
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing At | all forms | exact matches only
a drop at a timeчерез час по чайной ложке (Maggie)
all at onceни с того ни с сего (All at once I felt dizzy and had to lie down. Val_Ships)
all at onceвсё одновременно (all at the same time: scared and excited all at once Val_Ships)
all at onceвсе в одно время (Val_Ships)
at a crematoriumв крематории (Anglophile)
at a fast clipбыстро идти (бежать или ехать; We were moving along at a good clip when a state trooper stopped us. Val_Ships)
at a full jumpна полной скорости (Aspect)
at a good clipбыстро (Slavik_K)
at a low ebbв плохом состоянии (the country was at a low ebb due to the recent war Val_Ships)
at a premiumдороже (из-за нехватки; Fresh water was at a premium after the reservoir was contaminated. Val_Ships)
at a premiumза завышенную цену (for a higher price: It's possible to get a large apartment, but only at a premium. Val_Ships)
at a pretty good clipслишком быстро (We were moving along at a pretty good clip when a state trooper stopped us. Val_Ships)
at a priceне бесплатно (everything comes at a price Val_Ships)
at a priceс некоторыми издержками (Following the recommendation would have increased teamwork, but at a price. Val_Ships)
at a steady clipбыстро (Slavik_K)
at a whackодновременно (Taras)
at a whackразом (тж. см. at one time Taras)
at all timesall the time всегда (Valerio)
at easeспокойный (The girl behind the bar was completely at ease, chatting with her customers as she mixed their drinks. Val_Ships)
at easeкомфортно (After she had met a few people, Mary felt at ease with the group. Val_Ships)
at full speedна полную катушку (at top speed, all the way Maggie)
at great lengthдлительное время (The lawyer questioned the witness at great length. Val_Ships)
at half-staffв приспущенном положении (flags will fly at half-staff in commemoration of all fallen heroes Val_Ships)
at а high rate of speedс большой скоростью (the car was traveling at a high rate of speed Val_Ships)
at its coreпо сути (Val_Ships)
at its lowest ebbна своём наинизшем уровне (Support for the arts was at its lowest ebb and we hope it won't go any lower. Val_Ships)
at-largeпредставляющий весь штат, а не какую-либо партию
at-largeпредставляющий весь округ, а не какую-либо партию
at-largeпредставляющий весь штат или округ, а не какую-либо партию
at largeнаходящийся в бегах (о преступнике: a convict-at-large Val_Ships)
at leastпожалуй (used to ​reduce the ​effect of a ​statement; I can ​handle it – at least, I ​think so. Val_Ships)
at least for nowсейчас, во всяком случае (Yeah, we're safer here, at least for now. Val_Ships)
at least for nowво всяком случае, сейчас (Alex_Odeychuk)
at least for nowво всяком случае, пока (по состоянию на текущий момент Alex_Odeychuk)
at least I think soпожалуй (used to ​reduce the ​effect of a ​statement; I can ​handle it – at least, I ​think so. Val_Ships)
at libertyвправе (I'm not at liberty to discuss this with you. Val_Ships)
at loggerheadsиметь значительные разногласия (We are at loggerheads with each other. Val_Ships)
at lunchна обеде (SirReal)
at no costбесплатно (at all Val_Ships)
at north ofболее (разг.: She and the kids split all his assets, which currently stand at north of 100 million Taras)
at north ofсвыше (разг.: She and the kids split all his assets, which currently stand at north of 100 million Taras)
at north ofболее чем (разг.: Fed (Federal Reserve) already added to its balance sheet, and we're looking at north of $4 trillion, even if some of those programs aren't fully utilized Taras)
at onceбез лишних разговоров (Mother told the children to come inside at once. Val_Ships)
at onceбез промедления (You must come here at once. It is an emergency. Val_Ships)
at onceв то же самое время (simultaneously: Everything happened at once. Val_Ships)
at onceнезамедлительно (They must correct the error at once. Val_Ships)
at onceне теряя времени (Val_Ships)
at one jumpодним прыжком
at one timeоднажды (Val_Ships)
at one whackодновременно (Taras)
at thatпри всём при том
at the behest ofпо настоятельной просьбе (кого-либо: called at the behest of my friends Val_Ships)
at the cruxв центре (внимания Val_Ships)
at the heart ofпо сути (Val_Ships)
at the leastхотя бы (stay ten days at the least Val_Ships)
at the lightсредь бела дня (So, you're at the light taking your driver's test and then... Taras)
at the prospect ofв ожидании (Val_Ships)
at the top of the showпрямо перед каким-либо событием (chiefcanelo)
at the top of the showпрямо перед каким то событием (chiefcanelo)
at the water's edgeна границах США
at the weekendна выходных
at this point in timeна данный момент (Val_Ships)
at wholesaleпо оптовой ценe (Under the Amway Plan, each distributor purchased household products at wholesale from the person who recruited or "sponsored" her. 4uzhoj)
at wholesaleоптом
be at a conferenceбыть на конференции (The person is away from the site because he has travelled to a conference, 'I'll be here, but I'll be in a conference today from 3-4. Next week I'll be at a conference in Paris'. Dasharik)
be at a lossне знать что сказать / сделать (It was unlike him to be at a loss for words.)
