
Terms for subject Dentistry containing Associated | all forms | exact matches only
new dentin formed in response to stimuli associated with the normal aging process or with pathological conditions such as caries or injury, or cavity preparation: such dentin is highly irregular in natureиррегулярный дентин (– according to Dorland; – secondary dentin according to Dorland MichaelBurov)
new dentin formed in response to stimuli associated with the normal aging process or with pathological conditions such as caries or injury, or cavity preparation: such dentin is highly irregular in natureвторичный дентин (– according to Dorland; – secondary dentin according to Dorland MichaelBurov)
paroxysmal neuralgic pain in the face associated with sympathetic palsyпаратригеминальный синдром (MichaelBurov)
paroxysmal neuralgic pain in the face associated with sympathetic palsyсиндром Редера (MichaelBurov)