
Terms for subject Formal containing A. A | all forms | in specified order only
a colour image of the entire documentцветное изображение всего документа (Alex_Odeychuk)
a concerted effort to rebuild public trustслаженная работа, направленная на восстановление доверия народа (CNN, 2020 Alex_Odeychuk)
a controlled itemпредмет строгой отчётности (Vic_Ber)
a difficulty has arisenвозникло осложнение (I'm afraid a difficulty has arisen, sir. ART Vancouver)
a difficulty has arisenвозникла трудность (I'm afraid a difficulty has arisen, sir. ART Vancouver)
a direct quotation from a reportцитата непосредственно из отчёта (Alex_Odeychuk)
a full package of documentsполный пакет документов (англ. термин взят из кн.: Jorgensen P.C. Software Testing: A Craftsman's Approach. – 4th edition. – Auerbach Publications, 2013 Alex_Odeychuk)
a minimum ofкак минимум (Unfortunately I cannot provide an estimate on fixing without digging into the code, but it would likely be a minimum of $5,000 and a few weeks of effort. ART Vancouver)
a problem in the person ofпроблема в лице (someone – кого-либо Soulbringer)
a row of negative consequencesряд негативных последствий (Soulbringer)
a valid government-issued photo IDдействительное удостоверение личности с фотографией государственного образца (Alex_Odeychuk)
across a variety of scenariosв различных условиях обстановки (Alex_Odeychuk)
act of a routine natureдействие в рамках установившейся практики (ART Vancouver)
after such a long timeпо прошествии столь долгого времени ("That's where a legendary, supernatural creature known as the Man-Monkey of England's Shropshire was seen, just a few weeks after the article was published. An escaped gorilla or a supernatural ape? After such a long time, the answer is unlikely to be found." mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
all of these demand a responseвсё это требует принятия мер реагирования (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
amount to a depth ofиметь глубину (MichaelBurov)
amount to a height ofиметь высоту (MichaelBurov)
amount to a volume ofиметь объём (MichaelBurov)
amount to a width ofиметь ширину (MichaelBurov)
as a convenience to meиз соображений собственного удобства (pelipejchenko)
as a matter ofдля (Alex Lilo)
as a matter ofс целью (Alex Lilo)
as a public serviceбесплатно (об оказании услуги igisheva)
as a result of the preceding stepsпосле выполнения вышеуказанных шагов (Alex_Odeychuk)
assert as a defenseутверждать в своё оправдание (ART Vancouver)
at a certain pointв определённый момент (ART Vancouver)
be a challengeпредставлять собой сложную задачу (Building an industrial facility of this type is a challenge, and we have consulted with neighbouring residents and businesses for years regarding the project. – представляет собой сложную задачу ART Vancouver)
be a concernвызывать обеспокоенность (This is a concern to us. ART Vancouver)
be a significant contributorиграть важную роль (MichaelBurov)
be a work of international reputeполучить всемирное признание (One of the best buildings, the Museum of Anthropology, is a work of international repute. ART Vancouver)
be a work of international reputeзавоевать всемирное признание (One of the best buildings, the Museum of Anthropology, is a work of international repute. ART Vancouver)
be awarded a letter of acknowledgementполучить письмо благодарности: получить благодарность (MichaelBurov)
be awarded a letter of appreciationполучить благодарность (MichaelBurov)
be awarded a letter of appreciationполучить письмо благодарности (MichaelBurov)
be qualified for a positionобладать соответствующей квалификацией для занятия должности (ART Vancouver)
beyond a reasonable doubtне оставляющий места для сомнений (There seems to be no serious research being done on what actually happens when such an event occurs. (...) As such, they have launched an essay contest "seeking hard evidence 'beyond a reasonable doubt' that takes us beyond religion or philosophy and provides a body of knowledge to be brought widely into the public arena." • Acquittal is a finding by a judge that a defendant is not guilty of the crime charged. Note that an acquittal does not mean that the defendant is innocent in a criminal case. It means that the prosecutor failed to prove that the defendant was guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt". coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
