
Terms for subject General containing Big House | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a big houseбольшой дом
big houseтюрьма
big houseкаторжная тюрьма
big opera houseбольшой оперный театр
he is getting as big as a houseего здорово разносит
I hear the gardener is up for the robbery at the big houseя слышал, что садовник предстанет перед судом за совершение кражи в большом доме
keep up a big houseсодержать большой дом (a large mansion, a car, etc., и т.д.)
my, what a big house this is!ого, ну и домина!
they did up old houses and sold it for a big profitони ремонтировали старые дома и продавали их с большой выгодой
upkeep of the big houseсодержание большого дома ("During the McRae years," it tells us, "Hycroft was the centre of a lively social life. Here Gen. and Mrs. McRae and their three daughters entertained royalty, including Edward, the Prince of Wales." The Duke of Kent popped in, too, and so did the Duke and Duchess of Connaught. But after 30 years of so, the upkeep of the big house was getting costly, even for someone as well-heeled as Senator A.D. McRae. (Chuck Davis) -- содержание большого дома обходилось недёшево ART Vancouver)