
Terms containing works | all forms | exact matches only
tech.acceptance of concealed works隐蔽工程验收
tech.acceptance of constructional works工程验收
tech.acceptance of hidden subsurface works隐蔽工程验收
tech.acceptance of construction works工程验收
tech.additional insurance of works对工程进行附加保险
tech.additional works追加作业
gen.Admiralty Experiment Works海军部实验工厂
tech.advice of works in progress工程进度通知
tech.advice of works in progress工作进展报告
tech.agricultural contract works农业承包工程
comp.name.Aichi Steel Works Ltd.爱知钢公司
gen.Alabama Ordnance Works阿拉巴马军械工厂
gen.American Paper Machine Engineering Works美国造纸机械工厂
tech.American Public Works Association美国市政工程协会
tech.American Water Works Association美国自来水协会
gen.American Water Works Association美国自来水厂协会
gen.American Water Works Association美国给水工程协会
gen.American Water Works Association, Journal Journal AWWA美国自来水工程协会志
shipb.Anqing Marine Electric Device Works安庆船用电器厂
comp.name.Asha Iron & Steel Works阿沙钢铁厂 (Ashinskiy Met Zavod)
tech.associated works相关工程
tech.associated works辅助工程
tech.auxiliary craft for dredging works疏浚工程辅助船舶
tech.auxiliary works辅助工程
tech.auxiliary works辅助劳动
tech.auxiliary works辅助工作
tech.auxiliary works附属工程
comp.name.Azerbaijan Tube & Pipe Works阿塞拜疆钢管厂
comp.name.Azovstal Iron & Steel Works亚速钢厂
tech.basic works of electric prospecting电法勘探基础工作
tech.basic works of electrical prospecting电法勘探基础工作
desert.bed consolidation works河床加固工程
comp.name.Belarus Steel Works白俄罗斯钢厂
comp.name.Beloretsk Iron & Steel Works别洛列茨克钢铁公司 (Beloretskiy Met Zavod)
tech.betterment works改善工程
tech.betterment works改建工程
tech.betterment works修缮工程
tech.betterment works扩建工程
tech.bill of works工程报表
tech.biological sewage disposal works污水生物处理厂
gen.Board of Works〔建筑〕工程委员会
tech.boiler works锅炉厂
tech.calculated term of works计算工期
securit.capital works reserve fund基建工程储备基金
tech.carriage and wagon works客货车工厂
tech.carriage works车辆厂
tech.cement works水泥厂
tech.certificate approval of works工程核准证明书
tech.certificate of completion of works工程竣工证书
tech.cessation of works工程停建
tech.channel dredging works河渠疏浚工程
tech.channel improvement works河道整治工程
tech.channel regulation works河槽整治工作
ecol.channel regulation works河道整治工程
tech.channel training works河道整治构筑物
tech.channel training works水道导流工程
tech.channel training works水道整治工程
tech.channel training works河槽调治工程
tech.channel training works河道整治建筑物
desert.channel works河道工程
comp.name.Cheliabinsk Tube Rolling Works车里雅宾斯克钢管厂
ecol.chemical works waste化工厂废物
shipb.Chiba Works千叶造船厂
shipb.Chiba Works, Japan日本千叶造船厂
comp.name.Chusovskoy Iron & Steel Works丘索夫斯科伊钢铁厂
gen.Civil Works Administration土木工程署
tech.clerk of the works工程现场监工
tech.clerk of the works工程管理员
tech.clerk of the works监工 (员)
tech.collected works文集
tech.collected works全集
ecol.collection works取水建筑物
tech.colmation works放淤工程
tech.compensation water outlet works补偿水出水口工程
tech.curtailed works简字体
tech.cut-off works裁弯取直 (工程)
shipb.Dalian Marine Diesel Works大连船用柴油机厂
tech.defective works不合格工程
tech.defective works有缺陷工程
tech.defective works不合格活计
tech.delayed time of the works工期延误
amer.department of public works市政工程处
tech.deposite paid on construction works建设工程预付款
tech.deposite works非政府资助的工程
tech.deposite works民间工程
tech.designated term of works指定工期
tech.desilting works沉砂设施
tech.desilting works放淤工程
tech.desilting works排砂设施
tech.desilting works防砂工程
tech.desilting works沉砂工程
tech.desilting works除砂工程 (如沉砂池等)
mil.detached works前哨工事
tech.direct undertaking works自建工程
tech.distribution works配水工程