be at a meetingбыть на собрании (The person is away from the site because he has travelled to a meeting, 'I'll be here, but I'll be in a meeting today from 3-4. Next week, I'll be at a meeting in Paris'. Dasharik)
be at easeрасслабиться (Val_Ships)
be at odds withрасходиться во взглядах на (Blake's version of events was at odds with the official police report. Val_Ships)
be at odds withне сочетаться (одно с другим: the silvery hair was at odds with her youthful shape Val_Ships)
be at odds withпротиворечить (одно другому; Blake's version of events was at odds with the official police report. Val_Ships)
be at the end of one's rowисчерпать все возможности
be in the wrong place at the wrong timeнеудачное стечение обстоятельств (I always get into trouble but it isn't my fault Val_Ships)
check a book out at the libraryвзять книгу в библиотеке (A chicken checks a book out at the library and offers it to a frog. Chicken says: "Bok?" The frog replies "Red-it"! ART Vancouver)
check in at an officeотметить свои приход в учреждение (at a factory, etc., и т.д.)
check in at an officeснять табель (at a factory, etc.)
come at a priceсоздавать свои трудности (The company's success was made possible by the country's rulers, but their support comes at a price. Val_Ships)
come at a priceиметь оборотную сторону (The company's success was made possible by the country's rulers, but their support comes at a price. Val_Ships)
come at a priceдоставаться нелегко (success comes with a price Val_Ships)
come at a priceиметь (оборотную сторону Val_Ships)
come knocking at someone's door without an invitation, show up or arrive uninvited at someone's doorввалиться без приглашения (Maggie)
crook a finger atпоманить пальцем (someone – кого-либо Val_Ships)
depending on how you look at itв зависимости от того как посмотреть (Val_Ships)
everything comes at a priceза всё надо платить (Val_Ships)
fall asleep at the wheelзаснуть за рулем (Val_Ships)
free at lastсвободен наконец ("Thank God Almighty, we're free at last!" by Martin Luther King Val_Ships)
get a look at the elephantузнать жизнь
get a look at the elephantувидеть свет
get something at the drug storeкупить в аптеке (ART Vancouver)
get back at someoneвзять реванш (Maggie)
get laughed atпосмеяться над (кем-либо; Why am I getting laughed at a lot? Val_Ships)
grasping at strawsосознавая безысходность ситуации (Jerry, grasping at straws, searched the backup tapes from last week, looking for the missing files. Val_Ships)
have fun at one's expenseподшутить над (кем-либо Val_Ships)
he is sick at the stomachу него сосёт под ложечкой
he is sick at the stomachего тошнит
Health and Safety at Work Lawзакон об охране труда (1974 г.)
I ain't missing you at allя о тебе совсем не вспоминаю (Val_Ships)
if at first you don't succeed, try and try again!первый блин – комом (Maggie)
ill at easeощущение неловкости (uncomfortable or embarrassed: He seemed ill at ease when we spoke with him. Val_Ships)
I'll pick you up at the liquor storeя заберу тебя у винного магазина (Alex_Odeychuk)
it's no distance at all.это совсем рядом (Yeldar Azanbayev)
joined at the hipне разлей вода (о друзьях Rust71)
joined at the hipбыть повсюду вместе (Rust71)
joke at someone's expenseпошутить над (кем-либо Val_Ships)
lay at anchorстоять на якоре (We lay at anchor overnight, waiting for the tide. Val_Ships)
look atрассчитывать (На что мы можем рассчитывать? – What are we looking at? Damirules)
look down one's snout atмордой трусит (someone Maggie)
look pretty at easeвыглядеть весьма непринуждённо (as ln "she looks pretty at ease in this chic ensemble" Val_Ships)
make a pass at someoneприставать (Maggie)
man-at-armsвоин (archaic word Val_Ships)
many things that pulling at youмножество вещей, которые отвлекают вас (bigmaxus)
many things that pulling at youвещи, способные отвлечь (bigmaxus)
momentarily, any minute now, at a moment's noticeв любую минуту
more than one can shake a stick atконца краю не видно
my time is at premiumу меня плотное расписание (Val_Ships)
not at allвообще никак (as in: it'll be as I say or not at all Val_Ships)
not at allнисколечко не (I'm not at all tired. Val_Ships)
not at allникоим образом (Val_Ships)
not much to look atневзрачно (Maggie)
not much to look atтак себе (The ​house isn't much to look at but it's ​spacious. Val_Ships)
not much to look atтакой, что и смотреть не на что (The school dormitories weren't much to look at – just concrete blocks with windows. Val_Ships)
