
Terms for subject General containing Amelioration | all forms | exact matches only
climatic ameliorationулучшение климата (наступление более теплого и более сухого климата в позднеледниковое и постледниковое время)
hydro ameliorationгидромелиорация (Plans for the construction of water, energy and hydro-amelioration facilities should be viewed in this light. Alexander Demidov)
land ameliorationмелиорация земель (в контексте, где перечисляются различные виды мелиорации: агролесомелиорация, культуртехническая мелиорация и химическая мелиорация и т.п. Alexander Demidov)
land ameliorationблагоустройство территории (Land improvement or land amelioration refers to investments making land more usable by humans. In terms of accounting, land improvements refer to any variety of projects that increase the value of the property. ... Home building and containment were two of the most historical common improvements. In terms of agriculture, amelioration includes: Hydrological improvement (Land levelling, drainage, irrigation, leaching of saline soils, landslide and flood control) Soil improvement (fertilization, establishment of proper chemical balance). Soil stabilization/erosion control Road construction Afforestation, as a means for both water conservation and land protection against wind erosion (shelterbelts). WK Alexander Demidov)
land ameliorationулучшение земель (wiki Alexander Demidov)
Protection and amelioration of environmentохрана и улучшение состояния окружающей среды (Andronik1)