
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing zero | all forms | exact matches only
absolute zero绝对温度零度 (-273°C)
absolute zero绝对零度 (-273°C)
centre zero gauge中心零位仪表
centre-zero instrument中心零位仪表
centre-zero scale双向刻度
check for zero零点校验
cycle varying from zero to maximum从零到极大值变化的循环
cycle varying from zero to maximum不变符号的极限循环
disturbed zero output干扰"0"输出
false zero虚零点
fine zero adjustment零位精调
floating zero浮动原点
fundamental zero基零点
one thousand heats with zero breakout千炉无漏钢
return-to-zero recording归零制记录
steady zero稳定零点
steel plate with zero crown无凸度钢板
steel sheet with zero crown无凸度钢板
strip with zero crown无凸度带钢
strip with zero crown零凸度带钢
suppressed-zero instrument抑零式仪表
suppressed-zero instrument无零点仪表
suppressed zero meter刻度盘无零点仪表
suppressed-zero meter无零点仪表
suppressed zero pressure gauge无零点压力计
suppressed-zero scale无零点刻度
time zero计时起点
time zero时间零点
time zero零瞬间
undisturbed zero output未干扰"0"输出
wandering of zero零点漂移
zero access立即访问
zero access超高速存取
zero activity零放射性
zero activity零活性
zero activity零活度
zero-address instruction零地址指令
zero adjuster零点调准装置
zero adjusting screw零位调节螺钉
zero adjustment零点零位调整装置
zero adjustment调零
zero adjustment零点调整
zero adjustment零位调整
zero capacity零点电容
zero carbon steel脱碳搪瓷钢
zero carbon steel脱碳搪瓷
zero centre meter中心零点式仪表
zero centre meter双向刻度仪表
zero complement补码
zero creep零点漂移
zero crown strip无凸度带钢
zero-defect coil无缺陷卷材
zero-defect finished mill product无缺陷钢材
zero-deflection method零偏移,转
zero-deflection method零点补偿法
zero-deflection method零偏法
zero dimension零量纲
zero dimension无因次
zero dimension无量纲
zero dimension零因次
zero discharge零排放
zero-draft forging无斜度锻件
zero-draft forging无斜度锻造
zero drift零位偏移
zero drift零点漂移
zero ductility零韧性
zero ductility temperature零塑性温度
zero-energy state零能量状态
zero error零位误差
zero index零指数
zero lag零延迟
zero lag零滞后
zero line中和轴
zero mark零位标志
zero-match gate"或非"门
zero mean stress零位平均应力
zero method零点补偿法
zero method零偏法
zero moment
zero order零级
zero-order diffracted beam零次零级衍射束
zero-order reaction零级反应
zero-order wave零级波
zero-phase current transformer零相电流互感器
zero phase potential transformer零相电压互感器
zero-phase sequence current transformer零相序电流互感器
zero-phase sequence voltmeter零相序伏特计
zero phase voltage transformer零相电压互感器
zero-phase-sequence ammeter零相序电流表
zero-phase-sequence potential transformer零相序电压互感器
zero-point energy零点能
zero-point vibration零点振动
zero-point yield strength零点屈服强度
zero position零位
zero-sequence component零序分量
zero-sequence reactance零序电抗
zero set零位调整
zero setting零位调整
zero shift零位飘移
zero slip零位滑移
zero stock line【铁】 零位料线 (大钟关闭位置下沿)
zero stock line零位料线
zero strength零强度
zero strength ductility零强度塑性
zero strength temperature零强度温度1 逗号1.1 用于分隔句首状语
zero strength temperature零强度温度
zero superheat零点过热
zero time开始时间
zero time零点时间
zero valence零价
zero welding冷焊
zero welding电极强冷却点焊
zero-zero transition 0-0跃迁
zero-zero transition零-零跃迁
zone of zero slip粘着区
zone of zero slip【压】 零位滑移区
zone of zero slip零位滑移区