comp.name.Dnepropetrovsk Tube Works第聂伯罗彼得洛夫斯科钢管厂
comp.name.Dneprovsky Iron & Steel Works第聂伯罗夫斯科钢管厂
comp.name.Donetsk Iron & Steel Works顿涅茨克钢铁厂
tech.draw works旋转钻绞车
tech.draw works cat head绞盘式吊锚架
tech.draw works cat head牵引式吊锚架
tech.draw works drum绞车转筒
tech.draw works engine绞车
tech.dyestuff works染料厂
gen.Eastern Chemical Works of Beijingназв.комп. 北京东方化工厂
tech.effect of the dredging works on the environment and on maritime safety疏浚工程对环境与海上安全的影响
tech.electric metallurgical works电气冶炼厂
tech.electric works发电站
tech.electric works电气工程
tech.electrical metallurgical works电气冶炼厂
tech.electrical works发电站
tech.electrical works电气工程
comp.name.Enakiyevsky Iron & Steel Works耶纳基耶沃钢铁厂
tech.engine works发动机厂
tech.engineering works工程设施
tech.engineering works工程建筑物
nautic., tech.engineering works机械工程
desert.erosion control works防止侵蚀工程
desert.erosion protection works侵蚀防治工程
tech.ex-works price工厂交货价 (格)
tech.ex-works test出厂试验
tech.exclusive use for the works工程专用的
tech.expense on design works设计费
tech.external protection works外部防护工程
wushu.fair lady works at the shuttle玉女穿梭
gen.Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works联邦紧急土木工程管理局
tech.field works现场作业
tech.field works工地操作
gen.For some patients, they say, a combination of talk therapy and medication works best对于一些病人,他们说,谈话治疗和药物治疗相结合的效果最好
tech.force-account works自营工程
tech.force-account works包工工程
tech.force-account works计工制工作
shipb.Fujinagate Works藤永田造船厂
shipb.Fujinagate Works, Japan日本藤永田造船厂
tech.gas for works'use厂内自用煤气
tech.gas works煤气
tech.gas works煤气车间
tech.gas works煤气工程
gen.gas works煤气制造
ecol.gas works waste煤气厂废水
tech.gate diversion works闸门分水设备
tech.general arrangement of works工程总体布置
tech.general plan of as-built works竣工总平面图
tech.gravel and chippings works砾石和碎石作业
tech.gravel and chips works砾石和碎石作业
tech.gravel works砾石件
tech.gravel works砾石工
tech.gravel works砾石作业
tech.groundwater lowering works地下水水位降低工程
gen.Hanford Engine Works汉福特发动机工厂
gen.Hanford Works汉福特原子工厂
nautic.harbour works筑港工程
gen.He bought us some gingerbread works as present他回来的时候给我们买了一些华而不实的工艺品
gen.he showed us over the works他陪我们参观了这工厂
tech.high service works高区供水厂
ecol.high-service works高区供水厂
shipb.Hiroshima Shipyard & Engine Works广岛造船厂
shipb.Hiroshima Shipyard & Engine Works, Japan日本广岛造船厂
gen.I am looking for some artistic works to decorate my house我想买些艺术品装饰我家
gen.Ikeda chemical Works, Ltd.池田化学公司
tech.improvement works整治工程
tech.improvement works技术改造工程
tech.improvement works改善工程
tech.improvement works整治设施
desert.improving restoration works改善修复
gen.Institute of Costs and Works Accountants成本会计及工厂会计协会
avia.institution of works managers〔英〕工厂经理协会
tech.integrated iron and steel works钢铁联合企业
tech.integrated iron and steel works综合性钢铁厂
gen.International Federation of Building and Public Works国际房屋和公共工程协会
gen.iron works铁工厂
ecol.irrigation works to enrich peasants水利富民工程
gen.Japan Steel Works, Ltd.日本钢铁公司
gen.Japan Water Works Association日本自来水协会
gen.Journal of American Water Works Association美国自来水厂协会杂志
shipb.Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Ltd巴基斯坦造船企业卡拉奇造船与造机工程公司
shipb.Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Ltd, Pakistan巴基斯坦卡拉奇造船与机械工程公司
comp.name.Karaganda Iron & Steel Works卡拉干达钢铁公司
comp.name.Kimchaek Works金策钢铁厂
tech.kitchen of works canteen工厂食堂的厨房
shipb.Koobe Shipyard & Engine Works神户造船厂
shipb.Koobe Shipyard & Engine Works, Japan日本神户造船厂
comp.name.Kosaya Gora Iron Works科萨亚戈拉炼铁厂
shipb.Koyagi Shipyard & Engine Works香烧造船厂
shipb.Koyagi Shipyard & Engine Works, Japan日本香烧造船厂