bring to a successful conclusionуспешно завершить (McComb Labs reports of the excellent work done by your team. Congratulations on bringing it to a successful conclusion. ART Vancouver)
carry out a deliberate murderсовершить преднамеренное убийство ("Again, it is absurd to suppose that any sane man would carry out a deliberate murder under the very eyes, as it were, of a third person who was sure to betray him." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
carry out a deliberate murderпойти на преднамеренное убийство ("Again, it is absurd to suppose that any sane man would carry out a deliberate murder under the very eyes, as it were, of a third person who was sure to betray him." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
carry out a searchосуществлять поиски (He approached the site in his patrol car and turned on his car’s spotlight, only to see that instead of children the ones there were really several strange creatures described by him as 3 to 3ft tall, big headed and grayish in color. The small beings fled running in different directions and the policeman called by radio asking for back up, repeating the 1050 code (officer needs assistance). When help arrived, the creatures had disappeared. An extensive search was carried out, but to no avail. -- Были осуществлены масштабные поиски, но они ни к чему не привели. (mysteriousuniverse.org) • С 30 января по 6 февраля осуществлялись поиски местного жителя, попавшего под лавину в урочище Собачье в Усть-Коксинском районе. (04.mchs.gov.ru) ART Vancouver)
challenge a misconceptionоспорить заблуждение (Dennett talked about the phenomenon of UFO swarms, where large numbers of UFOs are observed simultaneously. He mentioned cases where astronomers have witnessed UFOs, including through telescopes, and emphasized that sightings by credible professionals challenge misconceptions about UFOs being seen only by the uninformed. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
charge with a violation ofпредъявить обвинение в нарушении (ART Vancouver)
charged with a violation ofпредъявлено обвинение в нарушении (ART Vancouver)
come to a mutually agreeable solutionнайти приемлемое для обеих сторон решение (ART Vancouver)
come to a mutually agreeable solutionприйти к приемлемому для обеих сторон решению (ART Vancouver)
comply with a policyсоблюдать правила (соблюдать все правила и процедуры – comply with all policies and procedures ART Vancouver)
conduct a businessосуществлять коммерческую деятельность (He will get fined for having no business license, for tax evasion, for conducting a business in a residential-only neighbourhood, and for not paying taxes on a vacant property. ART Vancouver)
conduct a businessосуществлять предпринимательскую деятельность (He will get fined for having no business license, for tax evasion, for conducting a business in a residential-only neighbourhood, and for not paying taxes on a vacant property. ART Vancouver)
conducting a businessосуществление предпринимательской деятельности (He will get fined for having no business license, for tax evasion, for conducting a business in a residential-only neighbourhood, and for not paying taxes on a vacant property. ART Vancouver)
conducting a businessосуществление коммерческой деятельности (He will get fined for having no business license, for tax evasion, for conducting a business in a residential-only neighbourhood, and for not paying taxes on a vacant property. ART Vancouver)
consider it a mistakeсчитать ошибочным (financial-engineer)
consider it a mistakeсчитать ошибкой (financial-engineer)
contact with a requestобратиться с просьбой (+ infinitive; example provided by ART Vancouver: Our users have the ability to close, but not delete, their accounts. You can contact our Help Center team with a request to have your account permanently deleted from our platform.)
