
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing Barking | all forms
bark on the moonломиться в открытую дверь (highbery)
bark outбуркнуть
bark up the wrong treeсовершить ошибку (to make the wrong choice: I barked up the wrong tree when I applied to such good colleges with my average grades.)
bark up the wrong treeобратиться не к тому человеку (to attempt or pursue a futile course of action, often by making some kind of suggestion or request: If you think I'll help you cheat, you're definitely barking up the wrong tree.)
bark up the wrong treeискать не там, где надо (If you think I'm the guilty person, you're barking up the wrong tree. 4uzhoj)
bark up the wrong treeсмотреть не в ту сторону (в смысле "не там искать виновного": People who feel sorry for my old bridesmaid and travelling companion are barking up the wrong tree.)
bark up the wrong treeошибаться адресом (Kydex)
bark up the wrong treeнаправлять действия не в ту сторону (В.И.Макаров)
bark up the wrong treeбыть на ложном пути (Can't help thinking that they are on the right track and it's we who are barking up the wrong tree. ldoceonline.com)
bark up the wrong treeнаправлять свои усилия не в то русло (4uzhoj)
bark up the wrong treeнапасть на ложный след (В.И.Макаров)
bark up the wrong treeобращаться не по адресу (В.И.Макаров)
bark up the wrong treeнаправить свои усилия не на то
bark up the wrong treeискать не там (особ. виновного или виноватого)
bark up the wrong treeобратиться не по адресу (to attempt or pursue a futile course of action, often by making some kind of suggestion or request: If you think I'll help you cheat, you're definitely barking up the wrong tree.)
bark up the wrong treeидти по ложному следу (to follow the wrong course: The police spent three months barking up the wrong tree on the murder investigation.)
bark up the wrong treeобвинять не того, кого следует (If you think I'm the guilty person, you're barking up the wrong tree.)