
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing CAME | all forms | exact matches only
after a storm comes a calmпосле бури затишье
after dinner comes the reckoningвсе там будем (Yeldar Azanbayev)
after dinner comes the reckoningне всё коту масленица (Yeldar Azanbayev)
came out of the blueстало полной неожиданностью (The decision to cancel the contract came out of the blue. ART Vancouver)
the chickens came home to roostнаграда нашла героя (Вариант перевода на английский язык Alexander Oshis)
Christmas came earlyсчастье привалило (Nrml Kss)
come a cropperсесть в калошу (Yeldar Azanbayev)
come a cropperспечься (grafleonov)
come a cropperпровалиться с треском (Yeldar Azanbayev)
come a cropperсесть в лужу (Yeldar Azanbayev)
come a howlerсесть в галошу
come a howlerпровалиться с треском (Yeldar Azanbayev)
come a howlerсесть в лужу (Yeldar Azanbayev)
come a long wayдобиться большого успеха (to become very successful (Merriam-Webster): He's come a long way from his days as a young reporter. Now he's one of the country's most respected journalists. (Merriam-Webster) ART Vancouver)
come a long wayпройти славный путь (We have come a long way from the humble beginnings to a billion-dollar empire. ART Vancouver)
come a purlerрастянуться во весь рост ("Only one thing, indeed, could have pleased me more – if I had been informed that Sir Watkyn Bassett had trodden on the soap and come a purler in the bathtub." (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
come a purlerгрохнуться (головой вперёд, во весь рост: "Only one thing, indeed, could have pleased me more – if I had been informed that Sir Watkyn Bassett had trodden on the soap and come a purler in the bathtub." (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
come a purlerшлёпнуться (головой вперёд, во весь рост: "Only one thing, indeed, could have pleased me more – if I had been informed that Sir Watkyn Bassett had trodden on the soap and come a purler in the bathtub." (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
come aboardприсоединиться (к группе: James 'JY' Young is the lead guitarist for the American rock band Styx, having served as the only continuous original member of the band during the group's fifty-year run. The members of the founding line-up of Styx include twin brothers Chuck and John Panozzo, Dennis DeYoung who lived across the street from them, John Curulewski who they met at college, and Young who was last to come aboard. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
come acrossвыражать (чувства, эмоции Interex)
come acrossбыть понятым (Interex)
come at a costиметь свою цену (Баян)
come at a priceдаться не бесплатно (However, this power comes at a price – Однако эта мощь дается не бесплатно. ( at a price lingvo-online.ru inyazserg)
come back again like a bad shillingвозвращаться к владельцу против его желания (о предметах и животных Bobrovska)
come back down to earth with a bump/bangвернуться с неба на землю (Commissioner)
come back to bite you in the assвернуться бумерангом (Your poor treatment of your employees might come back to bite you in the ass some day. VLZ_58)
come back to bite you laterпоплатиться (It'll come back to bite you. VLZ_58)
come back to bite you laterвернуться бумерангом (VLZ_58)
come back to hauntполучать по заслугам (someone); You've been treating people like cow manure lately and it's finally coming back to haunt you. VLZ_58)
come back to hauntаукнуться (someone Баян)
come back to hauntвоздаваться сторицей (someone); You've been treating people like cow manure lately and it's finally coming back to haunt you. VLZ_58; "воздаваться сторицей" имеет только положительный смысл OLGA P.)
