
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Certificates | all forms | exact matches only
Active Directory Certificate Servicesслужбы сертификатов Active Directory (A software service that issues certificates for a particular certification authority (CA). It provides customizable services for issuing and managing certificates for the enterprise. Certificates can be used to provide authentication support, including secure e-mail, Web-based authentication, and smart-card authentication)
Arbitrary Certificate Indexпроизвольный индекс сертификата (Windows 8.1 Rori)
CA Certificateсертификат ЦС (ЦС – центр сертификации Andy)
CA-Signed Certificateсертификат, подписанный ЦС (Andy)
Centralized Certificatesцентрализованные сертификаты (An IIS feature that provides a single SSL certificate store for a server farm (web farm) and simplifies the management of SSL bindings)
certificate authenticationпроверка подлинности на основе сертификата (A form of IIS authentication in which IIS accepts client-certificates used to prove the client's identity. Using this form of authentication, IIS can optionally map a client certificate to a Windows user account by using an internal mapping table or Active Directory)
certificate bindingпривязка сертификата (Windows 8.1 ssn)
certificate chainцепочка сертификатов (A sequence of certificates, where each certificate in the sequence is signed by the subsequent certificate. The last certificate in the chain is normally a self-signed certificate)
certificate chainingпостроение цепочки сертификатов (A process that builds one or more certificate paths. The certificate paths may or may not trace up to a self-signed or root certificate)
certificate enrollmentрегистрация сертификата (The process of requesting, receiving, and installing a certificate)
certificate enrollment policyполитика регистрации сертификатов (A set of rules governing certificate enrollment)
Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Serviceвеб-служба политик регистрации сертификатов (A role service within the AD CS server role that enables users and computers to obtain certificate enrollment policy information even when the computer is not a member of a domain or if a domain-joined computer is temporarily outside the security boundary of the corporate network. Rori)
Certificate Enrollment Web Serviceвеб-служба регистрации сертификатов (A role service within the AD CS server role that enables users and computers to enroll for and renew certificates even when the computer is not a member of a domain or if a domain-joined computer is temporarily outside the security boundary of the computer network. Rori)
certificate holdсертификат на удержании (microsoft.com bojana)
Certificate is not validСертификат недействителен (microsoft.com Richard Rahl)
certificate issuanceвыдача сертификатов (The process of generating, issuing and publishing certificates, typically in accordance with the applicable certificate issuance policy)
certificate issuance policyполитика выдачи сертификатов (A set of rules that defines all the security-relevant requirements (such as key management and authentication levels) that must be met when certificates are issued to users)
certificate of authenticityсертификат подлинности (A label with sophisticated anti-counterfeiting features that helps the end user identify that the computer uses a validly licensed copy of Microsoft Windows. The product name and a unique product key appear in the center of the label. The OEM must physically attach the COA label to the computer chassis, and it should never be removed from the computer)
Certificate Renewal Optionsпараметры обновления сертификата (Windows Server 2003 SP1 Rori)
certificate revocationотзыв сертификата (microsoft.com bojana)
certificate revocation checkingпроверка отзыва сертификата (A way to see if a certificate used to sign a message is valid. Outlook can check the status of the certificate from the issuing certification authority's database)
certificate revocation listсписок отзыва сертификатов (A document maintained and published by a certification authority that lists certificates that have been revoked)
certificate revocation list distribution pointточка распространения списка отзыва сертификатов (A certificate extension that indicates where the certificate revocation list for a CA can be retrieved. It can contain none, one, or many HTTP, file, or LDAP URLs)
Certificate Servicesслужбы сертификатов (A software service that issues certificates for a particular certification authority. It provides customizable services for issuing and managing certificates for the enterprise. Certificates can be used to provide authentication support, including secure e-mail, Web-based authentication, and smart-card authentication)
certificate storeхранилище сертификатов (A permanent storage where certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists are stored. A certificate store can also be temporary when working with session-based certificates)
certificate templateшаблон сертификата (microsoft.com bojana)
certificate trust listсписок доверия сертификатов (A signed list of root certification authority certificates that an administrator considers reputable for designated purposes, such as client authentication or secure e-mail)
certificate trust validationпроверка доверия сертификата (The validation process that determines if a certificate chains to a root CA certificate that is trusted by the actual security context)
certificates snap-inоснастка диспетчера сертификатов (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that is used to manage certificate stores for users, computers, and services)
certificates snap-inОснастка диспетчера сертификатов
client authentication certificateсертификат проверки подлинности клиента (microsoft.com bojana)
client certificateсертификат клиента (A digital certificate that functions in a manner that is similar to a driver's license or passport. Client certificates can contain detailed identification information about the user and organization that issued the certificate)
client certificate mapping authenticationпроверка подлинности с сопоставлением сертификата клиента (microsoft.com bojana)
Client Licensor Certificate IDкод сертификата лицензиара клиента (Windows 8 Rori)
default certificate templateшаблон сертификата по умолчанию (microsoft.com bojana)
domain certificateсертификат домена (microsoft.com bojana)
exemption certificateсертификат исключения (An X.509 certificate that serves to exempt computers from NAP health checks. Server computers can use exemption certificates to participate in IPsec-protected communications on NAP-enabled networks)
