
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing Best | all forms | exact matches only
all the best toпередавай привет (ART Vancouver)
be goodприносить пользу (for sb., sth.: Quitting smoking will be good for your health. • Cassidy argued that dog ownership is good for people’s mental health and that dogs are a good conversation starter. (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
Best Wishes for the New YearЖелаю всего самого лучшего в Новом году (Leonid Dzhepko)
better valueвыгоднее (покупать: "For produce, it's hard to beat the small places. A lot of produce isn’t perfect at Walmart or Costco. For instance the oranges at the big grocers look nice and shiny but they’re often dry and not sweet. And some of the cauliflower I saw last time had those dark black spots that you need to cut off. Nothing like that at our small local grocery store." "Better value at small places for sure. They deal with local suppliers and they can work together to make deals as supply issue arise." (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
devote one's best abilityприлагать все возможные усилия (sankozh)
devote one's best effortsприлагать все возможные усилия (sankozh)
devote one's best energies and skillsприлагать все возможные усилия (sankozh)
do a good jobхорошо выполнить работу (I've been in touch with someone who I think will be able to do a good job with the video, as well as deliver it on time. ART Vancouver)
do a good jobхорошо выполнить задание (I've been in touch with someone who I think will be able to do a good job with the video, as well as deliver it on time. ART Vancouver)
for a very good reasonсовершенно справедливо (In my opinion, Linda's book 'Monsters Among Us: An Exploration of Otherworldly Bigfoots, Wolfmen, Portals, Phantoms, and Odd Phenomena' is her most ambitious and thought-provoking. Section 4 of her book is titled "Creatures of Shadows, Mists, and Lights." And it has that title for a very good reason. As Linda demonstrates on many occasions, where Dogmen are often seen, so are strange and usually small balls of light and mysterious mist. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
for lack of a better termза неимением лучшего слова (Gordon explained that, for lack of a better term, he would classify at least some of the cryptids reported to him as interdimensional. (coasttocoastam.com) • Я всё ещё любила его или, во всяком случае, хранила чувство к нему, которое за неимением лучшего слова называла любовью. (из рус. источников) ART Vancouver)
for lack of a better wordза неимением лучшего слова (This goofiness, for lack of a better word, can have serious ramifications for your daughter. ART Vancouver)
get a better look atполучше разглядеть (The puzzling anomaly presumably went unnoticed when the video was filmed as, unfortunately, the UAV makes no attempt at getting a better look at the mysterious creature in the field. • The group first saw the silently spinning, apparently ring-shaped UFO through the window of the grammar School. According to Beiling: "We saw it through a window from inside the school at first, then we rushed outside to get a better look. We were all pretty excited, and I think there was one who was even quite frightened. coasttocoastam.com, mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
get a good look atхорошо разглядеть (a report from a witness named Jay MacCarroll, of Kalkaska, Michigan. The witness says that he and a neighbor saw a freakishly large dragonfly measuring 10 to 12 inches long, with four wings and an iridescent blue coloration. (...) When asked if it might have been a radio controlled drone, the man insisted that it was not, and that it made no sound at all as it passed right by them and into the trees. Although the sighting only lasted a few moments, he claims that it passed very close, and that they got a good look at it. • Did you get a good look at the men who attacked you? – Вы хорошо разглядели нападавших? mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
get a good look atхорошо рассмотреть (Did you get a good look at the men who attacked you? – Вы хорошо рассмотрели нападавших? • After seeing the vehicle positioned outside Wilson’s car several times, and then managing to get a good look at his license plate – which the police were quickly able to confirm as being totally bogus – they carefully closed in, with the intention of speaking with the pair of MIB and finding out the nature of their game. ART Vancouver)
give my best regards toпередавай привет (ART Vancouver)
give my best toпередавай привет (ART Vancouver)
good fortuneвезение (“I was able to see it again a few weeks later at a distance in the wooded area. I watched it for about 30 seconds slowly moving throughout the woods and I will never forget my good fortune to encounter it…and to know this ‘creature’ truly does lives among us.” -- и я никогда не забуду, как мне повезло mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
good pointточно подмечено (Good point. ART Vancouver)
good thingхорошо, что ("The weekend will bring a bit of a change though, with the chance of stormy weather. That means continuous rain for several hours at a time as opposed to the patchy showers we've seen lately." "Good thing I brought my galoshes!" (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
good timeподходящий момент (Is this a good time to talk to your dad? • "Do you think sometime between 4 and 5 pm would be a good time to drop off the game tickets?" – "Yes, I think it would be a good time indeed!" • If you're thinking of selling your home, next year might be a good time. ART Vancouver)
