
Terms for subject Economy containing yield | all forms | exact matches only
acre yield每英亩产量
actual yield实际利润率
actual yield实收率
actual yield实际生息率
actual yield rate实际收益
actual yield rate实际利润率
actual yield rate实际生息率
an outcome yield产物
annual average sediment yields年平均沉积量
bond equivalent yield相当债券收益率
bond yield债券有效利率
bond yield债券收益 (率)
bond yield债券市场利息
bond yield债券市场利息率
bond yield债券利益率
bond yields债券投资收益率
bond yields债券收益率
capital gains yield资本利益殖利
capital yield tax资本收益税
capitalized yield资本还原收益
compound yield based on weighted average加权平均复收率
crop yield收获量
crop yield per capita人均收获量
crop yield per capita按人口平均收获量
current yield当年收益
daily milk yield日产乳量
direct yield直接受益
dividend yield股息殖利
dividend yield股息生息率
dividend yield股息收益每股股利与目前价格的比率 (股息生息率)
dividend yield ratio股息生息比率
earning yield收益指资本与利润之间的关系
effective yield实际收入
effective-yield amortization实际摊销
effective yield method实际报酬率法
effective yield method of bond discount accumulation累计公司债折价的实得法
effective yield method of premium amortization摊销公司债溢价的实得法
equity yield净值殖利
expected yield预期收益表
expected yield预期收益 (率)
expected yield预期收益率
flat yield净盈利率
flat yield实际盈利 (率)
flat yield实际盈利率
gain in yield增加产量
gain in yield增加收益
gain in yield产量增加
Government stocks yield about 12%政府债券的利率约为 12%
gross redemption yield总清偿收益
gross yield毛收益
gross yield除税前盈利毛率
gross yield of the property财产例如土地总收入
high-yield varieties高产品种
income yield收益所得
interest yield利息收入
livestock yield牲畜产品率
long-term yield project对长期产量有影响的项目
make the investment yield result发挥投资效果
marginal yield边际收人
marginal yield on capital value资本价值的边际效益
marginal yield on capital value资本价值的边际收益
maturity yield全期收益
maximum economic yield最大收益
maximum economic yield最大经济生产量
net yield净收人
net yield净所得
net yield净收入
net yield净产量
nominal yield名义产量
organic yield有机产量
outcome yield产物
Party B shall yield up unto Party A all the machinery, tools and other articles owned by Party B by the end of this year在本年底,乙方须将本方拥有的一切机械设备、工具和其他物品让与甲方
peak yield最高收入
per mu yield单位面积产量
per mu yield亩产量
per unit area yield单位面积产量
per unit yield单位面积产量
per-yield-per-unit production cost按单位产品计算的生产费用
process yield工艺流程收得率
production yield variance产品收得率差异
profit yield rate利润率
promise the best yield有指望获得最大利益
redemption yield赎还收益率 (根据债券利息和按年分摊的债券赎还价与购入价之间的差额计算出来的债券收益率)
redemption yield赎回收益率
reverse yield gap收益率差距
reverse yield gap反转收益率差距
service-yield basis劳务产生基础
short-term yield project短期内能提高产量的项目
short-term yield project短期收益项目
standard yield method联合成本计算的标准收获量法 (under joint costing)
stock yield股票利益率
stock yield股票收益率
sustained yield支持性收益
tax yield捐税收入
tax yield税收收益
tax yield税收额
the harvest yield收获量
the investor's yield投资者的收益
the maturity yield到期收益
the rate of expected yield预期收益率
the specific yield单位产量
the stock yield股票利益率
the well yield单井产量
the yield forecast预计产量调査
the yield improvement提高单产
the yield improvement提高收益
the yield improvement提高耕地的产量
the yield to maturity收益率
the yield to maturity到期率
the yield variance收益率差异
The yields of the shares have increased股票的红利增加了
Their efforts will undoubtedly yield the desired result毫无疑问,他们的努力将产生预期的结果
to yield profit带来利润
to yield profit产生利润
total yield总收获
total yield总产额
transactions yield value销售所得价值
variable-yield securities可变生利有价证券
well yield单井产量
yield analysis pattern产量分析模型【方式】
yield at medium high level中高水平产量
yield differentials殖利曲线
yield forecast预计产量调查
yield gap收益差额
yield improvement提高单产
yield improvement提高耕地产量
yield management灵活管理
yield more substantial benefits to the people人民可以得到更多实惠
yield no interest不带利息
yield on bonds债券收益
yield on long-term government bond长期政府债券所得
yield on stock股票收益
yield on treasury bill财政部国库券所得
yield per ha.每公顷产量
yield per ha.每公顼产量
yield per unit area单位产量
yield power law生产力法则
yield prospects收益估计
yield rate生利率 (指股票债券所生利益)
yield returns生利
yield returns产生收益
yield to broker经纪人收益
yield to maturity赎回收益率
yield to subscribers股票等认购人收益
yield variance产量差异
yields on long term government bonds长期政府债券所得