
Terms for subject Psychology containing Addictions | all forms
computer-game addictionзависимость от компьютерных игр (bbc.com bojana)
digital addictionцифровая зависимость (Digital addiction is a harmful dependence on digital media and devices such as smartphones, video games, and computers.: Digital addiction is a real and growing condition and can take the form of smartphone/cellphone addiction, social media addiction, or internet addiction. Ying)
Internet addictionпривыкание к интернету (Andrey Truhachev)
internet addictionинтернет-зависимость (Technology addictions, also commonly known as digital addictions or internet addictions, are often overlooked due to the acceptance that society has placed on using digital devices. Andrey Truhachev)
Internet addiction disorderсиндром зависимости от интернета (Andrey Truhachev)
Internet addiction disorderсиндром интернет-зависимости (Andrey Truhachev)
Internet addiction disorderсиндром привыкания к интернету (Andrey Truhachev)
shop addictionшопоголизм (igisheva)
shop addictionониомания (igisheva)
shopping addictionониомания (luca)
shopping addictionмагазинная зависимость (luca)
shopping addictionшопоголизм (luca)
social media addictionзависимость от социальных сетей (bbc.com bojana)
technology addictionтехнозависимость (Технозависимость – это синдром психологического патологического влечения к гаджетам и компьютерным играм • Technology addictions, also commonly known as digital addictions or internet addictions, are often overlooked due to the acceptance that society has placed on using digital devices 'More)
work addictionтрудоголизм (igisheva)