
Terms for subject Management containing works | all forms | exact matches only
assessment of work done计工
attitude toward work工作态度
available for work适于工作
balancing work station平衡工作站
branch of work工种
by the piece of work论件
capacity for work工作能力
cease work停工
cease work收工
check up on the work检查工作
class of work工作性质分类
class of work工作等级
classes of work工作性质分类
classes of work工作等级
classifying the items of work分类工作项目
clerical work办公室工作
clerical work文书工作
clerical work analysis文书工作分析
clerical work measurement文书工作衡量
clerk of the works工程现场监督
clerk of the works监工
common operating work共同的营业工作
composite work group合成工作小组
composite work group合成工作团体
concrete work混凝土工程
confidence in work工作信心
copper works铜厂
cycle of work工作周期
daily piece work report计件工作日报
daily work每日作业
daily work load每日工作量
days work每日工程
delegation of authority by type of work依工作种类授权
determining the items of work决定工作项目
determining work method决定工作方法
determining work methods for each work area决定各工作区的工作方法
devision of work分工
dislike work厌恶工作
division of work分工
efficiency of work工作效率
engineering repair works维修工厂
essential work基础工作
evaluation of work and allotment of workpoints评工记分
fair day's work公平日工
fair day's work公平的产量
final work in process期末在制品
finished work已加工工件
flow of work工作流程
gang piece work system集体班组计件制
gas works煤气厂
group work小组集体工作
incompleted building work未完施工 (construction)
indirect works order间接作业定单
integrated works联合企业
interruption of work工作暂停
job work散工
job work包工
journey work散工
journey work短工
key emphasis in work工作重点
key in work man主要人物
kind of work工种
lack of work assigned缺乏指定工作
linger over work怠工
machine work切削加工
machine work机械加工
machine works机械厂
machining work切削加工
machining work机械加工
maintenance work维修保养工作
manual work体力工作
material and work schedule材料和工作的日程安排
mental work脑力劳动
ministry of works建筑工程部
monotonous work单调乏味的工作
motivation to work工作动力
motivation to work人类行为动机理论
nature and conditions of work工作的性质和条件
near work需近距离注视的细工
near work精密的工作
near work精密作业
nurses work area护士工作处
office work公司事务
opening work in process inventory在制品期初存货
operation or work standard作业标准
operation work or non-management work业务工作或非管理工作
order for reconditioning of defective work残次品修复定单
order of work工作次序
outside work不在工作场所做的工作
overtime work加班加点工作
part-work, part study半工半读
part-time work非全时工作
percentage of worker’s attending work工业出勤率
piece work计件工作
pieces damaged extra work额外工作损坏的工件
pieces damaged no extra work无额外工作损坏的工件
poor organization resulting in holding up the work窝工
pre-operation work生产作业准备
production dispatching work生产调度工作
professional work专业性工作
progress of work工作进程
progressive piece work system累进计件制
rate of utilization of work hour工时利用率
rate of work工率
record of work工龄
record of work工时记录
regular work固定职业
research work调査研究工作
responsibility for work工程责任
right to work劳动的权利
routine work正常工作
routine work例行工作
routing of work工作规划
schedule work预定计划工作
scientific method of work principle作业的科学方法原理
skilled work技术性工作
standard time of work工作标准时间
state of work工作进行情况
stop work停工
stoppage of work停工
structural metal work钢结构工程
superintendent of works监工
suspension of work暂停施工
system of check work attendance考勤制度
task work重活
task work计件工作
the motivation of work工作的推动力
time of finishing work完工时间
tut work计件工作
unfinished work半成品
unfinished work未完成的工作
uniform flow of work统一的工作流程
valuation of work in process在建工程估价
valuation of work in process在制产品估价
volume of work工作量
wood work细木工
wood work木制品
work abstract工程摘要表
work and the nature of man工作与人性
work attendance出勤
work breakdown structure工作分解机构
work breakdown structure任务分解结构
work camp志愿劳动营
work camp劳改所
work center工作中心工厂中心部分
work committee工厂委员会
work council工作理事会
work disincentive反激励性效果
work division工作组
work down减低
work elements工作项目
work factor工作因素
work-factor system工作因素系统
work group工作团体
work groups工作团体
work in three shift三班工作制
work in three shift分三班工作
work-in-process在制品 (or in progress)
work-in-process control在制品管理
work-in-process file工作品档案
work-in-process inventory在制品盘存
work intensity劳动强度
work load劳动负荷
work load analysis工作量分析
work management工作管理
work measurement工作测量
work measurement工作衡量
work measurement technique工作效率计算法
work norm劳动定额
work notice工作通知
work packages identified确定合同组件
work place工作地点
work place车间
work place工厂
work requisition作业申请单
work simplication工作简化
work stoppage停工斗争
work stoppage工作暂停
work study工作效率研究
work-study system半工半读制
work tag工作标签
work ticket工票
work-to-rule strike怠工
work week一周总工时
work week工作周