
Terms for subject General containing Amount In | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a test for the amount of butter in milkопределение жирности молока
Amount in account currencyсумма в валюте счета (ROGER YOUNG)
amount in arrearsне оплаченная в срок сумма (Alexander Demidov)
amount in arrearsне перечисленная в срок сумма (Alexander Demidov)
amount in controversyоспариваемая сумма (Amount in controversy (sometimes called jurisdictional amount) is a term used in United States civil procedure to denote the amount at stake in a lawsuit, in particular in connection with a requirement that persons seeking to bring a lawsuit in a particular court must be suing for a certain minimum amount before that court may hear the case. WK Alexander Demidov)
amount in controversyцена дела (The value of the relief demanded or the amount of monetary damages claimed in a lawsuit. Some courts have jurisdiction, or the power to hear cases, only if the amount in controversy is more or less than an amount specified by law. For example, federal district courts can hear lawsuits concerning questions of federal law andcontroversies between citizens of different states, but they can do this only if the amount in controversy is more than $50,000. Some lower-level state courts, such as those that hear small claims, have no authority to hear controversies involving more than certain maximum amounts. When the amount in controversy determines the court's authority to hear a particular case, it may also be called the jurisdictional amount. West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 Alexander Demidov)
amount in controversyоспариваемая денежная сумма (Alexander Demidov)
amount in digitsсумма цифрой (Alexander Demidov)
amount in figuresсумма цифрами (ABelonogov)
amount in handзадел (of work done, etc. ORD Alexander Demidov)
amount in whole or in partсумма или часть суммы (Alexander Demidov)
amount in wordsсумма прописью (ABelonogov)
amount lost in boilingуварка
discharged in an amount equal toпрекращаться в части, равной (Credit Party to the extent that such Indebtedness would be discharged in an amount equal to the amount paid by such Credit Party hereunder) and after giving ... Alexander Demidov)
equivalent amount in other currencyэквивалент этой суммы в другой валюте (AirBeam for iOS is available for USD 3.99 (or equivalent amount in other currency) in the App Store on your iPhone, iPod or iPad. | U.S.$100,000 or any equivalent amount in other currency or such other amount as the CBB may determine. Alexander Demidov)
full amount in arrearsполная сумма задолженности (Re-enrolment after an Eviction Letter has been served will require the settlement of the full amount in arrears as well as a full school term's payment of fees in ... Alexander Demidov)
in a certain amountв определённом количестве (Yeldar Azanbayev)
in a given amount of timeза заданный промежуток времени (Alex_Odeychuk)
in a sizable amountсолидно
in a small amountв натруску
in absolute amountв абсолютном значении (ABelonogov)
in amountколичественно
in amountпо количеству
in an aggregate amount ofв общей сумме (Bullfinch)
in an amount equivalent toв размере, эквивалентном (ABelonogov)
in an amount ofиз расчёта (sega_tarasov)
in an amount ofв размере (Georgy Moiseenko)
in an amount such thatв таком количестве, которое (Andreev)
in an amount sufficient to coverв сумме, обеспечивающей покрытие (The Secretary may require the payment of fees for the purpose of, and in an amount sufficient to cover the cost of, administering sections 263a–1 to 263a–7 of ... | G&H shall maintain professional indemnity insurance in an amount sufficient to cover their liabilities. | ... of the Business, ensure that it pays a deposit in an amount sufficient to cover the fees due to XXXXXXXXX pursuant to the Vendor Contract in ... Alexander Demidov)
in an amount totalling no more thanна общую сумму не более (ABelonogov)
in an amount up toв размере не более (Alexander Demidov)
in an amount up to the equivalent ofв сумме, не превышающей эквивалента (Alexander Demidov)
in an amount up to the fullв размере, не превышающем полной (to protect the plaintiff, including an order that the security be posted or paid in an amount up to the full amount of the judgment against that defendant. Alexander Demidov)
in an especially large amountв особо крупном размере (google.com Tanya Gesse)
in any amountв любых количествах (dana517)
in order of amountпо убыванию (при описании состава, когда ингредиент с наибольшей долей содержания идёт в начале hellamarama)
in the amount and manner specifiedв размере и порядке, определённом (is entitled to rely conclusively on the above instructions to disburse loan proceeds under the Loan Documents in the amount and manner specified above. Alexander Demidov)
in the amount equal to the sum ofв размере, равном сумме (For the fiscal year ending June 30, 1993, a grant in the amount equal to the sum of (A) the product of the town's aid ratio, the foundation level and the town's ... | to submit a Surety Bond in the amount equal to the sum of the amounts required for the applicable categories Alexander Demidov)
in the amount of...в сумме... (далее указывается конкретная денежная сумма)
in the amount of...в количестве...
in the amount ofна сумму (Юрий Гомон)
in the amount ofв размере (напр., в размере 300 рублей karchebnaya)
in the amount ofв сумме (Юрий Гомон)
in the amount ofна сумму в (The South Surrey Multicultural Society will receive a grant in the amount of $1,500. ART Vancouver)
in the amount ofобъёмом
in the amount of expenditures incurredв сумме принимаемых затрат (ABelonogov)
in the amount of the decrease inв размере суммы, на которую понизилась (of the estimated cost of the repairs if the permittee will be repairing, or in the amount of the decrease in value if the permittee will be compensating the owner, | This will result in an understatement of business expenses paid by cash in the amount of the decrease in accounts payable, and an understatement of the gross | a conservation easement to the land trust, then generally the landowner is entitled to a federal income tax deduction in the amount of the decrease in value of ... Alexander Demidov)
in the amount of the reduction inв размере суммы, на которую понизилась (more hits. The community is entitled to a lien in the amount of the reduction in the principal balance of the mortgage during the marriage. | medical care expenses in the amount of the reduction in revenue that the... | ... unit owner the value of whose interest is reduced in the amount of the reduction in value, either in cash or by other consideration acceptable to the unit owner. Alexander Demidov)
in the right amountв меру
in the sum equal to the amount ofв размере, равном сумме (bidder shall furnish a security bond in the sum equal to the amount of the bid price for the faithful performance to the contract Alexander Demidov)
it should be noted that the impurities in question amounted to only 2-3%следует отметить, что рассматриваемые примеси составили только 2-3%
late charges in the amount of ...each day past dueпеня в размере... за каждый день просрочки (iRena4u)
little in amountскудный
little in amountнебольшой по количеству
put the amount in the receiptуказать количество в квитанции (in the expenditure, etc., и т.д.)
put together a large amount of biological facts in a bookсобрать в книге воедино большое количество фактов из области биологии
put together a large amount of biological facts in a bookсобрать в книге воедино большое количество сведений из области биологии
receivables in the amount ofправа требования на сумму (Alexander Demidov)
Recently, there has been a significant amount of interest inв последнее время большой интерес вызывает (Recently, there has been a significant amount of interest in the perceptual interaction between the auditory and visual systems in multi‐modal contexts – by Scott D. Lipscomb Tamerlane)
small in amountмелкий (мелкие суммы sankozh)
small in amountскромный (скромные выплаты sankozh)
the amount of protein in meatсодержание белка в мясе
three discount houses were in the bank for a small amountтри учётные конторы понесли небольшой убыток
three discount houses were in the bank for a small amountтри учётных конторы понесли небольшой убыток
write out the amount in wordsнаписать сумму прописью (Anglophile)