
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing Chicken | all forms | exact matches only
be chickenтру́сить
busy as a hen with one chickenочень занятый (Bobrovska)
busy as a hen with one chickenтрудолюбивый (Bobrovska)
but Thomas all the while is busy with the chickenа Васька слушает да ест
chicken feedс гулькин нос (VLZ_58)
chicken outтру́сить
chicken outизбегать (Interex)
chicken outуйти в кусты (VLZ_58)
chicken outуклоняться (Interex)
chicken outсторониться (To shy away . Interex)
chicken outподжать хвост (Andrey Truhachev)
put the egg before the chickenставить телегу впереди лошади (amorgen)
run around like a chicken with its head cut offпотерять голову (VLZ_58)
run around like a chicken with its head cut offдействовать сумбурно (The president doesn't know what to do. He's running around like a chicken with its head cut off. VLZ_58)
she would put legs under a chickenона заговорит тебя до смерти (collegia)
spring chickenне первой молодости (Andy)
the chicken or the eggкурица или яйцо (см. что было раньше: курица или яйцо?: I set out to answer the question, is social media making us more narcissistic? Or what is it: the chicken or the egg? Or is a narcissist just attracted to social media? wikipedia.org, cihealth.org Shabe)
there's no need to run around like a chicken with its head cut off!не пори горячку!
to chicken outтру́сить (В.И.Макаров)