
Terms for subject Religion containing Children | all forms | exact matches only
Abraham's childrenдети Авраама
Child of Godдочь Церкви Христовой
Child of Godсын Церкви Христовой (One converted by special grace and adopted into the holy family of God's Church)
Child of Godдитя Божие (In the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church, one who has been baptized)
child of our grandmother Eveдочь Евы
child-ritesобряд крещения детей
child's leaderдетоводитель
children of Asaphсыны Асафа
children of Asaphсыновья Асафа
children of disobedienceсыны противления (Lena Nolte)
children of Godдети Божии
children of Godчада Божии
children of Godдети Божьи
Children of IsraelПеренёс ночью (The 17th surah of the Glorious Quran; 17-я сура Священного Корана)
children of Israelевреи
children of Israelсыны Израилевы (Lena Nolte)
children of Israelсыны Израиля
children of lightсыны света
children of Zionсыны Сиона
Children's CrusadeДетский крестовый поход (A religious movement in Europe during the summer of 1212 in which thousands of children set out to conquer the Holy Land from the Muslims by love instead of by force)
chrisom childумерший во младенчестве (A child that dies in its first month)
chrisom childневинное дитя
christ childмладенец Христос
divine childбожественный младенец
Divine ChildМладенец Христос
Limbo of childrenлимбус инфантиум
Limbo of childrenчистилище младенцев (Limbo for children who die before baptism)
madonna and childмадонна с младенцем
Madonna and ChildБогоматерь с Младенцем
Mother and ChildБогородица с Младенцем
naming and blessing childrenнаречение и благословение детей
Song of the Three ChildrenПесня трёх юношей
Song of the Three ChildrenПеснь трёх отроков (An apocryphal book in the Septuagint and the Vulgate included as part of the Book of Daniel)
spirit childrenдуховные дети
stand godmother to a childстать крёстной матерью ребёнка
virgin and childмадонна с младенцем