
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Calculated | all forms | exact matches only
calculated Cellвычисляемая ячейка (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
calculated columnвычисляемый столбец (A type of column that displays the results of mathematical or logical operations or expressions instead of stored data)
calculated controlвычисляемый элемент управления (A control used on a form, report, or data access page to display the result of an expression. The result is recalculated each time there is a change in any of the values that the expression is based on)
calculated expressionвычисляемое выражение (An expression that is not constant, but whose value depends upon other values. To be evaluated, a calculated expression must obtain and compute values from other sources, typically in other fields or rows)
calculated fieldвычисляемое поле (A field defined in a query that displays the result of an expression rather than displaying stored data. The value is recalculated each time a value in the expression changes)
calculated measureвычисляемый показатель (A measure whose value is calculated at run time by using an expression)
calculated memberвычисляемый элемент (A member of a dimension whose value is calculated at run time by using an expression. Calculated member values can be derived from the values of other members)
calculated metricвычисляемая метрика (A metric that is based on the result of an expression, rather than originating from a data source)
Calculated Metricsвычисляемые метрики (A feature that enables users to create simple calculations using one or more KPI values. This reduces the amount of MDX that is required to create complex scorecards)
calculated valueвычисляемое значение (A read-only value that is the result of a lookup or calculation against the data using an XPath expression)
overtime calculated on the employee on the current dayсверхурочные, рассчитанные для сотрудника на текущий день (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 ssn)