
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing As | all forms | exact matches only
appear as followsиметь следующий вид (говоря об определении чего-либо, о функции или физической величине, об окне приложения, о странице сайта и т.п. Alex_Odeychuk)
as a result of this researchв результате выполненной работы (Alex_Odeychuk)
as a result of this workв результате выполненной работы (Alex_Odeychuk)
as a side noteотдельно отмечу, что (As a side note, you should not be experiencing this itch if you are taking the prescribed dosage. ART Vancouver)
as a side noteпопутно хочу заметить, что (ART Vancouver)
as a side noteэто так, к слову (ART Vancouver)
as ... as ... should beдолжный (Thieves are going after people who aren't as careful as they should be. – не проявляют должной осторожности ART Vancouver)
as everyone is well awareкак всем хорошо известно (As everyone is well aware, Highway 1 is basically in gridlock all the time heading east towards the IMB. Is there any plan to address this in the longer run? ART Vancouver)
as far as I can judgeнасколько я могу сказать
as far as I'm awareнасколько мне известно (No other major city in the country has this extra level of bureaucracy, as far as I'm aware. Never underestimate a bureaucracy's tenacity at preserving itself. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
as far as I'm concernedлично я считаю, что (West examined the images of the Malibu underwater object. "My first reaction – knowing that it was 2,000 feet under the water – was that, under no circumstances could it, in fact, be artificial, manmade. And I have enough experience, looking at geology and distinguishing between what could perhaps be artificial, and then there's sort of a gray area in-between. As far as I'm concerned, there's no gray area." huffingtonpost.ca ART Vancouver)
as far as I'm concernedна мой взгляд ("This has shaken us. I have an open mind but this defies all explanation as far as I'm concerned." (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century" ART Vancouver)
as far as I'm concernedчто касается лично меня, я считаю, что ("This has shaken us. I have an open mind but this defies all explanation as far as I'm concerned." (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
as far as this is concernedв этом отношении (There are no hormones or antibiotics in your milk. Canada has strict regulations as far as this is concerned. ART Vancouver)
as far as this is concernedна этот счёт (There are no hormones or antibiotics in your milk. Canada has strict regulations as far as this is concerned. ART Vancouver)
as forотносительно того (кто / что / где / почему и пр. (составной союз): As for what could have created the peculiar disturbance on the water, the seasoned webcam watcher did not offer any specific answer, though argued that "certainly it's too large for known animals or fish that live in the loch. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
as good as deadне жилец на этом свете (igisheva)
as good as deadне жилец (igisheva)
as I have heardкак я слышал (But if it is true (as I have heard) that the Horseshoe Bay to Langdale route has for some time been BC Ferries’ only profitable one, why are there still these incessant long lineups? nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
as I saidкак было сказано ранее (malt1640)
as I saidкак я сказал ранее (like i said – неформально, as i said – формально malt1640)
as if ... not + adj + enoughмало того, что (Much to the horror of the children attending kindergarten through fourth grade at the school, they heard a message booming over the PA system in a creepy voice: "This is a humoctopus! I am speaking to you from the future. Run for your lives, wretched humans! I will smash you all!" As if the message was not traumatic enough, the school subsequently went into a lockdown and had the children hiding under their desks, no doubt, hoping that the humoctopus would spare them from its wrath. -- Мало того, что дети получили психическую травму ... (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
as if on cueсловно в ответ на эти слова (at the exact moment one would expect (Oxford Dictionary) ART Vancouver)
as if on cueкак по сигналу (ART Vancouver)
as if on cueсловно в ответ на это (at the exact moment one would expect (Oxford Dictionary) ART Vancouver)
as it happensкак раз ("Again, both father and son agreed as to the place where the man escaped into the road. At that point, however, as it happens, there is a broadish ditch, moist at the bottom." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Однако как раз в этом месте находится ... ART Vancouver)
as it isсамо по себе (A man and his girlfriend were reportedly driving along a rural road when they saw some movement near the side of the road. They originally thought the figure was a naked man crawling along on the ground, which was already odd enough as it is, but as they approached they realized that it was even much stranger than this. (mysteriousuniverse.org) -- что уже само по себе было странно ART Vancouver)
as it turned outкак стало известно (Leonid Dzhepko)
as it turns outоказывается, что (That land increased in value by $1.39 million over the last two years, while the taxes paid on it during that time came to a little under $400,000. As it turns out, Aoyuan was caught up in the Chinese financial crisis, which led the company to cancel that project and sell a Burnaby site. bcbusiness.ca ART Vancouver)
as long as there areдо тех пор, пока присутствует (что-л.)