effect a reconciliationдобиться примирения (ART Vancouver)
English as a Second LanguageАнглийский язык для иностранцев (English as a Second Language Program – программа для иностранцев (иммигрантов, учащихся школ или поступающих в вузы) по изучению английского языка ART Vancouver)
English as a Second Languageанглийский язык для иностранных студентов (ART Vancouver)
ensure that information is treated in a confidential mannerобеспечить конфиденциальность информации (take all reasonable measures to ensure that personal patient information is treated in a confidential manner ART Vancouver)
entertain a saleрассмотреть возможность продажи ([formal] If you entertain an idea or suggestion, you allow yourself to consider it as possible or as worth thinking about seriously.: The disputed domain name has been used for the purposes of a "parking page" website offering links to various goods and services, including those connected with springs and gates. The page has also stated that the domain owner is willing to entertain a sale or other proposals. Leana)
except in the case of aза исключением тех случаев, когда имеет место (He has a non-voting role on the board except in the case of a tie. ART Vancouver)
execute a written waiverписьменно оформить отказ (of; от родительских прав, для эмиграции ребёнка ART Vancouver)
experience a shortage / shortagesиспытывать нехватку ("Vancouver isn't the only city that has experienced school shortages in growing communities. Surrey has seen rapid population growth with many students housed in portables as a result." (Anne McMullin, UDI) ART Vancouver)
file a claimпредъявить претензии (The victim has filed a claim for compensation. ART Vancouver)
file a complaintнаправить жалобу (with – в: file a complaint directly or anonymously through a toll-free telephone or an online form ART Vancouver)
file a complaintпожаловаться (She's threatening to file a complaint. I think you should talk to her. • If you believe you were treated unfairly by the RCMP, file a complaint. ART Vancouver)
file a formal complaintподать жалобу (в письменном виде в соотв-щие инстанции: I'll definitely file a formal complaint so this can be investigated. ART Vancouver)
file a formal complaintобратиться с жалобой (в письменном виде в соотв-щие инстанции: I'll definitely file a formal complaint so this can be investigated. ART Vancouver)
fill in a questionnaireзаполнить опросник (ART Vancouver)
fill out a formзаполнить анкету (ART Vancouver)
for a later timeна более поздний срок
for want of a betterза неимением лучшего ("Well, we will take it as a working hypothesis for want of a better." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – за неимением лучшей ART Vancouver)
form a business relationshipвступить в деловые отношения (with ART Vancouver)
from a purely formal point of viewсугубо формально (BBC News Alex_Odeychuk)
front of a documentлицевая сторона документа (The terms and conditions under which you are authorized to remain in the country are listed on the front of this document. ART Vancouver)
gain a reputation asзарекомендовать себя в качестве (Charlotte Musselberg has since gained a reputation as one of the country's pre-eminent low-brow artists. ART Vancouver)
get to a whole new levelперейти на качественно новый уровень (Soulbringer)
give a lessonпровести урок (I gave Max a two-hour English lesson. ART Vancouver)
give a reportпредставлять доклад (Andrey Truhachev)
give a reportотчитываться (Andrey Truhachev)
give a reportдавать отчёт (Andrey Truhachev)
give a reportпредставить доклад (Andrey Truhachev)
give a reportдокладывать (Andrey Truhachev)
give a strong critique ofподвергнуть суровой критике (Speaking at a City conference, [Bank of England governor Mark] Carney gave a strong critique of behaviour in the City. The governor questioned whether traders met ethical standards and said that those who failed to meet high professional standards should be ostracised. 4uzhoj)
give a written requestобратиться с просьбой в письменном виде (A general leave of absence of up to two months may be applied for by giving a written request to the immediate supervisor. ART Vancouver)
have a business relationshipсостоять в деловых отношениях (ART Vancouver)
have a business relationshipнаходиться в деловых отношениях (с – with ART Vancouver)
have a chilling effectоказывать отрицательное воздействие (on ... – на ... Alex_Odeychuk)
have a direct and vital bearing uponиметь прямое и непосредственное отношение к ("All that I am saying has a very direct and vital bearing upon what you have called the Birlstone Mystery. In fact, it may in a sense be called the very centre of it." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
