
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Activities | all forms | exact matches only
activity assemblyсборка активности (A .DLL or an .EXE file containing a .NET assembly that implements the logic for a workflow activity)
activity auditаудит действий
activity buttonкнопка вызова функциональной области (A button at the bottom of the navigation pane used for grouping list places in which are common to a task or a work process relevant to the users role. When the activity button is activated, the navigation pane displays the links to the list places which have been assigned to that activity button and the content area displays one of the list places assigned to the activity button)
activity companyподотчётная компания (Any company from which transaction data is included on a centralized customer statement)
activity dataданные о действиях (Data generated as part of a business transaction by executing an activity within an application. It is characterized by an exclusive write access pattern)
activity diagramсхема деятельности (A special case of a statechart diagram in which all of the states are action states and the transitions are triggered by the completion of actions in the source state)
activity feedлента новостей (A feed that provides information, notifications and updates based on people, documents, and tags you are following)
activity feedвеб-канал активности (A feed that provides information, notifications and updates based on people, documents, and tags you are following. Rori)
Activity Feed Cleanup Jobзадание очистки веб-канала активности (Office System 2010 Rori)
Activity Feed Jobзадание канала активности (Office System 2010 Rori)
Activity FeedsЛенты новостей (A solution in Microsoft Dynamics CRM that displays posts about records)
activity implementerисполнитель действия (A user who has been assigned the Activity Implementer role and who implements an assigned manual activity)
activity logжурнал изменений (A historic record of the state of a source document)
activity modelмодель деятельности (A predefined sequence of actions)
activity model stepшаг модели деятельности (A synonym for an action from the viewpoint of an activity model. When an action is contained within an activity model, it is referred to as an activity model step)
activity planплан действий (A schedule for planning the activities that often follow the completion of a project)
Activity Propagationраспределение действий (A system job that distributes activities to records)
activity reportотчёт об активности (A report that an administrator, parent, or guardian can view showing children's or family members' online activity)
Activity Reportingотчёты о действиях
Activity Reportingотчёты о действиях (An option on Windows Parental Control that, if selected, creates logs of all the actions performed by a user on the computer)
activity statusсостояние действия (The condition, at a particular time, of an activity)
activity streamлента активности (The set of automatic Yammer posts in a record)
Activity Stream Tickerобласть ленты активности (The side module on a user's Yammer homepage that constantly streams updates about business activities in real-time. Rori)
Activity Trackerтрекер деятельности (A feature that allows a user to track physical activity. Rori)
all activity associated viewпредставление всех связанных действий (ssn)
All Activity Associated Viewпредставление всех связанных действий (A view in CRM that displays all activities associated with an entity)
approval activityактивность утверждения (A workflow decision point that can be used to obtain authorization from a person before continuing in the workflow)
authentication challenge activityактивность запроса проверки подлинности (A Windows Workflow Foundation activity that is used to configure a challenge that will be issued to a user in order to authenticate to ILM "2")
automated activityавтоматическое действие (An activity that is automatically completed by Service Manager)
automation activityавтоматическое действие (ssn)
automation activity prefixпрефикс автоматического действия (System Center Service Manager 2012 ssn)
binding log activityпроцесс регистрации связывания (ssn)
build activityдействие сборки (A Windows Workflow Foundation activity that is part of the Team Foundation Server build process. It incorporates the logic that is executed before, during, or after the building of a software application)
Business Activity Monitoringмониторинг бизнес-деятельности (A BizTalk Server feature that gives business users a real-time view of their heterogeneous business processes, enabling them to make important business decisions)
Business Activity Servicesслужбы бизнес-деятельности (A BizTalk Server feature that enables business users to configure business processes and interact with trading partners)
business activity statementотчёт по деловым операциям
campaign activityдействие кампании (An activity performed, or to be performed, by a user for planning or running a campaign. A campaign activity includes additional, campaign-specific information, such as budgets and vendor names)
Connects to social networking sites and provides people, activity, and status informationПодключается к сайтам социальных сетей и предоставляет сведения о пользователях, активности и состоянии (Office System 2010 Rori)
dependent change management activityзависимое действие управления изменениями (A change management activity that is used to link change requests to a release record)
follow-up activityдальнейшее действие (An activity created using the Follow Up form in the Form Assistant)
function activityактивность функции (A workflow activity for simple data manipulations as a result of a request, e.g. concatenating the first name and last name of a user to produce the display name)
group validation activityактивность проверки группы (A workflow activity that determines whether a group management request would violate the ILM or Active Directory configuration or policy)
Health and Activity Tracking toolсредство отслеживания работоспособности и активности (A user interface that enables specified data to be tracked. This interface can be used to monitor the health of the BizTalk server farm and to track and view specific events and messages. Rori)
illegal activities and regulated goodsнезаконная деятельность и несанкционированные товары (lavazza)
Manage Ongoing Program ActivitiesУправление текущими работами по программе (Project 2007 Andy)
notification activityактивность уведомления (" A workflow activity within the action phase of request processing in which ILM "2" sends e-mails to one or more users to notify them of the request.")
release activityдействие выпуска (A type of activity that is part of a release record, including dependent, manual, parallel, review, and sequential activities)
review activityдействие проверки (A step in a review process in which users approve or deny change requests)
Self-Service Activity Reportотчёт о действиях в самостоятельном режиме (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
service activityдействие сервиса (A schedulable appointment to provide a service to a customer. A service activity uses one or more resources to perform a service at a specific time and place)
Share to your activity feedОпубликовать в ленте действий (Xbox One Rori)
Show all my updates in Activity FeedОтображать мои обновления в веб-канале активности (Lync 2010 Rori)
standard activityстандартное действие (The set of activities that is included with the standard installation of Orchestrator)
this program tracks activity and delivers advertisementsэта программа следит за действиями пользователя и содержит рекламу (Windows Vista)
Windows Workflow Foundation activityактивность WWF (A unit of program behavior in Windows Workflow Foundation. Single activities can be composed together into more complex activities)
workflow activityдействие бизнес-процесса (An elemental unit of a workflow that represents actions and provides functionality for control flow, conditions, event handling, state management, and communication with applications and services)
workflow activityактивность рабочего процесса (A unit of program behavior in Windows Workflow Foundation. Single activities can be composed together into more complex activities)