
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Composite | all forms | exact matches only
composite applicationсоставное приложение (An application that consists of both client-side and Web-based components)
composite bus enumeratorкомпозитный перечислитель шины (A bus enumerator for composite devices)
composite characterсоставной знак (A text element consisting of a base character and a diacritic or accent mark. Although most common in the Latin script, other scripts (including Greek, Devanagari, and Tamil) also have composite characters)
composite circuitкомплексная цепь (ssn)
composite controlсоставной элемент управления (A custom server control that consists of a custom collection of other server controls as child controls)
composite data typeсоставной тип данных (ssn)
composite data typeсоставные типы данных (A data type where the sum of the members is larger than all individual members taken together, such as a structure or an array)
composite domain rulesправила составного домена (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
composite indexсоставной индекс (An index that uses more than one column in a table to index data)
composite keyсоставной ключ (A key whose definition consists of two or more fields in a file, columns in a table, or attributes in a relation)
composite objectсоставной объект (A high-level object made of tightly bound parts. A composite object is an instance of a composite class, which implies the composition aggregation between the class and its parts)
composite planкомпозитный план (A plan that is calculated by summing discrete components and which is usually associated with a span of time. This is often an annual cash bonus plan or other plan that depends on measurable past performance)
composite stateсоставное состояние (In a statechart diagram, a state that has been decomposed into concurrent (representing and relationships) or mutually exclusive (representing or relationships) substates)
composite workflow for service-oriented applicationsкомплексные процессы в сервис-ориентированных приложениях (Windows 7 ssn)
digital logic composite circuitцифровая логическая комплексная цепь (комплексная цепь. Visio 2007 ssn)
the attribute has a composite key and cannot be updated using this writeback syntax.Атрибут имеет составной ключ и не может быть обновлён с использованием данного синтаксиса обратной записи (SQL Server 2012)