health certificateсертификат работоспособности (An X.509 certificate that asserts the health of a client computer. Client computers can use this certificate to prove their identities and health through security services and mechanisms such as Internet Protocol security (IPsec) and Internet Key Exchange (IKE), which recognize the X.509 standard)
health certificateсертификаты работоспособности
Health Certificate Enrollment Protocolпротокол подачи заявок на сертификаты работоспособности (The protocol used by the NAP agent to request health certificates from the Health Registration Authority (HRA) and to prove the health of a client computer)
hosted cache certificateсертификат размещённого кэша (ssn)
hosted cache certificate statusсостояние сертификата размещённого кэша (Windows 10 ssn)
intermediate certificateпромежуточный сертификат (A certificate that authenticates another certificate in a certificate chain)
license certificateсертификат лицензии (Andy)
Licensor Certificateсертификат лицензиара (Windows 8 Rori)
management certificateсертификат управления (An X.509 v3 certificate used to authenticate an agent (such as, the Windows Azure Tools for Visual Studio) acting on behalf of the subscription owner to manage subscription resources (such as hosted services))
online certificate status protocolпротокол состояния сетевого сертификата (spanishru)
Online Certificate Status Protocol responderответчик OCSP (A computer on which the Online Responder service and Online Responder web proxy are running)
personal certificateличный сертификат (A certificate that identifies an individual software user)
PKI certificatePKI-сертификат (A system of digital certificates, certification authorities, and other registration authorities that verify and authenticate the validity of each party involved in an electronic transaction)
privilege attribute certificateсертификат атрибута привилегий (An item provided and signed by the DCE security server that is both a proof of identity and a list of group memberships)
Public Key Infrastructure certificateсертификат инфраструктуры открытых ключей (A system of digital certificates, certification authorities, and other registration authorities that verify and authenticate the validity of each party involved in an electronic transaction)
Qualified Certificateпроверенный сертификат
revoked certificateотозванный сертификат (A certificate that has been cancelled by a certificate authority (CA) and is no longer valid)
rights account certificateсертификат учётной записи управления правами (RAC microsoft.com bojana)
root certificateкорневой сертификат (A self-signed certification authority certificate)
root certificate authorityкорневой центр сертификации (Arkadi Burkov)
Scan Management failed when calling into the certificate selection code.Сбой управления сканированием при вызове кода выбора сертификата (Windows 8 Rori)
security certificateсертификат безопасности (A digital document that is commonly used for authentication and to help secure information on a network. A certificate binds a public key to an entity that holds the corresponding private key. Certificates are digitally signed by the certification authority that issues them, and they can be issued for a user, a computer, or a service)
Select this checkbox only if you trust that sites are legitimate even if their certificate name does not exactly match.этот флажок следует устанавливать, только если вы уверены, что сайты являются надёжными, несмотря на неполное соответствие имен их сертификатов. (Office System 2010, SharePoint Portal Server 2007)
self-signed certificateсамозаверяющий сертификат (In the absence of a certification authority (CA) that is capable of issuing file encryption certificates, a certificate that is generated and digitally signed with its own key)
server authentication certificateсертификат проверки подлинности сервера (microsoft.com bojana)
server certificateсертификат сервера (A unique digital identification that forms the basis of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security features on a Web site. Server certificates are obtained from a trusted, third-party organization called a certification authority, and they provide a way for users to authenticate the identity of a Web site)
service certificateсертификат службы (A certificate issued by a signing authority verifying a cloud service's authenticity and security)
service communication certificateсертификат взаимодействия служб (microsoft.com bojana)
SSL certificateSSL-сертификат (A certificate used to provide SSL. It encrypts traffic and verifies the identity of the server)
SSL client certificateSSL-сертификат клиента
SSL client certificate mapping authenticationпроверка подлинности с сопоставлением SSL-сертификатов клиентов (A method of authentication where certificates are used on the client and a mapping is made on the server (or possibly on the Active directory domain controller) to determine which client certificates should be allowed access to the site)
SSL server certificateSSL-сертификат сервера (A certificate that contains information that identifies the server, as well as information about the organization that issued the certificate)
token decrypting certificateсертификат расшифровки токенов (A standard X509 certificate that is used to decrypt any incoming token. Rori)
token signing certificateсертификат для подписи маркёра (An X509 certificate whose associated public/private key pair is used by federation servers to digitally sign all security tokens that they produce)
token-decryption certificateсертификат расшифровки токенов (microsoft.com bojana)
token-signing certificateсертификат подписи токена (microsoft.com bojana)
token-signing certificateсертификат для подписи маркера (An X509 certificate whose associated public/private key pair is used by federation servers to digitally sign all security tokens that they produce. Rori)
token-signing certificateсертификат для подписи токена (microsoft.com bojana)
unrevoke certificateотмена отзыва сертификата (microsoft.com bojana)
User Self Trust Certificateавтономный пользовательский сертификат (In the absence of a certification authority (CA) that is capable of issuing file encryption certificates, a certificate that is generated and digitally signed by applications on behalf of the user)
verification certificateсертификат проверки (microsoft.com bojana)
Web Site Certificate Wizardмастер сертификатов веб-узлов
X.509 certificateсертификат X.509 (A cryptographic certificate that contains a vendor's unique name and the public key)