
Terms for subject Ophthalmology containing Associated | all forms | exact matches only
associated phoriaассоциированная фория (Svetozar)
bleb-associated endophthalmitisэндофтальмит, ассоциированный с фильтрационной подушкой (mediasphera.ru Germaniya)
cancer-associated retinopathyрак-ассоциированная ретинопатия (rebecapologini)
cancer-associated retinopathyпаранеопластическая ретинопатия (doc090)
conjunctiva associated lymphoid tissueлимфоидная ткань, ассоциированная с конъюнктивой (pipetka)
interferon-associated retinopathyинтерферон-ассоциированная ретинопатия (VladStrannik)
lens-associated uveitisфакоанафилактический увеит (A rare ophthalmic disorder characterized by a zonal granulomatous inflammatory reaction centered around the lens secondary to its traumatic rupture. Signs and symptoms include photophobia, ocular irritation or pain, blurred vision, redness, mutton-fat keratic precipitates, posterior synechiae, and sometimes hypopyon. Intraocular pressure may be elevated due to blockage of the trabecular meshwork by inflammatory cells or lens material. nih.gov 'More)
thyroid-associated ophthalmopathyаутоимунная офтальмопатия (eugeene1979)