come back to hauntпреследовать (someone); I never dreamed that a little thing like a traffic ticket could come back to haunt me years later. VLZ_58)
come cleanвыложить начистоту (ART Vancouver)
come cleanпризнаться во всём (Ben said, "We've kept it hush-hush because of the tourism benefits of ‘bownessie' and the possible embarrassment of losing him once or twice, but due to pressure from National news outlets that found out we had Snappy and the connection between escapes and sightings, it's time to come clean to the public. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
come cleanпризнаваться ('Come clean, Bill. Did you back a loser in the Oaks?' (P.G. Wodehouse) -- Признавайся, Билл ART Vancouver)
come cleanсознаться (on – в: When questioned, he broke down and came clean, admitting that he had murdered his wife, mother-in-law and her dog. – сознался ART Vancouver)
come cleanсознаться во всём (Ben said, "We've kept it hush-hush because of the tourism benefits of ‘bownessie' and the possible embarrassment of losing him once or twice, but due to pressure from National news outlets that found out we had Snappy and the connection between escapes and sightings, it's time to come clean to the public. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
come cleanоткрыть карты (The government must come clean on true Olympic costs, demands the opposition. ART Vancouver)
come crashing downнакрыться медным тазом (Nation Alex_Odeychuk)
come down hard onприжать к ногтю (Если полиция поймает его, то прижмёт нас к ногтю за то, что мы ему помогали. If the police catch him, they’ll come down hard on us, too, for having helped him. VLZ_58)
come down in someone's opinionупасть в глазах (Andrey Truhachev)
come down on someone like a ton of bricksстереть в порошок (Yeldar Azanbayev)
come down on smb. like a cart-load of bricksзадать головомойку (Bobrovska)
come down on smb. like a cart-load of bricksобрушиться на кого-л. (Bobrovska)
come down on smb. like a cart-load of bricksнаброситься на кого-л. (Bobrovska)
come down the pikeприближаться (US: to appear or be noticed for the first time (Cambridge Dictionary) | When something comes down the pike, it happens or occurs (Collins Dictionary) ART Vancouver)
come down the pikeнадвигаться (US: to appear or be noticed for the first time (Cambridge Dictionary) | When something comes down the pike, it happens or occurs (Collins Dictionary) ART Vancouver)
come down the pikeидти (it's coming down the pike – к этому всё идёт ART Vancouver)
come down toрассчитывать на что-либо (Interex)
come down toзависеть от чего-либо (To depend upon, basically, ultimately or in essence. Interex)
come down to bedrockдокопаться до сути дела (Bobrovska)
come down to bedrockдобраться до сути дела (Bobrovska)
come down to usсохраниться до сегодняшнего дня (survive to the present day Interex)
come down withпринять (Interex)
come down withприобрести (Interex)
come down withполучить (Interex)
come down withзаключить (Interex)
come down withвзять (To contract or get. Interex)
come face-to-faceстолкнуться лицом к лицу (with – с: She talked about coming face-to-face with spirits, including a man in a tan baseball hat and a homeless man with a dog. Often the spirits aren't seen, but are heard, felt, or even smelled instead, she added. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
come fast and furiousсыпаться со всех сторон (The questions were coming at me fast and furious. VLZ_58)
come home to roostобернуться боком (VLZ_58)
come in a flashосенить (The thing's perfectly clear. It came to me in a flash, as we were talking. – Меня осенило ART Vancouver)
come in contactстолкнуться (to meet up with and learn about someone or something: I have never come in contact with anything so difficult. • Have you ever come into contact with trigonometry before? 4uzhoj)
come in handyоказаться как нельзя кстати (Alex_Odeychuk)
come in on the ground floorвступить в дело с самого начала (VLZ_58)
come in on the ground floorначать работу в компании с самой низкой должности (VLZ_58)
come into fruitionреализовываться (Баян)
come into fruitionматериализовываться (Баян)
come into fruitionвоплощаться в жизнь (Баян)
come into fruitionпретворяться в жизнь (Баян)
come into someone's handsподвернуться под руку (VLZ_58)
come into one's ownполучить обратно то, что принадлежало по праву (Everywhere the people would come into their own, and war and tyranny would vanish like a hateful nightmare! (U. Sinclair, ‘Jimmie Higgins', ch. XII) – Повсюду народ станет хозяином того, что принадлежит ему по праву, и война и тирания исчезнут, как тяжёлый кошмар! VLZ_58)
come into one's ownвзять своё (VLZ_58)
come into one's ownзавоевать успех (VLZ_58)
come into one's ownзавоевать признание (george serebryakov)
come into one's ownполучить признание (george serebryakov)
