
Terms for subject European Bank for Reconstruction and Development containing Complaints | all forms | exact matches only
complaints procedureпорядок подачи претензий (raf)
complaints procedureпорядок обжалования (a prescribed method of lodging a complaint to an institution Usage examples "The proper place for this to be dealt with is through the NHS complaints procedure ," said acting chief executive Nigel Edwards. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL (2002) Companies are obliged to inform policyholders about their complaints procedure and about the FOS. TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES (2005) The other important check on bureaucratic dominance is the provision of a high-level complaints procedure through ombudsmen. Brown, Muriel & Payne Sarah INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ADMINISTRATION IN BRITAIN The report drew attention to the lack of an independent police complaints procedure in this State, such as now exists in Northern Ireland. IRISH TIMES (2002) Yet 28 per cent of institutions still have no formal student complaints procedure. INDEPENDENT (1998). Collins Alexander Demidov)
complaints procedureпорядок подачи жалоб (raf)