
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing Curve | all forms
Dead Man's Curveопасный поворот (wikipedia.org bookworm)
hairpin curveкрутой поворот (Anglophile)
throw a curveсделать неожиданный "сюрприз" (​Mother ​Nature ​threw us a ​curve ​ball last ​winter with ​record-breaking ​amounts of ​snow. Val_Ships)
throw a curveвызвать удивление (idiom; They threw me a curve when they said that our department would be combined with yours. Val_Ships)
throw someone a curveсделать неожиданный поступок (The boss threw me a curve when he announced that I was getting a raise. Val_Ships)
throw a curveпреподнести "сюрприз" (idiom; ​Mother ​Nature ​threw us a ​curve ​ball last ​winter with ​record-breaking ​amounts of ​snow. Val_Ships)
throw a curveвызвать удивление (They threw me a curve when they said that our department would be combined with yours.)
throw a curveпреподнести неожиданный "сюрприз" (Val_Ships)
throw sb a curveзадать вопрос на засыпку (Anglophile)