
Terms for subject Rail transport containing works | all forms | exact matches only
abandoned construction work废弃工程
amount of work in empty wagons空车工作量
assorting engineering after civil works站后配套工程
car repair in works车辆厂修
commencement of construction work开工
construction quality of works工程施工质量
double tamping work双捣作业
drainage works of geotechnical engineering路基排水工程
ex work certificate出厂证明
ex-work inspection出厂检验
figurative progress of construction work施工形象进度
fore work district for power supply供电领工区
horizontal work strength水平工作张力
locomotive repair in works机车厂修
machine for roadway work路基机械
mechanized work platform of maintenance养路机械作业平台
multiple work-shop shed for three machines of air conditioned vehicle空调车三机综合作业棚
ordinary paint painting works普通涂料涂装工程
organization of station work车站工作组织
painting works of steel structure钢结构涂装
paving work铺砌工程
precautionary work against flood防洪预抢工程
repair in works厂修
restoration work for flood damage水害复旧
retaining and protection works of geotechnical engineering路基支挡加固防护工程
servicing work整备作业
settlement after civil works工后沉降
shock work冲击功
track work forms养路表报
transition works过渡工程
volume diagram of earth rock work方体积图
wagon works车辆工厂
wheel-rail friction work轮轨摩擦功
work area with gas瓦斯工区
work district for telemechanical system远动工区
work occupation time封闭线路作业时间
work pit生产井
work platform of grating格栅工作平台
work shift room交接班室
work train with camp cars工程宿营车
works train接触网作业车 (有上文情况下可简写)
works under track线下工程