come into playпойти в ход (Alexgrus)
come into the pictureвыступать на сцену (Andrey Truhachev)
come into the pictureвыступать на первый план (Andrey Truhachev)
come into the pictureфигурировать (Andrey Truhachev)
come into the pictureвозникать (Andrey Truhachev)
come into the pictureпринимать участие (VLZ_58)
come into the pictureпоявиться (Andrey Truhachev)
come into the pictureиметь касательство (Andrey Truhachev)
come into the pictureне обошлось без (Terrified residents of a quiet rural town in Oregon began to report hearing an unearthly loud shrieking noise piercing out from the surrounding countryside at night that no one could explain. The nerve-wracking sound was described variously as being a shrill squeal, a mechanical scream, metal scraping against metal, an off-kilter siren, or a banshee-like moan. Yes, of course, aliens come into the picture. Other wild theories included that the sound was made by UFOs or that it was the wailing of a ghost or some strange creature like a Sasquatch, or even the portentous trumpeting of angels from Heaven. ART Vancouver)
come into the pictureбыть вовлечённым (They had assumed that it was another gang execution, and had questioned hoodlums with records in the rackets and a history of strong-arm. Since Vito had never been in trouble he never came into the picture. VLZ_58)
come into the pictureкасаться (чего-либо Andrey Truhachev)
come into the pictureиметь отношение (к Andrey Truhachev)
come into the pictureвозникнуть (Andrey Truhachev)
come into the pictureвыходить на первый план (Andrey Truhachev)
come into the pictureвыйти на первый план (Andrey Truhachev)
come into the pictureвмешиваться ("It isn't a question of which hockey team should play," Brundage said. "It is, one, whether the Olympic Games are for amateurs or for business institutions like the AHA; and two, whether the National Olympic Committee has the sole authority to certify entries as international rules specify or whether anybody can get into the picture." VLZ_58)
come into the spotlightзаявить о себе (He came into the spotlight as a spokesman for the center-right in 2013, when he stood up to party leaders ahead of the government shutdown 4uzhoj)
come into the spotlightо ком-либо заговорили (What did Edward Snowden do before he came into the spotlight? 4uzhoj)
come into the spotlightобратить на себя внимание (He came into the spotlight as a spokesman for the center-right in 2013, when he stood up to party leaders ahead of the government shutdown 4uzhoj)
come into the spotlightполучить известность (What did Edward Snowden do before he came into the spotlight? • Kinglimaa came into the spotlight in 2016 when she competed in the Miss Minnesota USA event wearing a hijab 4uzhoj)
come it overвешать лапшу на уши (someone Tarija)
come like a dog at a whistleявляться по первому зову (Bobrovska)
come off it!прекрати! (Andrey Truhachev)
come off it!хватит! (Andrey Truhachev)
come off the loserхлебнуть шилом патоки (– "Ну, что, мол? Как расторговались?" Ухмыляется парень: "Плохо". – "Хлебнули шилом патоки?" – "Маленько. Рублей на шестьсот убытку". Короленко. VLZ_58)
come on strongперегибать палку (NGGM)
come on strongбыть слишком напористым (NGGM)
come on the carpetпоявляться (Bobrovska)
come on the heels ofследовать непосредственно за, идти сразу за, букв. "наступать на пятки" (Anakonda)
come on the heels ofидти по пятам (Tsa'tuyo)
come out in drovesпоявиться в большом количестве (The sidewalk salesmen come out in droves today. Val_Ships)
come out of ageдостигать совершеннолетия (Now you have come of age, you should seek a living for yourself. reverso.net mikhailbushin)
come out of armyувольняться в запас (sankozh)
come out of left fieldслучиться неожиданно (sankozh)
come out of left fieldзастать врасплох (sankozh)
come out of nowhereпоявиться как из-под земли (Winds howling, waves crashing at English Bay. Crazy windstorm here tonight. Whole house is shaking. Having grown up in Southern Alberta I'm used to wind, but this gale's just come out of nowhere! Bang. Bang. Flash. Flash. Now we're in darkness. Blown transformers lighting up the sky. Huge wind and rain surge. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
come out of shellразомкнуться (Tom used to be very withdrawn but he's really come out of his shell since Susan took an interest in him. VLZ_58)
come out of shellсбросить скованность (VLZ_58)
come out of one's shellпоказать свою натуру (To reveal one's true self. Interex)
come out of the gateначинать (VLZ_58)
come out of the woodworkповылазить (4uzhoj)
come out of the woodworkпоявляться (выражение имеет негативную окраску: If you try to lose weight, people will come out of the woodwork to offer advice. • Once one woman came out with claims of sexual assault by this man, twelve others were brought out of the woodwork offering their stories.)