have a better idea ofлучше представлять себе (положение дел: On Jan. 4, WLNG spokesperson Sean Beardow told The Squamish Chief that the ship will be spending the upcoming weeks at the Seaspan facility in North Vancouver undergoing its final few refits, loading equipment and undergoing inspections. After that is done, the company will have a better idea of when it will arrive in Squamish. (nsnews.com) • Повышая уровень своей экологической грамотности мы сможем лучше представлять себе последствия наших каждодневных поступков и выборов для окружающей среды.(из рус. источника) ART Vancouver)
have a better idea of whyлучше понять, почему (”That family is suffering because their loved one was murdered, but not only that, they had to wait years for any type of answers,” said Caitlin. “I hope through this trial we, the general public, will have a better idea of why things were slowed down, and what the Crown's case really looks like,” Graham added. ctvnews.ca ART Vancouver)
have a good ideaхорошо известно (“Obviously we don’t know the horrific details of what happened after she entered the park. But we do have a good idea that this is a first-degree murder charge, which would indicate either it was premeditated or it would have been committed at the same time as another crime,” said Graham Duffy. -- нам хорошо известно, что ... ctvnews.ca ART Vancouver)
have a good ideaхорошо знать (I have a good idea who is behind all of this but I will take a look for sure. -- Я хорошо знаю / Мне хорошо известно, кто за этим стоит. ART Vancouver)
have a good relationshipподдерживать хорошие отношения (with – с: Then there are the Memegwesi, primitive ape-like humans that are a major part of the lore of the Ojibwe, Cree, Innu, Metis, Algonquin, and Menominee Indians. They are hairy things, around four feet tall at adulthood, and, according to legend, have had a good relationship with the Indians for many centuries. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
have a good relationship withнаходиться в хороших отношениях с (Then there are the Memegwesi, primitive ape-like humans that are a major part of the lore of the Ojibwe, Cree, Innu, Metis, Algonquin, and Menominee Indians. They are hairy things, around four feet tall at adulthood, and, according to legend, have had a good relationship with the Indians for many centuries. • My partner and I lived in her parents' basement suite for something like 5 years while we were saving to buy a place. No way in hell would we have been able to afford to buy in 2023 if we didn't have that leg up in terms of rent savings. If you have a good relationship with your kids, and you both treat each other like adults and respect each others space boundaries, it's not always bad 'moving out' to only 8ft away from your parents. (Reddit) mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
have a good timeполучать удовольствие (Q: Why do women close their eyes during sex? A: Because they can't stand seeing a man have a good time. ART Vancouver)
have one's best interests in mindруководствоваться интересами кого-л. (Whether you’re appointing an attorney or opening a joint bank account with somebody, it’s important to make sure the person you choose is someone you trust and has your best interests in mind. (rbcroyalbank.com) ART Vancouver)
I have a good ideaя хорошо представляю (что происходит: I have a good idea who is behind all of this but I will take a look for sure. -- Я хорошо представляю / Мне хорошо известно, кто за этим стоит. ART Vancouver)
I like ... betterмне больше нравится (I lived in Mexico and the few things I miss are: weather, the beaches and colour of the ocean. Overall I don’t miss it that much though. I like Montreal better. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
I wish all the best toя желаю всего наилучшего (While I am sad to be giving up the mayor's chair, I wish all the best to our new mayor, Ken Wong. ART Vancouver)
I wish you and your family all the best for the festive seasonПоздравляю с наступающими праздниками и желаю Вам и Вашей семье всего наилучшего (Leonid Dzhepko)
it feels goodхорошо на душе (+ infinitive: A lady at Subway ordered her food and when she went to pay she realized she forgot her wallet at home. I offered to pay and save her a trip. Everyone was kind of shocked. I didn’t know what to say other than it’s okay, just pay it forward. I think we have all forgotten to be kind and help people out if you can. It feels good to help someone out. When you see someone in need of something try it and you will find you both feel better about this world. It does not have to be financially, it can just be something you can offer. A few months ago in the cold streak I helped a stranger jump a battery. He gave me a chocolate bar and we had a good laugh together getting the SUV started. Stepping away from Twitter and helping people helps remind us how amazing most people are. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
it was for the bestэто было к лучшему (A third brother—Vasco Anes Corte-Real—was willing to launch a second search party to recover his lost siblings, but the king of Portugal denied his request. Based on the family’s track record, it was probably for the best. -- возможно, это было к лучшему / пожалуй, так было лучше mentalfloss.com ART Vancouver)
it's a good thing thatхорошо, что (I noticed that some St. Louis fans were booing the Canadian anthem. It's a good thing that we won't have to go back there after Tuesday's game.• Perhaps it was a good thing he went away. He would never have agreed with this. ART Vancouver)
it's all for the bestвсе к лучшему
it's gone for goodс концами (Once it's gone, it's gone for good. • Now, I only use cash, so I don't need a bank account. If it is stolen, it's gone. I will never own a house or rent an apartment, so I don't need credit. businessinsider.com ART Vancouver)
it's gone for goodуже не вернёшь (Once it's gone, it's gone for good. ART Vancouver)
it's no good tryingбесполезно пытаться (+ infinitive: "You aren't suggesting that you think this scheme I have been sketching out is Jeeves's?" "Of course it is. It's no good trying to kid me, Bertie. You wouldn't have thought of a wheeze like that in a million years." (P.G. Wodehouse) – Бесполезно пытаться меня обмануть ART Vancouver)
