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muster up the courageнабраться храбрости (также muster the courage, без up: I had never been able to muster up the courage to pop the question until now. • As golden hour settles in around a hiker in the Santa Lucia Mountains of the Central California Coast, what should be a peaceful moment in nature turns to one of panic. The solo traveler can’t shake the feeling he’s being watched. Looking around wildly, his gaze settles on an eerie figure surrounded by swirling mist on a peak ahead. It looks like a very tall human with a walking stick and hat, just watching. Mustering the courage, the hiker steps toward the figure. As he does, the mysterious being quickly vanishes into the surrounding fog, leaving the hiker with a sense of dread. Нe has just encountered a notorious “dark watcher.” (atlasobscura.com) ART Vancouver)