come out of the woodworkактивизироваться (Influenced by low-interest rates, many potential home-purchasers have come out of the woodwork. 4uzhoj)
come out of the woodworkпоявляться
come out of the woodworkнабежать (отовсюду: When you have a hit people always come out of the woodwork and try to claim it. • If you try to lose weight, people will come out of the woodwork to offer advice. 4uzhoj)
come out of the woodworkвылазить (4uzhoj)
come out of the woodworkвсплывать (After you've been in a relationship for a while all sorts of little secrets start to come out of the woodwork. 4uzhoj)
come out on the right sideне остаться внакладе (VLZ_58)
come out on the right sideпреуспеть (VLZ_58)
come out on the wrong sideостаться внакладе (VLZ_58)
come out on the wrong sideпонести убытки (VLZ_58)
come out on topзавоевать первое место (ART Vancouver)
come out smelling like a roseвыйти сухим из воды (Sometimes everything you touch turns to shit and other times you swim in a lake of shit and come out smelling like a rose. VLZ_58)
come out of something smelling of rosesвыйти сухим из воды (By reporting his colleagues as soon as he learned of their dishonest business practices, the CEO came out smelling of roses. Anglophile)
come out withвыпустить (новый продукт oliversorge)
come out withвыйти на рынок (с новым продуктом oliversorge)
come out withсказать что-либо неожиданное (To say something unexpected. Interex)
come out wrongвырваться (MichaelBurov)
come out wrongляпнуть не то (MichaelBurov)
come right out with itидти напролом (Kayova)
come straight down to brass tacksперейти сразу к делу (ART Vancouver)
come the acidусложнять (Interex)
come the acidпреувеличивать (To exaggerate. Interex)
come thick and fastпосыпаться как из рога изобилия (...within three days after the first meeting, deals began coming thick and fast. mikhailS)
come thick and fastсыпаться как из рога изобилия (Donations have been coming thick and fast in the wake of the Notre Dame fire. mikhailS)
come thick and fastпосыпаться градом (4uzhoj)
come throughсдержать обещание (to produce or deliver something as promised: Finally, Bob came through with the money he had promised. I knew he would come through. Interex)
come toравняться какой-то сумме (Interex)
come toсоставлять какую-то сумму (to amount to Interex)
come to a headнакалиться до предела (Arky)
come to a headнаступить (о развязке, решающем моменте: Things are coming to a head. – наступает решающий момент • He told how matters came to a head on Saturday night when she allegedly repeatedly stabbed a wall with a knife at their rented house after she got drunk while celebrating his 30th birthday dailymail.co.uk ART Vancouver)
come to a sticky endпопасть как кур в ощип (Yeldar Azanbayev)
come to one's autumnприйти к гибели (Bobrovska)
come to one's autumnрасплачиваться за свои действия (Bobrovska)
come to one's autumnполучать по заслугам (Bobrovska)
come to one's autumnпожинать плоды своего безрассудства (Bobrovska)
come to fruitionвоплотиться в жизнь (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
come to griefиметь катастрофическое последствие (To have a disastrous outcome. Interex)
come to grips withосвоить (Баян)
come to grips withподходить вплотную к решению (cognachennessy)
come to grips withприйти к пониманию (VLZ_58)
come to grips withвступать в борьбу (BrinyMarlin)
come to grips withосмыслить (cognachennessy)
come to grips withпостигнуть (cognachennessy)
come to grips withовладеть (Баян)
come to grips withосваиваться (MargeWebley)
come to grips withосознать ("Our Broncos family is in shock as we try to come to grips with our incredible loss," Kevin Garinger, the team's president, said in a statement. VLZ_58)
come to grips withпринять (Until she comes to grips with her mother's death, she has no hope of putting it behind her.)
