
Terms for subject Religion containing Acts | all forms | exact matches only
act as a prelateсвятительствовать
act of apostasyакт вероотступничества (Alex_Odeychuk)
act of contritionраскаяние
act of faithподвиг веры
act of faithаутодафе
act of faith A public ceremony during which the sentences upon those brought before the Spanish Inquisition were read and after which the sentences were executed by the secular authoritiesакт веры
act of faithпроявление веры
act of faithсвидетельство веры
act of faithиспытание веры
act of GodБожий промысел
act of loving kindnessдобрый поступок (sankozh)
act of moral courageподвиг (Liv Bliss)
Act of Supremacy 1534, the Act in which the Parliament recognized King Henry VIII as supreme head of the Church of EnglandАкт о супрематии
act of uniformityакт о единообразии
Act of Uniformity"Акт о единоверии" (1662, the Act that required reordination of many pastors, gave unconditional consent to the Book of Common Prayer, advocated the taking of the oath of canonical obedience, and renounced the Solemn League and Covenant)
act of worshipсовершение акта поклонения богам (идолам и пр.)
act of worshipбогослужение
act of worshipцерковная служба
act on the basis of religious ideasдействовать на основании религиозных убеждений (контекстуальный перевод на русс. язык Alex_Odeychuk)
act uponдействовать
act uponвлиять
Acts of Andrew and Matthias Among the CannibalsДеяния Андрея и Матфея в стране людоедов (One of the apocryphal works devoted to SS Andrew and Matthias)
Acts of Barnabasапокриф "Деяния Варнавы" (One of the 5th-century apocryphal works devoted to Barnabas, a companion of St. Paul)
Acts of Bartholomewапокриф "Деяния Варфоломея" (One of the apocryphal works devoted to Bartholomew)
Acts of Johnапокриф "Деяния Иоанна" (One of the apocryphal works with semi-Gnostic traits devoted to John)
acts of mercyдела милосердия
Acts of Paulапокриф "Деяния Павла" (One of the apocryphal works devoted to Paul)
Acts of Paul and TheclaДеяния Павла и Фёклы (One of the apocryphal works devoted to Paul which includes a Christian version of the story of Androcles and the lion)
Acts of Peter One of the apocryphal works devoted to Peter with the apostle's question to the risen Lord, "Lord, where are you going?" and Peter's crucifixion upside downДеяния Петра
Acts of Philipапокриф "Деяния Филиппа" (One of the apocryphal works devoted to Philip)
Acts of Pilateапокриф "Деяния Пилата" (An apocryphal work recounting the trial, death, and resurrection of Christ)
Acts of PilateАкты Пилата
Acts of PilateДостопамятные деяния Господа нашего Иисуса Христа при Понтийском Пилате
Acts of PilateДеяния Пилата
Acts of Thaddaeusапокриф "Деяния Фаддея" (One of the apocryphal works devoted to Thaddaeus, with his conversion of a king of Edessa)
Acts of the ApostlesДеяния апостолов
acts of the apostlesдеяния святых апостолов
Acts of Thomasапокриф "Деяния Фомы" (One of the apocryphal works devoted to Thomas, with the Gnostic "Hymn of the Pearl")
all devotions and righteous actsвсякое ревностное служение и дела праведные (Alex_Odeychuk)
Balanced Treatment ActДоговор о балансе (MichaelBurov)
be an act of apostasyявляться актом вероотступничества (Alex_Odeychuk)
charitable actдоброе дело
charitable actмилосердный поступок
detestable actsмерзости (financial-engineer)
Equal Time ActДоговор о балансе (MichaelBurov)
Equal Time'/'Balanced Treatment ActДоговор о балансе
God will punish the terrorists, for by their abominable acts, which they committed allegedly in the name of the majesty of God, they have profaned His holy nameБог покарает террористов, ибо своими мерзкими деяниями, совершёнными якобы во имя величия Божия, они осквернили Его святое имя
Luke-ActsЕвангелие от Луки и Деяния (aldrignedigen)
obey an Actподчиняться закону (kee46)
purificatory actочистительный обряд (Alex_Odeychuk)
Religious Denominations Act 2002Закон о вероисповеданиях от 2002 г. (AnnaT)
righteous actsдела праведные (Alex_Odeychuk)
saving actспасительное деяние (Александр Рыжов)
saving actспасающее деяние (Александр Рыжов)
Test Actзакон о вероисповедании служащих
Test Act In England, Scotland, and Ireland, any law that made a person's eligibility for public office depend upon his profession of the established religionтест-акт
Toleration ActЗакон о веротерпимости (May 24, 1689, act of Parliament granting freedom of worship to Nonconformists)
ungodly actsгнусные поступки
ungodly actsнеприглядные дела
ungodly actsбогомерзкие делишки
ungodly actsпостыдные дела
ungodly actsнеблаговидные дела