
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing Close | all forms | exact matches only
get closeподойти близко (to sth., to sb. – к чему-л., к кому-л.: It's too hot, you can't get close to it. -- Он слишком горячий, к нему нельзя близко подойти. ART Vancouver)
keep a close eye onвнимательно следить за (keep a close eye on the situation ART Vancouver)
not even closeсовсем холодно (по аналогии с игрой "горячо-холодно" Халеев)
pay close attention toвнимательно следить за (Laurel Burch paid close attention to the details of how department stores marketed her products – T-shirts, enamel jewelry, ceramics, paintings, scarves, and tote bags, which were sold by thousands of stores. ART Vancouver)
up close and personalвблизи (Халеев)
up close and personalсугубо личное (more intimately than one might have wished for Val_Ships)
up close and personalкрупным планом (Халеев)