
Terms containing work in progress | all forms | in specified order only
econ.construction work in progress在建建筑工程
tech.construction work in progress进行中的建筑工程
econ.During the progress of the work, the engineer may illustrate changes in the work to be done by means of drawings在工程进行中,工程师可用图纸说明该项工程所需做出的变动
China, polit.ensure smooth progress in legislative work保证立法工作顺利进行
busin.increase in work in progress在制品增加
China, polit.make continued progress in the work of the NPC推动人大各项工作取得新的进展
econ.work in progress半成品
textilework in progress在制品
proj.manag.work in progress正在进行的工作
el.work in progress现行工作
el.work in progress工作正在进行中
el.work in progress工作在进行中
textilework in progress未完工程
fin.work in progress在建项目
econ.work in progress在产品
busin.work in progress工作在进行
commer.work in progress在建工程
tech.work in progress施工中的工程
tech.work in progress进行中的工程
econ.work-in-progress products在制品