comp.name.Kuznetsk Steel Works库兹涅茨克钢铁公司
tech.land readjustment works十地区划整理工作
desert.landslide prevention works滑坡防治工程
ecol.landslide protection works滑坡防护工事
tech.lead works铅矿熔炼工厂
tech.lead works铅衬
tech.lead works制铅
tech.lead works铅制品
tech.lightweight concrete aggregate works轻质混凝土骨料工程
comp.name.Lipetsk Metallurgical Works-Svobodny Sokol利佩茨克"自由之鹰"炼铁厂
comp.name.Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works Combine马格尼托哥尔斯克钢铁公司
tech.management of works progress工程进度管理
tech.management of works progress进度管理
tech.management of works progress工程管理
tech.management of works progress施工程序管理
tech.masonry works砌石工程
tech.masonry works圬工
tech.masonry works砌砖工程
gen.Meisei Chemical Works, Ltd.明星化学公司
tech.metallurgic works冶金工厂
gen.military defence works〔军事〕防御工事
gen.military defence works军事防御工作
gen.military works工事
gen.military works军事构筑
tech.Ministry of Public Works公共工程部
tech.Ministry of Public Works市政工程部
tech.Ministry of Works建筑工程部
gen.Ministry of Works工程部
comp.name.Moldova Steel Works摩尔多瓦钢厂
tech.motor pump works电泵厂
tech.motor works汽车制造厂
gen.motor works汽车工厂
desert.multiple-purpose development works of river basin流域综合发展工程
shipb.Nagasaki Shipyard & Engine Works长崎造船厂
shipb.Nagasaki Shipyard & Engine Works, Japan日本长崎造船厂
shipb.Nanjing Luzhou Machine Works南京绿洲机器厂
tech.nature of works工程性质
comp.name.Nizhny Sergi Steel Works下谢尔吉钢厂
comp.name.Nizhny Tagil Iron & Steel Works下塔吉尔钢铁公司
tech.obstructing works拦截工程
gen.oil the works给机器加油
tech.ordnance works兵工厂
tech.organization of works工程组织 (机构)
tech.organization of works工作安排
comp.name.Orsk-Khalilovo Iron & steel Works奥尔斯科-哈利洛沃钢铁公司
comp.name.Oskol Electric Steel Works奥斯科尔电冶金公司
consult.outdoor works户外工程
shipb.P. Smit JR.'s Shipbuilding & Engineering Works小史密特造船与造机工程厂
shipb.Pansio Works of Valmet of Corporation伐尔米公司潘索船厂
shipb.Pansio Works of Valmet of Corporation, Finland芬兰伐尔米公司潘索船厂
comp.name.Pervouralsk Novotrubny Tube & Pipe Works佩尔沃乌拉尔斯科新钢管厂
comp.name.Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky Steel Works彼得洛夫斯科-夕卜贝加尔钢厂
tech.phased program of works施工进度表
tech.phased programme of works施工进度表
comp.name.Philadelphia Gas Works美国费城煤气厂
tech.plan of works计划任务
tech.plane truss works平面桁架工程
tech.plant head works厂头构筑物
desert.planting works种植工程
tech.plumber's works管子工场
tech.plumber's works管道工程
tech.progress of works工程进程
tech.progress of works工作进程
tech.protection works防护设施
tech.protection works防护工厂
tech.protective works保护性工程
shipb.P.Smit JR.'s Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Holland荷兰小史密特造船与机械制造厂
tech.public owned treatment works公共废水处理厂
desert.public utility works公益事业
tech.public water works公共给水工程
tech.public water works公共给水厂
tech.public water works自来水工程
tech.public water works自来水厂
tech.public water works system自来水工程系统
tech.public works公共建筑 (物)
tech.public works公用工程
gen.Public Works Administration公共工程署
tech.Public Works Administration公共事业管理局
tech.Public Works Administration市政工程管理局
gen.Public Works Administration公用事业管理美国
gen.Public Works Administration Housing division公共工程署住宅处
tech.public works contractor市政工程承包者
tech.public works contractor公共工程承包商
tech.public works contractor公共建筑承包人
tech.public works contractor市政工程承包人
tech.public works contractor公共工程承包人
tech.public works contractor市政工程承包商
tech.public works contractor公共建筑承包商
tech.public works contractor公共工程承包者
tech.public works contractor公共建筑承包者
consult.public works department engineering works工务司署土木工程
tech.public works department市政工程局