have a disadvantaged upbringingвырасти в неблагополучной семье (The judge noted that Williams, a member of the Muchalaht First Nation, had had a disadvantaged upbringing and lives in a remote community where employment is limited. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
have a mutually beneficial relationshipнаходиться во взаимовыгодных отношениях (The educational system and the international students who come to Canada from Asia, Brazil and a few other countries have a mutually beneficial relationship. ART Vancouver)
have a positive impactблагоприятно влиять (on – на ART Vancouver)
have a positive impactположительно влиять (on – на ART Vancouver)
have a relationshipсостоять в отношениях (with sb. – с кем-либо: Native tribes across North America have had relationships with the creatures for hundreds if not thousands of years, Eichenberger continued, adding that one group from British Columbia believes they actually may have some Sasquatch DNA in them. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
have a relationshipподдерживать отношения (with sb. – с кем-либо: Native tribes across North America have had relationships with the creatures for hundreds if not thousands of years, Eichenberger continued, adding that one group from British Columbia believes they actually may have some Sasquatch DNA in them. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
have a very direct bearing uponиметь самое непосредственное отношение к ('By thus renewing the custom of the old feudal days the Manor House was converted into an island during the night – a fact which had a very direct bearing upon the mystery which was soon to engage the attention of all England.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
have established a causal connectionустановить причинно-следственную связь (between ... and ... – между ... и ... // The Guardian, 2021 Alex_Odeychuk)
hold a public officeзанимать государственную должность (sophistt)
I hereby certify that this is a true copy of the original documentнастоящим удостоверяется, что данный документ является действительной ксерокопией подлинного документа (ART Vancouver)
impose a cease-and-desist orderиздать приказ о прекращении противоправных действий (ART Vancouver)
in a concrete time frameс конкретными сроками проведения (cnn.com Alex_Odeychuk)
in a constructive wayконструктивно (ART Vancouver)
in a court of lawчерез суд (seek compensation in a court of law ART Vancouver)
in a different mannerиным способом ("More recently, the flowering West Coast style has produced buildings which are exceptionally sympathetic to the scenery in which they are set. (...) In a different manner, but with equal conviction, the art deco Marine Building, among others, achieves a similar status." (Ron Phillips) ART Vancouver)
in a different mannerиным образом ("More recently, the flowering West Coast style has produced buildings which are exceptionally sympathetic to the scenery in which they are set. (...) In a different manner, but with equal conviction, the art deco Marine Building, among others, achieves a similar status." (Ron Phillips) ART Vancouver)
in a different manner thanиным образом, чем (your use of an Application may cause your artwork to be publicly displayed in a different manner than originally intended by you ART Vancouver)
in a foreign countryв иностранном государстве (temporary or permanent employment in a foreign country ART Vancouver)
in a humble mannerс почтением (“Me, personally, that’s where I’m from and my people are from. That’s their spirit and their ancestors right there,” he said. “Whether you’re Indigenous or non-Indigenous, you’ve got to be respectful. They are watching whether you’re carrying yourself in a humble manner. Somebody or something is always watching you.” -- Они наблюдают, ведёте ли вы себя почтительно / с почтением. sfgate.com ART Vancouver)
in a humble mannerпочтительно (“Me, personally, that’s where I’m from and my people are from. That’s their spirit and their ancestors right there,” he said. “Whether you’re Indigenous or non-Indigenous, you’ve got to be respectful. They are watching whether you’re carrying yourself in a humble manner. Somebody or something is always watching you.” -- Они наблюдают, ведёте ли вы себя почтительно / с почтением. sfgate.com ART Vancouver)
in a manner so thatтак, чтобы (While at the secure location, X called Y on Target Phone I and held the phone in a manner so that law enforcement could overhear the conversation. 4uzhoj)