one step at a timeс чувством, с толком, с расстановкой (slowly and steadily Val_Ships)
one step at a timeне спеша (Major life changes like this can fluster anyone, so just take everything one step at a time. Val_Ships)
one step at a timeмедленно и тщательно (​slowly and ​carefully: He ​wanted to ​rush through the ​job, but I ​encouraged him to take it one ​step at a ​time Val_Ships)
one step at a timeне торопясь (Val_Ships)
pain at the pumpуровень "болезненности" расходов на заправку автомобиля (относительный показатель (относительно дневной оплаты труда) Bloomberg $nakeeye)
put pants on one leg at a timeбыть таким, как все (e.g. Go on, ask him for his autograph, he puts his pants on one leg at a time just like you do Anglophile)
quote the thesaurus atбросаться цитатами (someone: Are we gonna talk or are you just gonna quote the thesaurus at me? Taras)
register at a hotelзаписать своё имя в книгу постояльцев в гостинице
register oneself at a hotelзаписать своё имя в книгу постояльцев в гостинице
representative at largeчлен конгресса, представляющий не отдельный округ, а ряд округов или весь штат
representative at largeчлен конгресса (представляющий не отдельный округ, а ряд округов или весь штат)
rise at a featherрассердиться из-за пустяка
rise at a featherвспылить
rob smb. at knife pointграбить кого-либо, угрожая ножом (Last thing. Robbery's (Robbery Homicide Division) looking for a recidivist follow-home bandit named Lavell Brown. Mr. Brown tails people home from banks and ATMs and robs them at knife point. We wanna get this asshole before he draws blood – Bosch: Legacy, 2022 Taras)
rob smb. at knifepointграбить кого-либо, угрожая ножом (Taras)
sit at placeзанимать место (e.g. It currently sits at 30th place on the index Anglophile)
sketchy at bestв лучшем случае посредственный (His theory about murder was sketchy at best. Val_Ships)
stand at north ofсвыше (разг. Taras)
stand at north ofболее (разг. Taras)
stand at north ofболее чем (разг.: She and the kids split all his assets, which currently stand at north of 100 million Taras)
stare atтаращить глаза (на кого-либо Val_Ships)
stay-at-home dadдомохозяин (Taras)
stay-at-home momдомохозяйка (Taras)
stop jumping at shadowsпрекрати паниковать (Val_Ships)
take a poke atкритиковать (Bennett took a poke at the president’s refusal to sign the bill PanKotskiy)
take a run atбросать вызов (Taras)
take a run atподкатывать (к кому-л.; the expression is used to describe making a romantic or flirtatious advance towards someone Taras)
take a run atнападать (Taras)
take a run atвыступить против (Taras)
take a run atсовершать покушение (Taras)
take a run atнаезжать (is an idiomatic expression that means to make an attempt to criticize, confront, or challenge someone, often in a competitive or aggressive manner. This phrase is commonly used in situations where one person is trying to assert dominance or gain an advantage over another person, such as in sports, business, or personal disputes Taras)
talk at great lengthговорить долго и пространно (Val_Ships)
task at handзадание, которое не терпит отлагательства (Val_Ships)
the figures break down into several kinds, showing us different ways of looking at the firm's activitiesЦифры можно сгруппировать по-разному и с разных точек зрения смотреть на деятельность фирмы
the folks at the Pentagonпредставители министерства обороны (Alex_Odeychuk)
the folks at the Pentagonпредставители военного ведомства (Alex_Odeychuk)
thumb the nose or snout atмордой трусит (someone Maggie)
up and at 'emактивно приняться за работу (обычно используется в виде команды: We will be up and at 'em very early tomorrow morning Taras)
up and at 'emприняться активно за работу (обычно используется в виде команды Taras)
up and at 'emвзяться за дело (обычно используется в виде команды Taras)
up and at themактивно приняться за работу (обычно используется в виде команды Taras)
up and at themприняться активно за работу (обычно используется в виде команды: We will be up and at them very early tomorrow morning Taras)
up and at themвзяться за дело (обычно используется в виде команды Taras)
victory at any costпобеда любой ценой (Есть чем платить, но я не хочу победы любой ценой. Виктор Цой. Группа крови, 1988. — I can afford it, but I don't want victory at any cost. The Blood Type by Victor Tsoi, 1988. Alex_Odeychuk)
we check out at 9мы кончаем работу в девять
where it's atотличный
where it's atто, что надо