gen.Public Works Department公共工程司
gen.Public Works Division公共工程处
tech.public works duties民工建勤
tech.public works project市政工程设计
tech.public works project公用建筑设计
ecol.public works survey市政工程测量
tech.pump works水泵站
tech.pump works泵站
tech.pump works水泵工程
ecol.purification works净水厂
tech.reclamation works吹填工程
tech.reclamation works修复工作
tech.reclamation works填土工程
tech.reclamation works垦殖工程
tech.reclamation works开垦工程
tech.reclamation works填筑工程
tech.reclamation works围垦工程
desert.reclamation works开拓工程
tech.reclamation works presently underway现在进行中的吹填工程
comp.name.Revdinsky Steel & Wire Production Works列夫达金属制品厂
desert.riprap works抛石
ecol.river training works治河工程
ecol.river training works河道整治工程
comp.name.Rustavi Iron & Steel Works鲁斯塔维钢铁公司
comp.name.Saida Steel Works萨尔达钢厂
gen.Sanyo Colour Works, Ltd.山阳染料公司
comp.name.Satka Iron & Steel Works萨特卡钢铁厂
tech.scale of works工程规模
tech.schedule of earth-works土方工程进度表
tech.schedule of works工程进度表
tech.scheduled works预定工程
consult.schedules of day works日工作一览表
tech.scouring by contraction works束水攻沙
tech.screening works筛分工场
tech.sea defence works海岸防护设施
tech.sea defence works海岸防护工程
tech.sea defence works海岸堤防工程
tech.sea dike works海堤工程
tech.sea works海岸维护工程
tech.sea works海岸堤防工程
tech.sea works港湾工程
ecol.sea works海事工程
soil.sediment ejection works砾石洲
desert.seepage prevention works防渗工程
gen.selected works选集
tech.semi-works production中间试剂
tech.semi-works production中间工厂规模试验
tech.semi-works production中间工厂规模生产
tech.semi-works production中间试制
ecol.separation works分水工程
comp.name.Serov A.K. Steel Works谢罗夫钢铁厂
comp.name.Severaky Tube Works谢韦尔斯克钢管厂
comp.name.Severstal Steel Works谢韦尔钢厂
consult.sewage treatment and water supply works污水处理及水务工程
shipb.Shimonoseki Shipyard & Engine Works下关造船厂
shipb.Shimonoseki Shipyard & Engine Works, Japan日本下关造船厂
tech.shipbuilding works造船厂
tech.ship-passing works过船设施
tech.shuttering works模板工程
comp.name.Sinarsky Tube & Pipe Works锡纳腊钢管厂
desert.slope works护坡工程
desert.soil removal works排土工程
desert.soil retaining works挡土工程
tech.spit cut off works切嘴工程
tech.spit cutting works切嘴工程
tech.stabilization works稳定设施
shipb.State Jiangxia Marine Diesel Works国营江峡船舶柴油机厂
tech.steel works钢制件
tech.steel works钢铁工程
tech.steel works钢结构
tech.steel works钢厂
tech.steel works钢铁厂
tech.steel works钢件
tech.steel works钢架
tech.steel works炼钢厂
tech.steel works钢制品
tech.steel works equipment钢厂设备
tech.steel works pollution炼钢厂污染
tech.steel works waste炼钢厂废水
tech.steel works waste炼钢厂废物
comp.name.Stomana Iron & Steel Works斯托玛纳钢铁公司
ecol.subterranean works地下工程
tech.supervision of works工程监督
tech.supervision of works工程监理
tech.supply works供水工程
comp.name.Taganrog Iron & Steel Works塔干罗格钢厂
shipb.Tamano Works玉野造船厂
shipb.Tamano Works, Japan日本玉野造船厂
gen.tar works焦油沥青蒸馏厂
tech.temporary river works临时性河道工程
tech.temporary support works临时支撑工程
tech.temporary works临时性工程
tech.temporary works暂设工程
tech.temporary works expense临时设施费
tech.temporary works penses临时工程费
tech.temporary works penses暂设工程费
consult.test-run and take-over of civil works试验和接收土建工程
gen.the machine works smoothly机器运转正常
gen.The moist clay or clay mixture is used in making porcelain works我们用湿黏土或黏土混合物制作瓷器
gen.the turbine works on rising or falling tides水轮机靠潮水涨落来运转
gen.the wood works easily这木材很容易加工
gen.the works of Karl Marx卡尔•马克思的著作
gen.there is something wrong with the works机件出了毛病
desert.torrent works防洪流工程
tech.training works整治建筑物
tech.training works导治工程
tech.training works治导工程
tech.trans-mountain diversion works穿山引水工程
