
Terms for subject General containing Accidental | all forms | exact matches only
accidental customerслучайный клиент (Having a name too similar to the industry leader might help you get a few accidental customers early on, but you want to build long-term ... Alexander Demidov)
Accidental Death and Dismembermentувечье в результате несчастного случая
Accidental Death and Dismembermentсмерть в результате несчастного случая
accidental detention on a journeyнепредвиденная задержка в пути
accidental dolphinнеожиданное проникновение в анус женщины во время вагинального секса, в результате которого она издаёт звуки, подобные крику дельфина (сленг antul)
accidental encounterнепредвиденная встреча (AlexP73)
accidental encounterслучайная встреча (AlexP73)
accidental fireслучайное возгорание (AlexP73)
accidental genetic mutationsслучайные генетические мутации (Ремедиос_П)
accidental harmoniesслучайные аккордовые образования
accidental killingнепредумышленное убийство (A death caused by a lawful act done under the reasonable belief that no harm was likely to result. Accidental killing is different from Involuntary Manslaughter, which causes death by an unlawful act or a lawful act done in an unlawful way. The Common Law of crimes distinguished two types of accidental killings: (1) accidental killings resulting from unlawful acts of violence not directed at the victim were punishable as Manslaughter (killings resulting from unlawful acts directed at the victim were punishable as murder); and (2) accidental killings resulting from lawful acts of violence were excusable as homicide by misadventure. thefreedictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
accidental loss of lifeслучайная гибель (triumfov)
accidental natureслучайность (with gen., of something)
accidental printingпропечатывание
accidental regimeаварийный режим (ABelonogov)
accidental release measuresмероприятия по устранению (ликвидации) случайного выброса (аварийной утечки Kainah)
Accidental release measuresМеры при случайном, непроизвольном выбросе (ROGER YOUNG)
accidental shootingслучайная перестрелка (AlexP73)
accidental slip of the tongueслучайная оговорка (It is not yet known if Ronaldo meant to say wife, or if it was an accidental slip of the tongue. ArcticFox)
accidental use of nuclear weaponsнепредумышленное применение ядерного оружия
accidental warвойна в результате случайности
accidental warслучайно возникшая война
cautinary accidentalпамятка
cautinary accidentalзнак для памяти
indicating accidental collisionна-
indicating accidental meetingна-
non-accidentalнеслучайный (To demonstrate the non-accidental nature of the act, it was necessary for the State to introduce evidence surrounding the act itself – by J. Watts Tamerlane)
not accidentalнеслучайный
risk of accidental damageриск случайного повреждения (to ABelonogov)
risk of accidental destructionриск случайной гибели (ABelonogov)