
Terms for subject Economy containing world | all forms | exact matches only
a network of world trade世界贸易网
a scramble for world market争夺世界市场
a world's fair世界博览会
adjusted world prices调整世界价格
adopt oneself to world trends顺应世界潮流
advance in the world发迹
assimilate the achievements of civilizations the world over吸取世界文明成果
asymmetrical position in world economy世界经济中不对称形势
asymmetrical position in world economy世界经济中的不对称形势
average labour intensity in the world世界平均劳动强度
average labour productivity in the world世界劳动平均生产率
Because of the world economic recession, sales in the company were down to single figures last week由于世界经济衰退,该公司上周的销售不上十次
capitalist world market资本主义世界市场
capitalist world monetary system资卒主义世界货币体系
clearing house for the world国际财政划账所
composition and pattern of world trade世界贸易的组织与形态
developing world发展中世界
division of world market世界市场的分割
economic crisis swept over the capitalist world经济危机席卷资本主义世界
economic policy of opening to the outside world经济开放政策
economic world经济界
equilibrium of the world economy世界经济的均衡
Financial Times Index of Sensitive World Commodity Price《金融时报》的世界敏感商品价格指数
Financial Times Index of Sensitive World Commodity Prices《金融时报》世界敏感商品价格指数
first world第一世界
free quotations on the world market世界市场的自由开价
Furthermore, with the upturns in population growth, the western world will feel its pressure再者,由于人口增长有上升趋势,西方世界将会感到人口增长的压力
general license-free world自由世界通用许可证
general license-free world美国自由世界普通许可证
great world上层社会
gross world product世界总产值
indicative world plan预估世界计划
15%。 Inflation usually causes economic crisis in the capitalist world在资本主义世界,通货膨胀通常会引起经济危机
International symposium on world economy国际世界经济讨论会
legal world法律界
make into the world market打入世界市场
map of world hunger饥饿图
meet advanced world standards达到世界先进水平
money of the world世界货币 (指金银)
multilateral and nondiscrimination world trade多边无差别待遇世界贸易
natural world自然
natural world物质世界
necessary labour time on a world wide basis世界必要劳动时间
objective world客观世界
on the world scene在世界舞台上
One World, One Health同一个健康
One World, One Health同一个世界
opening to the outside world对外开放
quantity of world trade世界贸易总额
rank first in the world居世界首位
receive broadcasts all over the world收听世界各国的广播
rest of the world, factor incomes net国民要素收入净额
restructuring of world industrial production改革世界工业生产结构
review and assessment of principal factors affecting the world economy审查和评价影响世界经济的主要因素
Second World Bank第二世界银行 (国际开发的)
sectoral world production按部门划分的世界生
sectoral world production按部门划分的世界生产
sequester oneself from the world与世隔绝
shaping the world economy决定世界经济的进程
shaping the world economy改造世界经济
sharing the world's resources分配世界资源
surpass the advanced world level超过世界先进水平
the acyclic world conference专题性世界会议
the bottommost problems facing the world世界上面临的最基本问题
The calculation of prices is made on the basis of world prices价格核算是以世界市场价格为基础的
the fourth world第四世界
The general situation of the world economy is favourable to us世界总的经济形势对我们有利
the metamorphosis preceeding in the world of commodities商品世界的形态变化
the publishing world出版界
the restructuring of world industrial production世界工业生产结构改革
The situation in the world market needs close analyzing世界市场的情况需要进行周密的分析
the western world西方世界
the western world西洋
the whole world model全球模型
the world economic outlook世界经济展望
the world export price indexes of primary commodities and manufactured goods初级产品与制成品世界出口价格指数
the world of industry and commerce工商界
the world-wide income全球范围收入
the world-wide tax jurisdiction全球收入的税收管辖权
the world-wide treaty全球性分保合同
The Worlds Major Seaports世界主要港口外文名称中文译名所属国家或地区纬度经度
There is scope for our expansion into the world market我们有可能打入国际市场
They owe their reputable position both in China and in other parts of the world to the good quality of their products and the sincere way of doing business他们在中国乃至世界其他地区享有盛誉归功于他们产品质量优良和经营业务诚实
third world countries第三世界国家
Third World Foundation第三世界基金会
To sponsor the games can enhance the fame of our corporation in the world资助此次运动会能提高我公司在世界上的知名度
total world energy requirement世界能源总需要量
We can find our way into world market provided our products are of good quality and competitive in price只要我方产品品质上乘,价格公道,就能打入世界市场
western world西洋
World Administrative Radio Conference世界无线电传送管理会议
world affairs世界事务
world agriculture世界农业
world and economic conference世界经济会议
World Association for Animal Production世界畜产协会
world commerce国际贸易
world consumption世界消费
world crisis世界危机
world currency世界货币
world data centre世界资料中心
world data referral system世界数据査询系统
World Data Referred Center世界数据分配中心
world demand世界需求
world depression世界经济衰落
world development budget世界开发预算
world distribution世界分配
world dynamics世界动力学
world econo my世界经济
world economic conference世界经济会议
World Economic Herald世界经济导报周刊 (weekly)
World Economic Organization世界经济组织
world economic outlook世界经济展望
world economic survey世界经济调研
World Economic Survey世界经济调查所
world economic survey世界经济调查
world economic survey current trends in the world economy世界经济概览
world economics世界经济学
world elasticity of supply世界供应弹性
world employment世界就业问题
world enterprise国际性企业
world exports世界出口商品
world fertility世界生育率
world fertility survey project世界生育调查计划
world food crisis世界粮食危机
world food crisis世界食品危机
world food shortage世界食品缺乏
world inflation世界性通货膨胀
world manufacturing output世界制造业产量
world monetary reserve system世界货币储备制度
world monetary reserves世界货币储备
world monetary union世界货币同盟
world money世界性货币
world of big business大型企业界
world of differences天壤之别
world of lawyer法律界
world of publishing出版界
world oil market世界石油市场
world plan of action世界行动计划
world powers世界强国
world price level世界物价水准
world production世界产量
world production世界生产
world production pattern世界生产模式
world recovery世界经济复兴
world reserves世界储备
world tendency世界趋势
world tendency世界倾向
world trade clubs世界贸易协会
World Trade Directory世界贸易指南
World Traders Data Report世界贸易商数据报告
World Traders Data Reports美国的世界贸易商资料报告
world transport agency世界运输行
world-wide circular letter of credit世界流通的信用证
You are right when you analyse the market situation in the world你对国际市场行情的分析是对的