
Terms for subject Aviation containing Connecting Flight | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
catch a connecting flightсовершать пересадку (sankozh)
catch a connecting flightуспеть на стыковочный рейс (How to catch a connecting flight with same airline 'More)
connecting flightтранзитный рейс (VLZ_58)
connecting flightстыковочный рейс (That requires the passengers to change from one plane or airline to another at an intermediate point (called connecting point) on way to their destination.) e.g. Many journeys by air involve connecting flights. This is when you have to take more than one flight to reach your destination.(UK site)
connecting flightстыковочный рейс
connecting flightрейс с пересадкой (Alexandinah)
connecting flightвнутренний перелёт (Acruxia)
flight connecting timeвремя стыковки рейсов (sankozh)
miss a connecting flightопоздать на стыковочный рейс (e.g. Delta.com is a great place to find helpful information anytime flights are delayed, cancelled or connecting flights are missed. 'More)
miss one's connecting flightопоздать на стыковочный рейс (e.g. What happens if I miss my connecting flight? 'More)
missed connecting flightпропущенный стыковочный рейс ('More)
missed connecting flight compensationкомпенсация за опоздание на стыковочный рейс ('More)