
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing Bolt | all forms | exact matches only
a fool's bolt is soon shotу дурака деньги долго не держатся
bolt bucketбольшой автомобиль (Interex)
bolt bucketненадёжный автомобиль (Interex)
bolt bucketтяжеловесный автомобиль (Implies that the machine is clunky or unreliable. Interex)
bolt to the branвнимательно рассмотреть (to examine thoroughly, so as to separate or discover everything important. – Chaucer.)
he is shot his boltон исчерпал все свои возможности
he is shot his boltон сделал всё, что мог
like a bolt from the blueвнезапно (The news came to us like a bolt from the blue. Val_Ships)
like a bolt from the blueнеожиданно и без предупреждения (suddenly and without warning Val_Ships)
like a bolt out of the blueкак обухом по голове (He seemed to be very happy in his job, so his resignation came like a bolt out of the blue. Val_Ships)
like a bolt out of the blueкак гром среди ясного неба (it means that it was sudden and totally unexpected Val_Ships)
like a bolt out of the blueнеожиданно и без предупреждения (suddenly and without warning Val_Ships)
shoot one's boltисчерпать себя (And one had to remember that most of the bimbos to whom Roberta Wickham had been giving the bird through the years had been of the huntin', shootin' and fishin' type, fellows who had more or less shot their bolt after saying ‘Eh, what?' and slapping their leg with a hunting crop. Kipper must have come as a nice change. (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
shoot one's boltвыдохнуться (And one had to remember that most of the bimbos to whom Roberta Wickham had been giving the bird through the years had been of the huntin', shootin' and fishin' type, fellows who had more or less shot their bolt after saying ‘Eh, what?' and slapping their leg with a hunting crop. Kipper must have come as a nice change. (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)