come to grips withсвыкнуться с (чем-либо 4uzhoj)
come to handподвернуться под руку (VLZ_58)
come to naughtсходить на нет (lol0chka)
come to naughtсводиться к нулю (lol0chka)
come to realizeосознать (The 17-year-old soldier who was eager to join the trenches in France comes to realize the horrors of warfare. ART Vancouver)
come to realizeприйти к выводу (Баян)
come to realizeпонять (I have come to realize that I not only have the power to make a difference in my community, but I have a responsibility to do it Баян)
come to terms withсмириться с тем, что (After she told her mother on a visit that she was living with Baird, her father wrote her a stern letter, condemning the relationship. Sims replied, telling her parents that they had to come to terms with Tony being an extremely important part of her life. For the next six months she had no contact with her parents. wikipedia.org ART Vancouver)
come to terms with somethingсмириться (с чем-либо ART Vancouver)
come to terms with somethingпримириться (с чем-либо ART Vancouver)
come to the partyприсоединиться (к общему делу: I think Ottawa needs to come to the party and provide funding for a new art gallery. ART Vancouver)
come to the partyподключиться (к общему делу: I think Ottawa needs to come to the party and provide funding for a new art gallery. ART Vancouver)
come to the pointпереходить к главному (Henry was giving a lot of history and explanation, but his father asked him to come to the point. academic.ru Andrey Truhachev)
come to the pointговорить по сути (‘Come to the point,' said Miss Sally, ‘And don't talk so much.' (Ch. Dickens, ‘The Old Curiosity Shop', ch. LI) Andrey Truhachev)
come to the pointпереходить к сути вопроса (‘Come to the point,' said Miss Sally, ‘And don't talk so much.' (Ch. Dickens, ‘The Old Curiosity Shop', ch. LI) Andrey Truhachev)
come to the pointпереходить к делу (‘Come to the point,' said Miss Sally, ‘And don't talk so much.' (Ch. Dickens, ‘The Old Curiosity Shop', ch. LI) Andrey Truhachev)
come to the pointговорить по делу (‘Come to the point,' said Miss Sally, ‘And don't talk so much.' (Ch. Dickens, ‘The Old Curiosity Shop', ch. LI) Andrey Truhachev)
come to the pointпереходить к сути вопроса (Henry was giving a lot of history and explanation, but his father asked him to come to the point. academic.ru Andrey Truhachev)
come to the pointпереходить к сути дела (Henry was giving a lot of history and explanation, but his father asked him to come to the point. academic.ru Andrey Truhachev)
come to the same thingиметь один и тот же эффект (Millbrook)
come to the same thingбыть одним и тем же (Millbrook)
come toe to toeвступать в противоречие (VLZ_58)
come toe to toeсталкиваться (VLZ_58)
come unhingedразозлившийся (To become angered or crazy; to lose control of one's senses or sanity. Interex)
come upпоказать себя (Interex)
come up against a brick wallупереться в стену (be unable to make any progress because there is a difficulty that stops you: e.g. Since he had no more money to spend on the project, he was up against a brick wall. 'More)
come up to the bitслушаться узды (Bobrovska)
come up to the chalkбыть в форме (амер. Bobrovska)
come up trumpsуспешно справиться с задачей (To complete something well or successfully, especially in circumstances in which it isn't expected. Bullfinch)
come uppermostвозобладать ("(...) was also a fathead, and now, when he had victory in his grasp, the fatheaded streak in him came uppermost." (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
come someone's wayподвернуться под руку (VLZ_58)
come one's wayпоявиться ("I hope that more clients will come my way eventually." – появится больше клиентов ART Vancouver)
come one's wayпредставиться (to come one's way; о возможности Баян)
come with the territoryявляться результатом или следствием опр.ситуации (If you're a goalkeeper, you've got to expect injuries – it comes with the territory. Val_Ships)
come with the territoryпринимать как должное (...it come with the territory – ...принимай это как должное Taras)
come with the territoryявляться неотъемлемой частью (работы или деятельности; There is a lot of paperwork in this job. Oh, well, I guess it comes with the territory. Val_Ships)
come wrongповредить (Bobrovska)
come wrongпойти во вред (Bobrovska)
come wrongбыть неподходящим (Bobrovska)
come wrongбыть неприемлемым (Bobrovska)
if it comes to the crunchкогда настанет трудный момент (Andrey Truhachev)
