
Terms for subject Informal containing All Day | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
all day and nightкруглосуточно (We heard loud music all day and night from our neighbor's apartment. • The store is open all day and night for your convenience. Alex_Odeychuk)
all day longдень деньской
All Fools' Dayдень дурака (1 апреля alizee)
all in a day's workобычное дело (if something difficult, unpleasant, or unusual is all in a day's work for someone, it is a normal part of their job; the phrase is often used humorously to minimize an aspect of one's job that is particularly good or bad: For war reporters, dodging snipers' bullets is all in a day's work. • Oh, solving technological crises is all in a day's work for those of us in IT. Stargaze)
be all in a day's workбыть чьей-либо работой (Nevtutor)
he didn't have a piece of bread in his mouth all dayон целые сутки не видал во рту куска хлеба
he keeps his head in his books all dayон целый день сидит над книгами
I can't keep running after you all day!я не могу бегать за тобой весь день!
I haven't got all dayя человек занятой (Bartek2001)
I haven't got all dayбыстрее, чего тебе? (Bartek2001)
it's all in a day's workобычное дело (the phrase is often used humorously to minimize an aspect of one's job that is particularly good: He waved my thanks aside. 'It's all in a day's work.' Stargaze)
it's all in a day's workэто моя работа (the phrase is often used humorously to minimize an aspect of one's job that is particularly good: I said: `How can I ever thank you?' but he waved the question aside. `It's all in a day's work.' 4uzhoj)
on the run all dayвес день в беготне