as long as there areдо тех пор, пока существует (что-л.)
as long as there areпока присутствует
as long as there areпока существует
as long as there areпока есть
as long as there areдо тех пор, пока есть (что-л.)
as long as there isпока существует
as long as there isпока присутствует
as long as there isпока есть
as long as there isдо тех пор, пока существует (что-л.)
as long as there isдо тех пор, пока присутствует (что-л.)
as long as there isдо тех пор, пока есть (что-л.)
as luck would have itпо счастливому совпадению (While strolling around the property, they suddenly were taken aback when they spotted what appeared to be a little girl in the uppermost window of the medieval building. "I remember thinking 'did we really just see that?,'" Newport later recalled, marveling that "in a blink, she was gone." As luck would have it, she happened to be taking pictures of the castle when the strange sighting occurred and so she checked her phone to see if it might have captured the curious observer that she thought she had noticed. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
as luck would have itна счастье (In a worrisome incident that unfolded in the skies over England, a Boeing 737 nearly collided with an unidentified flying object that came within ten feet of the airliner. (...) Chillingly, the report goes on to state that "the object appeared without warning and there was no time to act." As luck would have it, the airliner managed to avoid colliding with the UFO, which passed the craft by a mere 10 feet. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
as oneв качестве единого целого (Well-planned indoor/outdoor circulation in the public areas allow study of the exhibits and the river as one. (Ron Phillips, Robin Ward) ART Vancouver)
as opposed toв отличие от (чего-либо: "Predictions as opposed to prophecy, can be subject to changes and are not written in stone, she remarked." coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
as required by applicable codes and regulationsсогласно требованиям применимых норм и правил (george serebryakov)
as sad as it soundsкак бы печально это ни звучало (В. Бузаков)
as silly as it soundsкак бы глупо это ни прозвучало (Leonid Dzhepko)
as tall asростом с (From what I could see this creature appeared to be as tall as the cab of the 18-wheeler, maybe 8 feet and was very bulky and covered in hair. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
as the next manкак и все (I'm as fond of a chuckle as the next man. ART Vancouver)
as things standна данном этапе (As things stand, we don't really know what consciousness even is. Is it something that manifests as a result of the functionality of our physical brain or does it exist independent of our physical selves? (unexplained-mysteries.com) ART Vancouver)
as we go alongв дальнейшем (At the moment this feels like the right fit for our family, but we will continue to re-evaluate as we go along. ART Vancouver)
as we speakв данную минуту (The premier is addressing reporters as we speak. ART Vancouver)
as we speakкак раз сейчас (I am working on it as we speak. – Я как раз сейчас этим и занимаюсь. ART Vancouver)
as we speakкак раз (I am working on it as we speak. – Я как раз этим и занимаюсь. ART Vancouver)
as-yet unheardдоселе неслыханный (DC)
as you sayкак скажете (Юрий Гомон)
came to be known asокрестили (The depression of the 1930s hit the area hard. Many residents could no longer afford to maintain expensive homes and the area came to be known, perhaps with a certain satisfaction, as 'Poverty Hill' or 'Mortgage Heights'. (Ron Phillips) ART Vancouver)
come to be known asполучить прозвище (The depression of the 1930s hit the area hard. Many residents could no longer afford to maintain expensive homes and the area came to be known, perhaps with a certain satisfaction, as 'Poverty Hill' or 'Mortgage Heights'. (Ron Phillips) ART Vancouver)
consistently ranked asнеоднократно попадать в число (положительная или отрицательная характеристика: Whistler-Blackcomb is consistently ranked as one of the top ski resorts in the world and it's easy to see why! • The Downtown Eastside has been consistently ranked as the most dangerous neighbourhood in the entire Lower Mainland. ART Vancouver)
do as you are toldделайте, как вам велено