it's not a good ideaне стоит (Perhaps it's not a good idea to post compromising photos like this one? -- Может, не стоит выставлять в сеть такие компрометирующие фото? ART Vancouver)
let the best winпусть победит сильнейший (Юрий Гомон)
live in good styleни в чём себе не отказывать ("Some years ago -- to be definite, in May, 1884 -- there came to Lee a gentleman, Neville St. Clair by name, who appeared to have plenty of money. He took a large villa, laid out the grounds very nicely, and lived generally in good style." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
live in good styleжить на широкую ногу ("Some years ago -- to be definite, in May, 1884 -- there came to Lee a gentleman, Neville St. Clair by name, who appeared to have plenty of money. He took a large villa, laid out the grounds very nicely, and lived generally in good style." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
make a good argumentубедительно доказывать (To complicate the concept further, Spaxman makes a good argument that natural formations can be iconic. He specifies The Lions on the North Shore mountains. The Lions are made up of two distinct mountain peaks, which many long-time residents talk about with reverence. vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
make best effortsприложить максимум усилий (ART Vancouver)
make someone feel goodна душе стало хорошо (The first time she called me her mother I cried inside. Her love just makes you feel so good. -- На душе становится так хорошо от её любви. ART Vancouver)
may the best man winпусть победит сильнейший (VLZ_58)
may the best person winпусть победит сильнейший (VLZ_58)
may the best winпусть победит сильнейший (Юрий Гомон)
my best regards toпередавай привет (ART Vancouver)
not for the betterне в лучшую сторону (об изменениях: Lives were altered forever – and for the most part not for the better, I need to stress. Many of those who were present on those fantastic nights found their minds dazzled, tossed and turned – and incredibly quickly, too. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
once again, congratulations and best wishesещё раз примите мои поздравления и наилучшие пожелания
send one's best regardsпередавать привет (to someone: John sends his best regards to you. – Джон передаёт тебе привет. ART Vancouver)
should have known betterнадо было сначала подумать головой, что из этого получится (The school was locked down by police. During their search, police located the staff member who they said had brought a vintage rifle into the school for a presentation. -- "Even if it’s old, you still can’t walk around with a gun. Dude should have known better." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
take a good lookхорошо рассмотреть (Four jets went up to investigate 'an ice cream cone topped with red', and one pilot, Captain Thomas F. Mantell, radioed back: 'I'm closing in now to take a good look.' ... (Janet & Colin Bord, Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century")  ART Vancouver)
tell her I hope she's feeling betterскажи ей, чтоб поправлялась (ART Vancouver)
that doesn't make me feel any betterмне от этого не легче ("They say now there's all sorts of checks and balances in place." "That doesn't make me feel any better." ART Vancouver)
that's all fine and good, butэто всё хорошо, но (That's all fine and good, but they need to address the bottle neck around Hastings and Cassiar to make it work. ART Vancouver)
that's for the bestэто к лучшему (Perhaps that's for the best. -- Может быть, это и к лучшему. ART Vancouver)
the best and the brightestлучшие умы (sankozh)
the best-case scenario is thatпри самом наилучшем раскладе событий
the best ... I have ever seenсамый ..., какой мне приходилось видеть (лучший образец для популярной модели в англ. яз. ; ever *вообще* не требуется переводить на русский, эта манера уже прочно утвердилась в практике переводчиков с появлением видеофильмов: "самое великолепное парусное судно, какое мне приходилось видеть (...)" – А.С. Грин ART Vancouver)
the best one I've ever seenлучше ... я не видел (That was the best one I've ever seen. ART Vancouver)
the next best thing toвсего в одном шаге от (This ice-cream is the next best thing to actually skiing down an icy slope in the Rockies! ART Vancouver)
time is getting on, we had better startвремя идёт, давайте начинать (Perhaps, as time is getting on, we had better start. ART Vancouver)
try one's bestприложить максимум усилий (igisheva)
try one's bestприлагать максимум усилий (igisheva)
try one's bestприложить все усилия (igisheva)
use best judgementпроявлять здравомыслие (use *one's* best judgement": "With movies like this, you really should be using your best judgment as a parent." ART Vancouver)
what's good about ...?что хорошего в ...? (My partner and I are looking to upsize and I’m curious about what we could expect if we were to live in Richmond. What’s good about Richmond? What neighborhoods should we be looking at? What restaurants or cute little bougie shops do we need to know about? (Reddit) • What’s good about smoking two packs a day? ART Vancouver)
what's the best way to go about it?как это лучше сделать? (ART Vancouver)
what's the good of that?а что толку? (ART Vancouver)
wishing all the bestжелаю вам всего наилучшего (в конце письма pivoine)
wishing all the bestс наилучшими пожеланиями (pivoine)
Wishing you all the best for the New Year!Пусть Новый Год подарит Вам все самое лучшее! (Leonid Dzhepko)
you can do better than thatпридумай что-нибудь более убедительное (ART Vancouver)
you can do better than thatпридумай что-нибудь получше (ART Vancouver)
your best choiceлучшее для вас (sankozh)
your guess is as good as mineспроси что-нибудь полегче (ART Vancouver)