
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Board | all forms | exact matches only
base boardосновная плата (Enotte)
base boardсистемная плата (Enotte)
Bulletin Board Systemэлектронная доска объявлений (An application or computer that makes it possible to join an online community and exchange messages, share files, and participate in Usenet and chat rooms, often at not cost. The BBS found its inspiration in traditional bulletin boards that held participants' posted communication)
change advisory boardсовет по изменениям (A formally constituted group of people representing service delivery and support functions that is responsible for assessing, planning, and authorizing changes to the IT environment)
chip-on-boardнепосредственный монтаж микросхемы на плате (A manufacturing technology that mounts an integrated circuit die directly to a circuit board. The die is electrically connected to the circuit board using wire bonding, and is then covered with a protective epoxy cover)
discussion boardдоска обсуждений (A Web site component that enables users to participate in topics of discussion by posting and replying to comments)
game ratings boardкомиссия по оценке игр (An organization that establishes age-based game ratings for video game content for different regions and countries)
message boardдоска сообщений (Windows Live Search Apr 08 Boards Rori)
Message board dates and times are shown in Eastern Time ET.Дата и время на форуме отображается по восточному времени США. (Windows Live Search Apr 08 Boards Rori)
message board settingsпараметры доски сообщений (Windows Live Search Apr 08 Boards Rori)
note boardдоска заметок (An area for storing comments about a Web page. A note board can appear on a Web page or in a separate dialog box. The notes can be viewed, managed, and shared by using My Site)
Pan European Gaming Information, and British Board of Film ClassificationБританская комиссия по классификации фильмов (A game ratings system for the UK; PEGI/BBFC)
Pan European Gaming Information, and British Board of Film Classificationевропейская система классификации игр
this discussion was moved to another message board.это обсуждение перемещено на другую доску сообщений. (Windows Live Search Apr 08 Boards Rori)