
Terms for subject Christianity containing Bible | all forms | exact matches only
appeal to the Bible for its authorityобращаться к Библии для снискания своего авторитета (Alex_Odeychuk)
Baptist Bible FellowshipБаптистский библейский союз
Bible beaterхристианский фундаменталист (Bible thumper (also called Bible basher or Bible beater) is a description used with respect to particularly vocal Christians who constantly quote the Bible when discussing non-Biblical topics (often about science, but also about homophobia, porn, etc.). The term comes from old-timey circuit preachers who would emphatically thump a bible held aloft while making their points Alexander Oshis)
Bible beaterрелигиозный фанатик (Bible thumper (also called Bible basher or Bible beater) is a description used with respect to particularly vocal Christians who constantly quote the Bible when discussing non-Biblical topics (often about science, but also about homophobia, porn, etc.). The term comes from old-timey circuit preachers who would emphatically thump a Bible held aloft while making their points. Alexander Oshis)
Bible beaterхристианскй фанатик (Bible thumper (also called Bible basher or Bible beater) is a description used with respect to particularly vocal Christians who constantly quote the Bible when discussing non-Biblical topics (often about science, but also about homophobia, porn, etc.). The term comes from old-timey circuit preachers who would emphatically thump a bible held aloft while making their points. Alexander Oshis)
Bible chairsзакон Божий (школьный предмет)
Bible Church MovementДвижение библейской церкви
Bible Church of ChristБиблейская церковь Христа
Bible collegeбиблейский колледж
Bible criticismбиблейская критика
bible distanceпионерское расстояние (выражение взято из сериала Three Wives One Husband Censonis)
Bible distributionраспространение Библии (Andrey Truhachev)
Bible InstituteБиблейский институт
Bible interpretationинтерпретация Библии
Bible societyбиблейское общество
Bible studiesбиблеистика (browser)
Bible studyизучение Библии
Bible way church of our Lord Jesus ChristЦерковь библейского пути нашего Господа Иисуса Христа
Church of Bible UnderstandingЦерковь понимания Библии
International Baptist Bible FellowshipМеждународное баптистское библейское содружество
Open Bible Standard ChurchesОткрытые церкви библейского стандарта
Orthodox Bible studiesправославная библеистика (browser)
the Bible BeltПояс Библии
World Home Bible LeagueВсемирная лига домашней Библии