in a respectful mannerпочтительно (She broke off, and stood glaring at Jeeves. During the latter portion of her address, he had been standing by in a respectful manner, endeavouring to catch the speaker's eye. (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
in a similar wayподобным образом ("The poor old lad distinctly leaped. (...) The whole effect being much as if I had spiked him in the trousering with a gimlet or bodkin. I have seen salmon behave in a rather similar way during the spawning season." (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
in a vertical arrangementвертикально (напр., расставить предметы ART Vancouver)
investigate a complaintрассмотреть жалобу (Complaints are investigated promptly. ART Vancouver)
is not intended to be a substitute forне предназначается для использования в качестве замены (ART Vancouver)
issuance of a licenseвыдача лицензии (a legal objection to the issuance of a license ART Vancouver)
issue a demolition permitвыдать разрешение на снос дома (Last year, the city issued 984 demolition permits for single-family homes. ART Vancouver)
keep a proper dietправильно питаться (It is important to keep a proper diet during the pandemic. ART Vancouver)
look into a matterрассмотреть вопрос (We're going to look into this issue/matter. -- Мы этот вопрос обязательно рассмотрим. ART Vancouver)
maintain a conjugal relationshipнаходиться в брачных отношениях (ART Vancouver)
make a convincing caseпривести убедительные аргументы (Even though it was strange to hear someone not want sidewalks, Fernando makes a convincing case. It seems like something that will greatly upset this sleepy neighbourhood. (burnabynow.com) ART Vancouver)
make a corrupt payment toосуществлять выплату с целью подкупа (ART Vancouver)
make a difference in this worldизменить мир к лучшему (Alex_Odeychuk)
make a down paymentвнести задаток (Cambridge Dictionary: "an amount of money that you pay at the time that you buy something but is only a part of the total cost of that thing. You usually pay the rest of the cost over a period of time: I made/put a down payment on a new smart TV." ART Vancouver)
make a faux pasдопустить промах (Wakeful dormouse)
make a faux pasсовершить ошибку (Wakeful dormouse)
make sth. a priorityставить на первое место (ART Vancouver)
make a provisionпоставить условие ('Well, Sir Henry, I am of one mind with you as to the advisability of your going down to Devonshire without delay. There is only one provision which I must make. You certainly must not go alone.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
make a refugee claimпросить политического убежища (ART Vancouver)
make a reportдонести (Andrey Truhachev)
make a reportотрапортовать (Andrey Truhachev)
make a reportрапортовать (Andrey Truhachev)
make a reportотдать рапорт (Andrey Truhachev)
make a selectionвыбрать (Make a selection from the following options: ... -- Выберите один вариант из нескольких предложенных: ... ART Vancouver)
make a statementвыступить с заявлением (made a statement in connection with – выступил с заявлением по поводу • "In 1868, a Frenchman named Raud made a truly extraordinary statement regarding a monstrous, near-dragon-like snake seen in the California countryside, earlier in that very same year, and which was estimated to have an overall length of around forty feet." mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
make a very careful examination ofочень внимательно осмотреть (ART Vancouver)
make a very careful examination ofтщательнейшим образом осмотреть (ART Vancouver)
make it a criminal offence toввести уголовную ответственность за (+ infinitive)
negotiate a business relationshipобсуждать условия деловых отношений (ART Vancouver)
negotiate a business relationshipобсуждать условия делового сотрудничества (ART Vancouver)
not as much a... as it is aне столько... сколько (This is not as much a recipe as it is a 'how to'; Perl is not as much a reflection of hot new technology as it is a manifestation of old ideas freshly applicable to today's problems Maria Klavdieva)
observe a moment of silenceпочтить минутой молчания (MilagrosA)
obtain a copy in data formatполучить копию в электронной форме (Alex_Odeychuk)
of a similar characterподобного рода ("Too frightened to shriek, she ran to her neighbors, who quickly armed themselves with pokers, iron bars, guns, and pitchforks and other instruments of a similar character, and marched in a body to capture the gorilla. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
