
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Cases | all forms
acronym casing guidelineправило использования прописных или строчных букв в акронимах (A rule that clarifies whether an acronym is to be spelt with upper- or lowercase letter or a mix)
camel case"верблюжий" стиль (vlad-and-slav)
Case No.номер обращения (The number given to a specific case for identification purposes)
case prefixпрефикс обращений (Dynamics CRM 5.0 ssn)
case resolutionразрешение обращения (An activity that includes such information as the description of the resolution and the billable time of the case)
Case Sensitive Stringстрока с учётом регистра (Andrey_Koz)
Case-sensitive string matchсопоставление строк с учётом регистра (Andrey_Koz)
case sensitivityучёт регистра (Discrimination between lowercase and uppercase characters in a program or a programming language. Rori)
Case Typeтип обращения
Controls case sensitivity on searchingвключение и выключение учёта регистра знаков при поиске (Office System 2010 Rori)
Create test case from bugСоздать тестовый случай из ошибки (Visual Studio 2013 VS Update Rori)
Link Bug to Existing Test CaseСвязать ошибку с имеющимся тестовым случаем (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
sealed case PCневскрываемый корпус (A chassis type that can be reported by the Win32_SystemEnclosure class in Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and that refers to a computer whose case is not meant to be opened by anyone but the original equipment manufacturer)
test caseтестовый случай (A specification that describes the goals of a test, the results that the test might produce, the circumstances in which it will be run, and how it should be implemented)
Test case created from bugТестовый случай создан на основании ошибки (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
the case-sensitive passwords do not match.Пароли, чувствительные к регистру, не совпадают (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2)
the case-sensitive passwords do not match.Вводимые с учётом регистра пароли не совпадают (System Center Operations Manager 2012 SP1)
Toggle Find's case sensitivity optionПереключить режим поиска с учётом регистра знаков. (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
Type name case-sensitivity testПроверка чувствительности к регистру имени типа (Windows 8.1 Rori)
use caseвариант использования (A collection of scenarios which make up a behaviorally related sequence of interactions that a user performs in a dialog with a system)
use case diagramсхема вариантов использования (A diagram that shows the external actors who will interact with your system and how they will use it. The diagram consists of a system boundary, actors, use cases, and use case relationships (communicates, uses, and extends))