tech.uncompleted building works未完建筑施工工程
securit.undertake works承包工程
tech.upper works上层建筑
tech.upper works上层结构
tech.upper works水线上部建筑
tech.upper works干舷
comp.name.Uzbek Iron & Steel Works乌兹别克钢铁厂
comp.name.Volzhsky Tube & Pipe Works伏尔加斯科钢管厂
comp.name.Vyksa Iron & Steel Works维克萨钢铁厂
tech.wagon works车辆厂
tech.wastewater treatment works废水处理工程
gen.Water and Sewage Works Manufacturers' Association给水与污水设备制造业协会
tech.water constructional works水工构筑物
tech.water constructional works水工构造物
tech.water constructional works水工结构物
tech.water consumed in water works水厂自用水
tech.water consumption in water-works水厂自用水
tech.water drainage works排水工程
tech.water intake works取水构筑物
tech.water power works水力发电工程
tech.water pump works水泵厂
tech.water purification works净水工程
tech.water supply and drainage works排水工程
tech.water supply and sewerage works上下水道工程
tech.water supply and sewerage works排水工程
tech.water supply treatment works给水处理厂
tech.water supply works给水设备
tech.water supply works水厂
tech.water supply works给水工程
tech.water supply works供水工程
tech.water treatment works净水处理工程
tech.water treatment works净水处理厂
tech.water treatment works水处理工程
tech.water works水工建筑物
tech.water works水厂工程
tech.water works给水装置
tech.water works水事工程
consult.water works自来水厂
tech.water-conveying works引水设施
nautic., tech.welding procedure tests in the user's works在用户工厂进行的焊接程序试验
ecol.well point works井点工程
shipb.Whyalla Shipbuilding & Engineering Works怀阿拉造船和造机工程厂
shipb.Whyalla Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Australia澳大利亚怀阿拉造船和机械厂
tech.wood mill works木材加工厂
tech.works annealed sheet金属薄板
tech.works approval工厂认可
tech.works beam test工地梁试验
tech.works beam test现场梁试验
tech.works bottling工厂装瓶
tech.works bus上班公共汽车
tech.works canteen工地食堂
tech.works canteen工地小卖部
tech.works canteen工厂食堂
nautic., tech.works certificate工厂证书
tech.works code工厂代号
tech.works contract工厂合同
tech.works council员工福利咨询委员会
tech.works council劳资协议会
brit., busin.works council劳资联络委员会
tech.works cube strength工地混凝土的立方体强度
tech.works cube strength工厂混凝土试验强度
tech.works cube test现场试块试验
tech.works cubes工厂混凝土试块
tech.works depot工程器械库
tech.works drawing施工图
tech.works equipment工厂设备
tech.works fire brigade工地消防队
tech.works for berthing靠船构筑物
tech.works for centrifugally cast concrete离心法浇筑混凝土
tech.works for dissipating wave消波构筑物
tech.works for dissipating wave energy波浪消能设施
tech.works for doors and windows门窗工程
tech.works initial厂名缩写
tech.works inspection工厂检查
ecol.works liquor污水厂液
tech.works load自用负载
tech.works management施工管理
tech.works management工程管理
tech.works occupation time封闭线路作业时间
tech.works occupation time列车空隙作业时间
gen.works of fiction小说作品
tech.works of intercepting underground flow截潜流工程
tech.works of man人工建筑物
tech.works of portal洞口工程
tech.works process specification典型工艺规程
avia.works process specifications典型工艺过程规程
tech.works progress工程进程
tech.works progress committee工务进度委员会
tech.works railway工厂铁道
tech.works railway工厂专用铁路
tech.works scope工程范围
tech.works siding工厂专用线
tech.works staff低级职员
tech.works sub-contracting工程分包
tech.works subletting工程转包
tech.works suspension工程停工
tech.works suspension工程停顿
tech.works suspension工程暂停
tech.works test工程检修
tech.works to continue工程的继续
tech.works visit工厂巡视
tech.works visit工厂参观
shipb.Yichang Marine Diesel Works宜昌船舶柴油机厂
shipb.Yokohama Shipyard & Engine Works横滨造船厂
shipb.Yokohama Shipyard & Engine Works, Japan日本横滨造船厂
shipb.Yura Works由良造船厂
comp.name.Zlatoust Iron & Steel Works兹拉托乌斯特钢厂
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