
Terms for subject Microsoft containing APP | all forms | exact matches only
Access appвеб-приложение Access (An app for SharePoint that is built by using Access and has its data stored in SQL Server or SQL Azure)
Access appприложение Access (ssn)
Access app for SharePointвеб-приложение Access для SharePoint (An app for SharePoint that is built by using Access and has its data stored in SQL Server or SQL Azure)
app barпанель приложения (The surface that appears along the bottom edge of the screen and includes app commands)
app behaviorповедение приложения (Alex_Odeychuk)
app behaviorработа приложения (Alex_Odeychuk)
app bundleнабор приложений (A collection of app packages and shared app package resources for a single app)
app catalogкаталог приложений (ssn)
app classкласс приложения (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
app codeкод приложения (ssn)
app commandкоманда приложения (A function relevant to an app in use that is displayed on the app bar)
app commandsкоманды приложения (Windows 8 ssn)
app compatсовместимость приложений (The concept of ensuring that older applications still run correctly under newer operating systems)
app compat databaseбаза данных совместимости приложений (ssn)
app containerконтейнер приложения (A runtime environment for Windows Store apps that's designed to minimize app impact on the computer by placing runtime restrictions on what apps can do)
app Context Menuконтекстное меню приложения (The system user interface provided for cut, copy, and paste)
app context menuконтекстное меню приложения (ssn)
app contractконтракт приложений (A contract between apps. App contracts include App to app picking, Play to, Print, Search, Send, Setting, Sharing (Share source and Share target))
App Controller LibraryБиблиотека App Controller (A single logical representation of all library objects from registered clouds from VMM and Windows Azure)
app custom actionдополнительное действие на основе приложения (A type of custom action that is added to a host site by an app for SharePoint and that links to more functionality that is contained by the app)
app data storageхранилище данных приложения (An isolated data store specific to a particular application and user)
app descriptionописание приложения (A Product Description Page that provides a composite view of all the details that a consumer needs to determine if they want to buy a particular app. This page typically includes the title, publisher name, language support, device support, price point, screen shots, ratings, and reviews)
app errorошибка программы (Windows Phone 7.5 ssn)
app experiencesприложения (Alex_Odeychuk)
app for Officeприложение для Office (A cloud-enabled app that integrates rich, scenario-focused content and services into an Office application)
app for SharePointприложение для SharePoint (A cloud-enabled app that integrates rich, scenario-focused content and services into a SharePoint environment)
app for Windows 8приложение для Windows 8 (An app that targets Windows 8. It could be a Windows Store app or a desktop app)
app historyжурнал приложений (Windows 8 ssn)
app hostхост приложений (The hosting environment for Windows Store apps that use JavaScript/HTML; it plays a role in activation, deactivation, event/SQM logging, configuration, security, and other functions)
app IDидентификатор приложения (An identification number for a software application)
app installerустановщик приложений (A developer tool that installs Windows Store apps)
app listingописание приложения (The description data of a single app that is rendered for display in the consumer side of the store. It consists of several pages of info that provide a composite view of all the details a consumer needs to determine if they want to buy the app. An app listing typically includes the app's name, the publisher's name, language support, device support, price tier, screen shots, age rating and customer reviews. The web-based version of this is called an app listing page)
app localizerсредство локализации приложений (A developer tool that is used to create localizable resources for an app)
app manifestманифест приложения (An XML file that specifies the characteristics of an application. This includes metadata for the application, dependencies on other packages, and capabilities required by the app)
App Manifest Editorредактор манифеста приложения (Visual Studio 2013 VS Update Rori)
App Modelмодель приложений (A model that defines characteristics of Windows Store apps)
App MonitorМониторинг приложений (A dashboard where admins can track the overall health of the apps in a site collection or tenancy)
app nameимя приложения (The name of a product in the store that appears to customers. To the end user, this is the name of the product)
app nameназвание приложения (Windows Live Family Safety Wave 5 ssn)
app nameимя приложения (Windows 8, Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
app packageпакет приложения (A file that contains the app manifest, executable files, text and image resource files, and other files that make up the app for a single platform)
app package deploymentразвёртывание пакетов приложений (ssn)
app package deployment clientклиент развёртывания пакетов приложений (ssn)
App Package Deployment Client DLLDLL клиента развёртывания пакетов приложений (A DLL that deploys .appx packages)
app package deployment client DLLDLL клиента развёртывания пакетов приложений (ssn)
app package signingподписывание пакета приложения (The process of adding a secure digital Authenticode signature to an app package before it is available in the Windows Store. The digital signature shows who signed the package, that the signer is recognized by the client as a trusted source, and that the content of the package was not changed after it was signed)
App Package SysprepSysPrep для пакетов приложений (A utility that prepares the operating system for an installation of an app package)
app packagerупаковщик приложений (A developer tool to build appx packages)
app partвеб-часть приложения (ssn)
app prefixпрефикс приложения (SharePoint Server 2013 ssn)
