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Terms for subject General containing American Council | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
American Book Publishers CouncilСовет американских книгоиздателей
American Council For Independent Colleges And SchoolsСовет по аккредитации независимых колледжей и университетов (Johnny Bravo)
American Council of Learned SocietiesАмериканский совет научных обществ
American Council of Teachers of RussianАмериканский совет преподавателей русского языка и литературы (Victor Parno)
American Council on EducationАмериканский совет по образованию
American Council on EducationАСЕ (Lena Nolte)
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign LanguagesАмериканский совет по обучению иностранным языкам
American Forage and Grassland CouncilАмериканский совет по лугопастбищному хозяйству и фуражу
American Industrial Development CouncilАмериканский совет промышленного развития
American Sheep Producers CouncilАмериканский совет овцеводов
American-Soviet Trade and Economic CouncilАмерикано-советский торгово-экономический совет
American-Soviet Trade and Economic CouncilАСТЭС
ASTEC, American-Soviet Trade and Economic CouncilАмерикано-советский торгово-экономический совет, АСТЭС (Voledemar)
Central American Council of DefenceЦентральноамериканский совет обороны
Central American Council of DefenceКОНДЕКА
Council for American Private EducationСовет за американское частное образование
Council for Inter-American SecurityСовет по межамериканской безопасности
Council of American Building OfficialsСовет американских строительных организаций (CABO – A national organization of building code officials and interested parties which, through a national consensus process, developed, adopted and promulgated the national Model Energy Code (MEC). CABO has recently become CABO International and has taken on the administrative responsibility for the development of a uniform international building code through an International Code Council (ICC). ambassador)
Council of American Chambers of Commerce in EuropeСовет американских торговых палат в Европе
Council of European-American AssociationsСовет европейско-американских ассоциаций
Council of the Organization of American StatesСовет Организации американских государств
Council on American-Islamic RelationsСовет по американо-исламским отношениям (cair.com proff2199)
Inter-American Council of Commerce and ProductionМежамериканский торговопромышленный совет
Inter-American Economic and Social CouncilМежамериканский экономический и социальный совет
National Council of American-Soviet FriendshipНациональный совет дружбы между СССР и США
the American Council of Young Political LeadersАмериканский совет молодых политических лидеров