
Terms for subject China containing written | all forms | exact matches only
a written notification书面通知
address a written inquiry书面提出质询案
address a written question书面提出质询案
be written in the annals of history载入史册
conduct written procedure实行书面审理
effect of written documents书面效力
entrust another voter with a proxy vote by written authorization书面委托其他选民代为投票
final written order终审裁定
give a written notification以书面形式通知
make a judgment or a written order directly径行判决、裁定
make a written proposal for review书面提出进行审查的建议
make a written report of the case制作案情报告书
make a written request for review书面提出进行审查的要求
make written records制作笔录
native spoken and written language本民族语言文字
one or several spoken and written languages一种或者几种语言文字
opinion for recognition in written form书面确认意见
patent written request专利请求书
present a written protest提岀抗诉书
present a written statement in his own defence书面提出申辩意见
present a written statement of their opinions书面申诉意见
prison's written recommendation for handling监狱提请处理意见书
solicit written opinions on bills书面征求法律草案的意见
spoken and written Chinese language汉语言文字
spoken and written language语言文字
spoken or written language commonly used in the locality当地通用的语言文字
standard spoken and written Chinese language国家通用语言文字
submit a written recommendation提出建议书
submit a written report书面报送
submit a written request for approval of arrest提请批准逮捕书
submit his written resignation to书面提出辞职
submit the written defence书面提出申辩意见
submit to the Standing Committee written questions addressed to the State Council and the ministries and commissions under the State Council向常务委员会书面提出对国务院和国务院各部、各委员会的质询案
submit written comments and suggestions on the basis of their examination提出书面审查意见
subscribe the opinion for recognition in written form签署书面确认意见
the written defence书面申诉意见
the written languages of the nationalities民族文字
the written languages of the nationalities commonly used in the locality当地通用的民族文字
will written on behalf of the testator代书遗嘱
written accident report事故报告书
written agreement合同书
written agreement for entering into the partnership书面入伙协议
written agreement on arbitration书面仲裁协议
written application for arbitration书面仲裁申请
written auction record拍卖笔录
written closure decision撤销决定书
written comments书面意见
written complaint状子
written conclusion of the evaluation书面鉴定结论
written confession供状
written confirmation书面确认文件
written confirmation of the traffic accident交通事故认定书
written contract on trust auction书面委托拍卖合同
written decision for administrative penalty行政处罚决定书
written decision on compulsory isolation for drug rehabilitation强制隔离戒毒决定书
written decision on penalty for administration of public security治安管理处罚决定书
written decision on the penalty处罚决定书
written declaration申报书
written invitation for bidding投标邀请书
written judgment判决书
written labor contract书面劳动合同
written language文字
written language commonly used in the locality当地民族通用的文字
written mediation agreement调解协议书
written objection书面异议
written off划销
written opinions on the review审查意见书
written order裁定书
written order of first instance第一审裁定
written plea答辩书
written procedure书面审理
written proof书面凭证
written proposal for addressing queries质询案 (questions)
written proposal for commutation of punishment减刑建议书
written proposal on the choice of location选址意见书
written recommendation书面意见
written recommendation for correction书面纠正意见
written recommendation for prosecution起诉意见书
written record笔录
written record of an investigation调查笔录
written record of the inspection检查笔录
written report of the case案情报告书
written request书面请求
written suggestion书面建议
written transfer contract书面转让合同