app previewпризрачное приложение (A placeholder on the Start screen that represents an app not yet installed on the PC)
app proceedsдоход от приложения (Receipts after the Windows Store fee has been subtracted)
app proceeds since last paymentдоход от приложения с момента последнего платежа (Receipts after the Windows Store fee has been subtracted)
app proceeds to dateдоход от приложения на текущую дату (Receipts after the Windows Store fee has been subtracted)
app reportотчёт о приложении (Windows 8 ssn)
app service environmentсреда службы приложений (stachel)
App Service Logic Appsприложения логики службы приложений (A feature of App Service that automates the access and use of data across clouds without writing code. Rori)
App Service Web Appsвеб-приложения службы приложений (A feature of App Service that allows developers to create and deploy business-scalable mission-critical web apps. Rori)
app servicesслужбы приложений (stachel)
app settingsпараметры приложения (Windows 8 ssn)
app sharingсовместный доступ к приложению (Windows Server 2003 SP1 ssn)
app sizesразмер приложений (Windows 8 ssn)
app startзапуск приложения (Windows Vista ssn)
app stateсостояние приложения (Windows 8 ssn)
app stepшаг уровня приложения (A workflow step whose actions can read from and write to all items in a site)
app summaryстатистика по приложению (ssn)
app supportподдержка приложения (Windows Live Messenger Connect Wave5 ssn)
app switchпереключение на приложение (A feature of Internet Explorer 10 that allows users to easily switch between websites and their corresponding apps)
app switchingпереключение приложений (ssn)
app tileплитка приложения (A tile on the Start screen, as defined in its manifest. An app can only have one app tile, but it can have multiple secondary tiles)
app titleназвание приложения (The name a developer provides for their application)
app updateобновление приложений (ssn)
app updatesобновления приложений (Windows 8 ssn)
app webсайт приложения (A subweb site to which the SharePoint components of an app are deployed when the app is installed on a host web)
at the binary level of your appв скомпилированном коде приложения (Alex_Odeychuk)
at the binary level of your appна уровне скомпилированного кода приложения (Alex_Odeychuk)
at the binary level of your appв двоичном коде приложения (Alex_Odeychuk)
at the binary level of your appна уровне двоичного кода приложения (Alex_Odeychuk)
auxiliary app compat databaseдополнительная база данных совместимости приложений (ssn)
blank appпустое приложение (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
blocked appзаблокированное приложение (Windows Live Family Safety W5M2 ssn)
child app containerдочерний контейнер приложения (An app container that places additional restrictions on what an app can do based on its parent app container)
Cloud App Modelмодель облачных приложений (An application-hosting architecture that relies on cloud-based services. Application logic and data are typically hosted on a distributed set of services on the Internet, connected through web APIs, and authenticated with server-to-server authentication technologies such as OAuth)
common app codeобщий код приложения (Alex_Odeychuk)
company appприложения организации (The apps or hubs provided by a company that users can install on their phones once they have enrolled in a company account)
content appконтентное приложение (An app for Office that is embedded in the body of a client application window, inline with content)
content app for Officeконтентное приложение для Office (An app for Office that is embedded in the body of a client application window, inline with content)
declaration of the app classобъявление класса приложения (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
deploy an app on Azureвыполнять развёртывание приложения в облачной среде Azure (amazon.com Alex_Odeychuk)
desktop app barпанель классического приложения (The workspace at the bottom of the application that displays alerts and notifications. Rori)
desktop device appклассическое приложение для устройства (A device app built in C++/Win32/COM)
device appприложение для устройства (ssn)
Edit an appИзменение приложения (Windows 8 ssn)
fully self-contained app versionполностью автономная версия приложения (This app version doesn't need a separate runtime – everything is included in a single file. — Эта версия приложения не требует отдельной среды выполнения – всё включено в один файл. microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
Get the appПолучить приложение (Windows Live Messenger Connect Wave5 ssn)
grid appприложение таблицы (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
high-trust appприложение с высоким уровнем доверия (An app that uses the server-to-server (S2S) protocol, where the app is responsible for creating the user portion of the access token, and therefore is trusted to assert any user identity)
homework appразрешённое приложение (An app chosen by a parent that a child can use at any time and for as long as necessary outside of curfew hours)
in-app offerпродажа из приложения (A feature that a developer provides in an app for consumers to buy from within the app through an in-app purchase transaction)
in-app purchaseпокупка из приложения (A transaction performed by a consumer from within the context of an app to buy additional features for that app)
in-app searchпоиск в приложении (An end-to-end search functionality in an app)
in-app search controlэлемент управления "Поиск в приложении" (A control that developers use to implement the primary entry point for in-app search)
intelligent appинтеллектуальное приложение (microsoft.com ssn)
launch appзапустить программу (Windows Phone 7.5 ssn)
mail appпочтовое приложение (An app for Office that appears only in Outlook or Outlook Web App)
mail app for Outlookпочтовое приложение для Outlook (An app for Office that appears only in Outlook or Outlook Web App)
main appосновное приложение (The wider of the two apps that can appear on the screen simultaneously after a second app is snapped to the screen)