if it comes to the crunchв трудный момент (Andrey Truhachev)
if it comes to the crunchв критический момент (Andrey Truhachev)
if it comes to the crunchпри неблагоприятном раскладе (Andrey Truhachev)
if it comes to the crunchкогда дело дойдёт до худшего (Andrey Truhachev)
if it comes to the crunchкогда дело доходит до худшего (Andrey Truhachev)
if it comes to the crunchкогда дело доходит до крайности (Andrey Truhachev)
if it comes to the crunchв критической ситуации (Andrey Truhachev)
if it comes to the crunchесли дело дойдёт до крайности (Andrey Truhachev)
if push comes to shoveкогда ситуация ухудшится (Taras)
if push comes to shoveкогда до чего-либо дойдет дело (Taras)
if push comes to shoveкогда прижмёт (тж. см. when push comes to shove Taras)
if push comes to shoveкогда положение ухудшится (Taras)
if push comes to shoveкогда дойдет дело до (Taras)
if worse comes to worstв худшем случае (Samburskiy)
it came over the latrine wirelessсорока на хвосте принесла (контекстуально) latrine wireless is the free exchange of information and gossip at the general toilet facilities 4uzhoj)
it came to light thatстало известно, что (The curious spate of incidents reached its current crescendo on Sunday when it came to light that yet another object had been shot down that day. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
take each day as it comesживи сегодняшним днём (Yeldar Azanbayev)
the buttons came off the foilsстрасти разгорелись не на шутку (VLZ_58)
the sweet comes with the bitterнет худа без добра (Гевар)
there's more where that came fromТо ли ещё будет
tomorrow never comesкогда рак на горе свистнет (makhno)
tomorrow never comesпосле дождичка в четверг (makhno)
until it comes to a closeдо конца (Yeldar Azanbayev)
until it comes to a closeпока это не будет завершено (Yeldar Azanbayev)
when it comes to the crunchкогда дело дойдёт до худшего (Andrey Truhachev)
when it comes to the crunchкогда дело доходит до худшего (Andrey Truhachev)
when it comes to the crunchв трудный момент (Andrey Truhachev)
when it comes to the crunchв критический момент (Andrey Truhachev)
when it comes to the crunchпри неблагоприятном раскладе (Andrey Truhachev)
when it comes to the crunchкогда дело доходит до крайности (Andrey Truhachev)
when it comes to the crunchв критической ситуации (Andrey Truhachev)
when it comes to the crunchкогда настанет трудный момент (Andrey Truhachev)
when push came to shoveкогда вопрос встал серьёзно (When push came to shove they didn't step up to the plate. ART Vancouver)
when push comes to a shoveесли ситуация обострится (Nata Shkoda)
when push comes to a shoveна поверку ("We extol the virtues of motherhood and bestow praise on the self-sacrificing homemaker but when push comes to shove, we give her little recognition for what she does" (Los Angeles Times). – Неопределённый артикль не употребляется. VLZ_58)
when push comes to a shoveв действительности (VLZ_58)
when push comes to a shoveна практике (VLZ_58)
when push comes to a shoveесли прижмёт (Nata Shkoda)
when push comes to shoveв критический момент (Andrey Truhachev)
when push comes to shoveв критической ситуации (Andrey Truhachev)
when push comes to shoveпри неблагоприятном раскладе (Andrey Truhachev)
when push comes to shoveкогда дойдет дело до (Taras)
when push comes to shoveкогда ситуация ухудшится (Taras)
when push comes to shoveкогда положение ухудшится (Taras)
when push comes to shoveкогда до чего-либо дойдет дело (Taras)
when push comes to shoveкогда дело дойдёт до худшего (Andrey Truhachev)
when push comes to shoveкогда дело доходит до худшего (Andrey Truhachev)
when push comes to shoveкогда дело доходит до крайности (Andrey Truhachev)
when push comes to shoveв трудный момент (Andrey Truhachev)
when push comes to shoveкогда настанет трудный момент (Andrey Truhachev)
when one's ship comes inкогда счастье улыбнётся (chilin)
when the crunch comesв критический момент (Andrey Truhachev)
when the crunch comesв критической ситуации (Andrey Truhachev)
when the crunch comesкогда дело дойдёт до худшего (Andrey Truhachev)
when the crunch comesкогда дело доходит до худшего (Andrey Truhachev)
when the crunch comesпри неблагоприятном раскладе (Andrey Truhachev)
when the crunch comesв трудный момент (Andrey Truhachev)
when the crunch comesкогда дело доходит до крайности (Andrey Truhachev)
when the crunch comesкогда настанет трудный момент (Andrey Truhachev)
word comesесть известие, что (Yeldar Azanbayev)