
Terms for subject Mathematics containing Both | all forms | exact matches only
a combination of bothи тот, и другой
A quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite sides parallel is called a parallelogramпараллелограммом называется
A regular polygon is a polygon that is both equilateral and equiangularправильный многоугольник
both... andкак ... так
both-and ruleправило умножения (вероятностей)
both-sided alternativeдвусторонняя альтернативная гипотеза
both sides of the equationобе части уравнения (A.Rezvov)
both sides of the equation have meaningобе части уравнения имеют смысл
both the functions are continuousобе функции являются непрерывными (or They both belong to C (0, 1) . or Both of them (...))
continuous in both variablesнепрерывный по обеим переменным
distribution truncated at both endsраспределение, усечённое с обеих сторон
either or bothлюбой из двух или оба вместе
for both vectors and tensors we can introduce various operationsкак для векторов, так и для тензоров мы можем ввести самые различные операции
the equations of equilibrium due to von Karman have been integrated both analytically and numericallyинтегрировались аналитически и численно (by Hart [2] for a thin elastic annular plate over a wide range of load and for three hole sizes)
I am deeply indebted to Dr. T. Ross both for his help and for his criticismя выражаю глубокую благодарность профессору Россу как за его помощь, так и за критические замечания
in general, the Dirichlet problem for the equilibrium equations cannot be solved by the boundary integral equation method both inside and outside a bounded domainкак внутри, так и вне ограниченной области
in how many ways can a ballot be marked for both of these offices?сколькими способами ... ?
in order to obtain the above expansion, we added x to both sides of expressionприбавлять к (1)
in the early 1960s the size and types of problems were limited both by the capacity of early computers and by the lack of algorithm technology for their solvingограничивались отсутствием алгоритмов их решения
most of these two-letter codes apply are applied to both real and complex matricesбольшинство из
on both groundsпо обоим соображениям (On both practical and physical grounds it is of interest, therefore, to determine conditions that will guarantee that K has a unique fixed point.)
on both practical and theoretical groundsкак с практической так и теоретической точки зрения
on both practical and theoretical groundsкак с практической, так и теоретической точки зрения ... (it is of interest, therefore, to determine conditions that will guarantee that K has a unique fixed point)
on both practical and theoretical grounds it is of interestэто интересно как с практической так и теоретической точки зрения
or bothили и то и другое
or bothили и тот и другой
presenting both their theoretical aspects and engineering applicationsпредставляя как теоретические аспекты, так и инженерные приложения (this book assembles the most recent advances in stochastic systems presenting both their theoretical aspects and engineering applications)
take the logarithm of both sides of equationлогарифмировать обе части равенства (2)
the intersection of two geometric figures is the set of points that are common to both figuresпересечением двух геометрических фигур является множество точек, принадлежащих обеим фигурам
the line cuts both the arcsпрямая пересекает обе дуги
the sums of both series converge to the same valueсходиться к одному и тому же значению
we apply d/dz to both sides ofприменим производную d/dz к обеим частям уравнения (3)
we apply d/dz to both sides ofприменим производную d / dz к обеим частям уравнения (3; 3)