offer a wayпредоставить возможность (I have tried to remove my profile myself, but your platform apparently offers no way for users to remove their profiles. – не предоставляет / не даёт возможности ART Vancouver)
on a daily basisв ежедневном режиме (Alex_Odeychuk)
on a missionс заданием (Alex_Odeychuk)
on a missionс поставленной задачей (Alex_Odeychuk)
on a missionс поручением (Alex_Odeychuk)
on a percentage basisв процентах (ART Vancouver)
on a weekly basisв еженедельном режиме (Alex_Odeychuk)
pay a visitпосетить с визитом (Andrey Truhachev)
perform a marriage ceremonyсовершить обряд бракосочетания (ART Vancouver)
performance of a contractual obligationисполнение договорного обязательства (ART Vancouver)
place a priority onвыдвигать на передний план (ART Vancouver)
pose a riskпредставлять собой угрозу (Approximately 55 hazard trees that pose a risk to public safety will be removed starting week of February 1, 2023. Please stay clear of the area. ART Vancouver)
pose a risk to public safetyпредставлять угрозу общественной безопасности (Approximately 55 hazard trees that pose a risk to public safety will be removed starting week of February 1, 2023. Please stay clear of the area. ART Vancouver)
present someone with a certificate of appreciationвручить почётную грамоту ("Janus, a former firefighter in his native Poland, pulled Mochev from his burning apartment last week after a pot of cooking oil caught fire after he had collapsed. The Burnaby Fire Department presented Janus with a certificate of appreciation during their visit on Wednesday." burnabynewsleader.com ART Vancouver)
process a requestрассматривать запрос (You may still receive communications from us for up to ten business days as we process your request. ART Vancouver)
provide a valuable frameworkвнести ценный вклад (A.Rezvov)
provide a valuable frameworkсоздать весомый задел (A.Rezvov)
provide a valuable insight into the practical waysпредоставить весьма благоприятную возможность для рассмотрения практических методов (that the public and private sectors have come together – осуществления совместной деятельности организациями частного и государственного секторов financial-engineer)
raise a serious concernвызывать серьёзное беспокойство (ART Vancouver)
receive a decisionполучать заключение (Mirinare)
receive a reprimandобъявлен выговор (The officer received a written reprimand and had to review the policies surrounding gun use. ART Vancouver)
represent a contributionявляться вкладом (This law represents Canada's legislative contribution to the international effort to criminalize human trafficking. ART Vancouver)
request a meetingпросить о встрече
require a tailored responseтребовать адресного реагирования (CNN, 2020 Alex_Odeychuk)
serve as a technical adviser to the committeeработать в качестве советника комитета по техническим вопросам (Alex_Odeychuk)
served on a rotation systemотбывать службу на ротационной основе (Alex_Odeychuk)
set a budgetсоставить бюджет (The first thing you need to do is to set a budget. ART Vancouver)
subject to a fineпредусматривается наказание в виде штрафа (ART Vancouver)
subject to a penaltyпредусматривается наказание в виде штрафа (ART Vancouver)
submit a reportдокладывать (Andrey Truhachev)
submit a written enquiryнаправить письменный запрос (to ART Vancouver)
take a position asзанять должность (Philip returned to Regina in 2012 to take a position as Treasury Board analyst in the Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations. ART Vancouver)
take up a position as aзанять должность (He took up a position as a professor of computer science / director of the school – занял должность ART Vancouver)
tender a noticeнаправить уведомление (Ying)
the decision, announced in a statement on the government's website after a meeting of the cabinet of ministersрешение, объявленное в заявлении на сайте правительства по итогам заседания кабинета министров (Wall Street Journal Alex_Odeychuk)
the internal affairs division of a law enforcement agencyорганы внутренних дел (Wikipedia ART Vancouver)
this is a reminder toНапоминаем Вам (+ do smth: This is a reminder to register your copy of the product. ART Vancouver)
through a phone callпо телефону (None of your data, passwords, or other sensitive information can be transmitted through a phone call. 4uzhoj)
within a college settingв образовательной организации высшего образования (Alex_Odeychuk)
write a justification statementнаписать обоснование (related to ... / for ... – чего-л. rand.org Alex_Odeychuk)
wrong a familyвести себя неподобающим образом по отношению к семье (Alex_Odeychuk)
you can find a copy attachedкопия прилагается (igisheva)