for a brief span of timeв течение короткого времени (What was this thing? The creature was only ever seen in the area of Matsudo and only for a brief span of time, leaving the impression that whatever it was it was probably only a passing visitor. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
go so far asдойти до того, что (+ infinitive: However, Lepick's attempt at damage control backfired spectacularly as the story spread like wildfire, several prominent politicians lambasted him for destroying what is perceived to be a priceless piece of the country's heritage, and one media outlet went so far as to call him "the most hated man in France." -- а одно агентство новостей дошло до того, что назвало его coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
he strikes me as a difficult personон мне кажется трудным человеком
I thought as muchтак я и думал (Of all these alleged witnesses, do we have even one recording, one picture? Nope, of course not. For bonus points let's see a copy of the reports filed. How about the names of anyone involved? I thought as much. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
I thought as muchтак я и знал (ART Vancouver)
I wish all ... would be as ... about their work.если бы все ... так ... относились к своей работе (I wish all young researchers would be as thorough and objective about their work as John. ART Vancouver)
intended only as a guideтолько для справки (This Table is intended only as a guide. VLZ_58)
intended only as a guideпредназначен только для справочных целей (VLZ_58)
it appeared as ifказалось, что (After this harrowing encounter, they went back the following day to get their things from the house, only to find the ranch owner and numerous police and “military looking” people all over the area. On top of this, it appeared as if the entire first floor of the home had been completely wrecked by something. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
just as importantчто не менее важно (I have the benefit of an economic background and, just as important, some degree of experience managing a medium-sized company. ART Vancouver)
known asизвестный под названием (In 1984, 43-year-old Japanese adventurer Naomi Uemura vanished while climbing Alaska’s Denali—formerly known as Mount McKinley. -- при восхождении вершины Денали на Аляске, в прошлом известной под названием гора Мак-Кинли mentalfloss.com ART Vancouver)
might as wellможно (без особого энтузиазма: 'Want to stop for a coffee?' 'Might as well.' ART Vancouver)
more as it developsновые подробности-по мере развития событий (VLZ_58)
point to sth. as an exampleпривести что-л. в качестве примера (Some near-death experiencers return with information they could not have known prior to the NDE. As an example, Long pointed to accounts of experiencers who encountered people in the afterlife they did not know were dead. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
so far as it relatesв части, касающейся (Alexander Matytsin)
Tight as the bark on a treeскупой на деньги (Stingy when it comes to money. Interex)
Tight as the bark on a treeочень экономный (Interex)
Tight as the bark on a treeочень бережливый (Very frugal. Interex)
who cares as long asкакая разница? Всё равно (A 45-storey tower or a 54-storey tower – who cares as long as many of us could not afford or dream living in it. ART Vancouver)
within a short span of timeза короткий период времени (One curious aspect of the UFO phenomenon is how many sightings seem to come in waves, with many witnesses coming forward in the same area within a short span of time, for whatever reasons. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
within a short span of timeза короткий промежуток времени (One curious aspect of the UFO phenomenon is how many sightings seem to come in waves, with many witnesses coming forward in the same area within a short span of time, for whatever reasons. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
within a short span of timeв течение короткого времени (One curious aspect of the UFO phenomenon is how many sightings seem to come in waves, with many witnesses coming forward in the same area within a short span of time, for whatever reasons. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
work out the problems as they come upрешать проблемы по мере их поступления (одну за одной Rust71)
your guess is as good as mineспроси что-нибудь полегче (ART Vancouver)