configuring the encoder output. Rori)
Custom Programспециализированная программа (Andy)
Custom Programнастраиваемая программа (Andy)
custom propertiesпользовательские свойства (SQL Server 2008 Rori)
custom propertiesдругие свойства (Windows 8 Rori)
custom propertiesнастраиваемые свойства (Windows Vista Rori)
custom properties dialog boxнастраиваемая страница свойств
custom properties dialog boxдиалоговое окно настраиваемых свойств (A custom property sheet that allows users to set properties for an ActiveX control. Rori)
Custom properties linked to cellsНастраиваемые свойства, связанные с ячейками (Office System 2010 Rori)
Custom Properties Value List Descriptionsописание значений списка настраиваемых свойств (Project 2013 Rori)
custom quick partsнастраиваемые экспресс-блоки (Andy)
custom recipientвнешний получатель (In Exchange 5.5 and earlier, a custom recipient is a user who is not hosted by Exchange. In Exchange 2003, such users can be added to Active Directory as contacts, Windows users, or users whose Windows accounts are disabled. In any case, they are mail-enabled, but not mailbox-enabled, because their mailboxes are hosted on another messaging system)
custom reportнастраиваемый отчёт (rvps2001)
custom reportпользовательский отчёт (microsoft.com rvps2001)
custom rollupпользовательская свёртка (An aggregation calculation that is customized for a dimension level or member, and that overrides the aggregate functions of a cube's measures)
custom routerнастраиваемый маршрутизатор (SharePoint Server 2016 Rori)
custom ruleнастраиваемое правило (In a role, a specification that limits the dimension members or cube cells that users in the role are permitted to access. Rori)
custom scheduleпользовательское расписание (microsoft.com bojana)
custom server controlпользовательский серверный элемент управления (A custom control authored by a user or a third-party software vendor in Web Forms (ASP.NET pages))
custom settingsособые параметры (Windows 8 Rori)
custom settingsнастраиваемые параметры (Windows 8.1 Rori)
Custom Settings Listсписок пользовательских параметров (Visual Studio 2008 Rori)
custom showпроизвольный показ (A presentation within a presentation in which you group slides in an existing presentation so that you can show that section of the presentation to a particular audience)
custom showраздел презентации
Custom sizing optionsпользовательские параметры изменения размера (Windows 8 Rori)
custom sourceпользовательский источник (A collection of devices and components that act on any source of data to filter, aggregate, transform, and provide intelligent data. You can also combine custom sources to achieve high-level, complex business tasks)
Custom Spam Filter Management optionпараметр "Управление пользовательским фильтром нежелательной почты" (An area on the Spam Filter page that gives IT administrators the ability to select various content attributes of a message that either increase the potential for the message to be quarantined as spam (the "spam score") or absolutely quarantine messages that contain specific attributes. Rori)
custom subnet maskнастраиваемая маска подсети (A subnet mask that is not based on the Internet address classes. Custom subnet masks are commonly used when subnetting)
custom tableнастраиваемая таблица (A type of filter that enables users to choose from a list and then drive dashboard content from multiple data sources)
custom tableнастраиваемая таблица (A type of filter that enables users to choose from a list and then drive dashboard content from multiple data sources. Rori)
custom taskособая задача (narod.ru bojana)
custom taskнастраиваемая задача (ssn)
custom task paneнастраиваемая область задач (An .html file whose content is displayed in a window next to a form. Custom task panes can provide form-specific commands and Help content)
Custom Task Wizardмастер настраиваемых задач (A wizard that will help users to define a custom task for their workflow. Custom Task can be used to collect information from workflow participants. That information will be stored in the Tasks list for the site and can be used later in the workflow via workflow lookup)
custom templateнастраиваемый шаблон (Andy)
custom themingнастройка темы (The process of customizing the look and feel of the site to reflect the company's style. An administrator can customize the logo, change the background image and theme colors, and change the home page's URL Rori)
custom timing functionпользовательская функция распределения времени (Expression Blend Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
custom toolbarнастраиваемая панель инструментов (A toolbar that you create for your application)
custom trace listenerпользовательский прослушиватель трассировки (microsoft.com bojana)
custom updateпользовательское обновление (An update, patch, or upgrade to software other than those available through Microsoft Update)
custom validation ruleпользовательское правило проверки (microsoft.com bojana)
custom valueнастраиваемое значение (Andy)
custom valueпользовательское значение (Andy)
custom variableпользовательская переменная (A variable provided by package developers)
Develop Custom SoftwareРазработка специального программного обеспечения (WRS – Partner ssn)
Failed to delete document custom properties.Ошибка при удалении индивидуальных свойств документа (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
Ignore custom consent settingsИгнорировать настроенные параметры разрешения (Windows 7 Rori)
initialize custom classes with valuesинициализировать пользовательские классы значениями (microsoft.com bojana)
Insert as custom eventВставить как настраиваемое событие (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
Invalid custom fieldнедопустимое настраиваемое поле (Office System 2010 Rori)
managed custom folderуправляемая настраиваемая папка (A type of managed folder that is created by an Exchange administrator and placed in a user's mailbox for messaging records management (MRM) purposes. The retention and journaling of messages in managed custom folders are controlled by managed content settings that are applied to the folder)
merge using custom code is not supportedобъединение с использованием пользовательского кода не поддерживается (Rori)
PC custom functionalityдополнительные функциональные возможности компьютера (Windows 8 Rori)
Registrar for diagram custom elementsрегистратор для настраиваемых событий диаграммы (System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012 SP1 Rori)
Ribbon Custom Actionнастраиваемое действие ленты (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
Role Custom Fieldнастраиваемое поле роли (Project 2013 Rori)
Save Custom Properties as a Templateсохранение пользовательских свойств в качестве шаблона (Windows 8 Rori)
select custom settingsвыбрать пользовательские настройки (SQL Server 2008 Rori)
Select the type of picture you want to scan, or create custom settingsВыберите тип фотографий для сканирования или создайте особые параметры настройки (Windows Server 2003 SP1)
Specify the custom settings to be enforced for usersУкажите пользовательские параметры для принудительного применения к пользователям (System Center Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 Rori)
the browser is disabled because custom MDX expressions were defined in the Advanced tab.Обозреватель отключён, поскольку пользовательские многомерные выражения определены во вкладке "Дополнительно" (SQL Server 2005 SP2)
this enterprise custom field has been specified as allowing selection of leaf nodes onlyэто корпоративное настраиваемое поле допускает выбор только оконечных узлов. (Office System 2010)
Use custom eventИспользовать специальное событие (Office System 2010 ssn)
Use my custom settingsИспользовать параметры пользователя (Windows 8 Rori)
using custom code to merge forms is not supportedиспользование пользовательского кода для объединения форм не поддерживается (Rori)