mobile app barпанель мобильного приложения (The workspace along the bottom edge of the screen that enables the user to access Office 365 services or sign out)
mobile app designпроектирование мобильных приложений (Alex_Odeychuk)
mobile app experiencesприложения для мобильных устройств (Alex_Odeychuk)
mobile operator appприложение оператора мобильной связи (ssn)
Multi-Factor Authentication appприложение Multi-Factor Authentication (An application that can be installed on a user's mobile device to receive notifications and to verify that their sign in attempt was valid)
multiform appмногоплатформенное приложение (Alex_Odeychuk)
multiform app user interfaceпользовательский интерфейс многоплатформенного приложения (Alex_Odeychuk)
multilingual appмногоязычное приложение (ssn)
Multilingual App Toolkitнабор средств для многоязычных приложений (A Visual Studio extension that enables translation support through tools and guides)
multilingual app toolkitнабор средств для многоязычных приложений (ssn)
multi-platform app user interfaceпользовательский интерфейс многоплатформенного приложения (Alex_Odeychuk)
Office-enabled app for SharePointприложение с поддержкой Office для SharePoint (An app that has both an Office and a SharePoint component)
Pick an appВыбор приложения (Windows 8 ssn)
privileged appпривилегированное приложение (A Windows Store device app that's explicitly declared in the Privileged Application fields of Microsoft digitally signed device metadata. Only privileged apps have access to that device)
Project Web App Site Syncсинхронизация сайта Project Web App (A mechanism that synchronizes permissions from Project Server to the Project Web App site)
Quit AppВыйти из приложения (Access 2007 ssn)
Remote App and Desktop ConnectionsУдалённые рабочие столы и приложения (microsoft.com bojana)
run app as automation serverзапуск приложения как сервера автоматизации (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
snapped appприкреплённое приложение (The narrower of the two apps that can appear on the screen simultaneously after a second app is snapped to the screen)
split appприложение с разделением (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
standalone appавтономное приложение (Cortana in Windows as a standalone app is deprecated. ssn)
suspended appприостановленное приложение (An application that has been deactivated or removed from a marketplace, due to issues with the application)
task pane appприложение области задач (An app for Office that resides within a task pane in a client application)
task pane app for Officeприложение области задач для Office (An app for Office that resides within a task pane in a client application)
top app barверхняя панель приложения (An app bar that appears along the top edge of the screen and may include app commands or navigation. Rori)
universal Windows appуниверсальное приложение для операционный системы Windows (Universal Windows apps is an app model that allows you to share source code between Windows Phone & Windows apps (8.1+) and are deployed to the Windows Store. Alex_Odeychuk)
Use this page to access content from app web.Используйте эту страницу для доступа к контенту с сайта приложения (SharePoint Server 2013 Rori)
web app deployразвёртывание клиент-серверного приложения (в котором клиентом выступает обозреватель сайтов, а сервером – сервер интернета Alex_Odeychuk)
web app manageуправление клиент-серверным приложением (в котором клиентом выступает обозреватель сайтов, а сервером – сервер интернета Alex_Odeychuk)
Web app Open Platform Interfaceинтерфейс открытой платформы веб-приложений (An interface that enables a web application server (for example, Office Web Apps Server) to access and change files that are stored by a host server (such as SharePoint Server). Rori)
Windows appприложение для Windows (ssn)
Windows 8 appприложение для Windows 8 (An app that targets Windows 8. It could be a Windows Store app or a desktop app)
Windows app certificationсертификация приложений для Windows (ssn)
Windows app certification kitкомплект сертификации приложений для Windows (ssn)
Windows Communications Appsприложения Windows для общения (The download package that includes People, Messaging, Mail, and Calendar)
Windows Desktop Apps Certification Kitкомплект сертификации классических приложений (Tools and documentation to certify apps for Windows)
Windows Store appприложение Магазина Windows (An app that runs on the new Windows platform and meets the criteria for onboarding to the Windows Store)
Windows Store app built for Windows using C++ orприложение Магазина Windows на языке C++ или C (A Windows Store app written in C++ or C that uses standard Windows UI controls, has access to the Windows Runtime APIs, and can participate in the extensibility offered to Windows Store apps)
Windows Store app built for Windows using C++ or C#приложение Магазина Windows на языке C++ или C# (ssn)
Windows Store app built for Windows using JavaScriptприложение Магазина Windows на языке JavaScript (A Windows Store app that uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, can use the standard Windows UI controls, has access to the Windows Runtime APIs, and can leverage the extensibility offered to Windows Store apps. These apps use CSS for their visual styling with Windows UI controls to create a native look and feel)
Windows Store app developmentразработка приложений Магазина Windows (The process of developing Windows Store apps)
Windows store app developmentразработка приложений магазина Windows (ssn)
Windows Store app referenceсправка по разработке приложений Магазина Windows (The section, or Table of Contents node, of Windows Developer docs that contains all of the reference docs for Windows Store app development)
Windows store app referenceсправка по разработке приложений магазина Windows (ssn)
Windows Store device appприложение Магазина Windows для устройства (An app that's downloaded from the Windows Store and installed automatically to the PC when a user attaches a certified device to the PC, provided that the device manufacturer has submitted the app to the Windows Store)