
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing As if | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
as ifв нынешнем состоянии (Interex)
as if a great weight has been rolled off the soulкак камень с души свалился ('It was as if a great weight had been rolled off the soul.' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
as if a great weight has been rolled off the soulбудто камень с души свалился ('It was as if a great weight had been rolled off the soul.' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
as if a great weight has been rolled off the soulкак будто камень с души свалился ('It was as if a great weight had been rolled off the soul.' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
go as smoothly as if butteredкак по маслу (Things went as smoothly as if buttered. (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
if this matter touches the Palace, I've been left in no doubt as to where the buck will come to rest.если это дело каким-то боком заденет Дворец, у меня не останется сомнений, на кого повесят всех собак. (Reverso)
look as if butterприкидываться
look as if one stepped out of a bandboxиметь щегольской вид (Bobrovska)
look as if one stepped out of a bandboxиметь франтоватый вид (Bobrovska)
look as if one stepped out of a bandboxбыть одетым с иголочки (Bobrovska)
looks as if there had been an earthquakeкак Мамай прошёл (Также могут употребляться сравнительные союзы "будто", "точно", "словно". VLZ_58)
looks as if there had been an invasion by the Hunsкак Мамай прошёл (VLZ_58)
run around as if hair was on fireработать как бешеный (VLZ_58)
run around as if hair was on fireработать по-сумасшедшему (As the deadline approached, the project team were running around as if their hair was on fire. VLZ_58)
run as if one's hair was on fireбежать изо всех сил (sunchild)
someone felt as if the sky was fallingнебо с овчинку показалось (VLZ_58)
speak as if reading from a bookговорить как по писаному (VLZ_58)