
Terms containing work in | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
footwearA lot of women are walking to work in flats and switching in the elevator彳艮多职业女性穿平跟鞋步行去上班,在电梯里再换成高跟鞋
econ.a variance work-in-process在制品差异
econ.a work-in-process account在制品账户
econ.a work-in-process ledger在制品分类账
hydroel.st.additional cost of work in winter and rainy season冬雨季施工增加费
hydroel.st.additional cost of work in winter and rainy season冬季雨季施工增加费
tech.advance for work in process and construction materials预付工料款项
fin.advances for work in process and construction materials预付工料款项
econ.advances for work in process and construction materials预付款
busin.allowance for work in high temperature高温津贴
tech.allowance for work in high temperature高温津站
railw.amount of work in empty wagons空车工作量
tech.average number of wagon loadings and unloadings per unit of work in goods traffic管内装卸率
China, lawbe a man of integrity and always work in the public interest廉洁奉公
econ.beginning work in process初期在制品
busin.beginning work in process期初在制品
busin.beginning work in process account期初在制品账户
China, polit.carry out legislative work in a democratic manner民主立法
China, polit.carry out legislative work in a scientific maimer科学立法
tech.construction work in freezing weather冬季施工
archit.construction work in process在建工程
econ.construction work in progress在建建筑工程
tech.construction work in progress进行中的建筑工程
fin.construction work-in-process在建工程
earth.sc.Continental, Union, Shell and Superior Oil Companies Barge and Drill Rig used during the First MOHOLE Work in 1961卡斯1号1961年首次莫霍面钻探所使用的”大陆”等四家石油公司的钻探船和钻机
busin.contract work in process在建承包工程
China, polit.Convention Concerning the Employment of Women on Underground Work in Mines of All Kinds各种矿场井下劳动使用妇女公约
fin.cost of beginning work in process inventory期初库存在产品成本
busin.cost of beginning work in process inventory期初库存在制品成本
fin.cost of ending work in process inventory期末库存在产品成本
busin.cost of ending work in process inventory期末库存在制品成本
econ.ending work in process期末在制品
tech.experimental work in selected point试点
gen.experimental work in selected spots试点工作
agric.farm work in sericulture养蚕作业
anim.husb.farm work in the sericulture养蚕作业
manag.final work in process期末在制品
busin.first-in first-out costing of work-in process在制品先进先出计价
tech.geologic work in the mine design矿山设计中地质工作
tech.geological work in the mine design矿山设计中地质工作
China, lawguiding principle for the work in different areas and at different administrative level分级分类指导原则
busin.ideological and political work in enterprise企业思想政治工作
China, polit.in light of the overall arrangements of the central authorities for our work in2007 根据中央对 2007 年工作的总体部署
busin.increase in work in progress在制品增加
fin.increase support for work in science and technology加强科技支撑
libr.individual work in the Daoist Canon别藏
fin.initial work in process account初期在制品在建工程帐户
busin.initial work in process account初期在制品账户
busin.inventory of work in process在制品存货
econ.method of accounting for beginning work in process inventory对在制品初期存货的记账方法
fin.method of accounting for beginning work in process inventory对在制品期初存货的会计处理方法
busin.method of accounting for beginning work in process inventory对在制品期初存货的会计方法
fin.methods of accounting for beginning work in process inventory对在制品期初存货的会计处理方法
busin.no change in work in process生产工序不变
manag.opening work in process inventory在制品期初存货
busin.opening work in process inventory在制品期初库存
China, polit.personnel assigned to work in Hong Kong and Macao驻港澳地区内派工作人员
tech.plan of work in goods traffic工作量计划
bridg.constr.principle of virtual work in theory of elastic mechanics弹性力学虚功原理
expl.restrict work in blast area限制在爆破区域工作
busin.schedule of work in process在制品清单
textileschedule of work in process在制品清单,在制品明细表
tech.schedule of work in process在制品明细表
UN, polit.Seminar on the Organization of Statistical Work in a Changing Environment应变安排统计工作讨论会
busin.spoiled work in process报废在制品
interntl.trade.spoiled work-in-process损坏在制品
busin.spoiled work-in-process报废在制品
tech.standard information work in enterprise企业标准化情报工作
hockey.stick work in dribbling运球的球棍动作
proj.manag.Such a degree of fine-tuning does not work in practice如此程度的微调在实践中行不通
econ.the center for research work in natural science自然科学研究中心
econ.The contractor shall submit a statement of all proposed schedule of the work in writing承包商须以书面形式呈交一份工程进度表
econ.the spoiled work-in-process报废再制品
econ.the work-in-process inventory在制品盘存
econ.the work-in-process turnover在制品周转率
econ.the work-in-process turnover norm产品周转定额
dentist.This wisdom tooth doesn't work in proper occlusion with the upper tooth这颗智齿与上颌牙并没有好的咬合关系
tech.type of work in production工种
manag.valuation of work in process在建工程估价
manag.valuation of work in process在制产品估价
tech.valuation work in process在制品估价
textilevariance work-in-process在制品差异
econ.variance work-in-process在制产品差异
China, lawvoluntary work in rural areas农村义务工
econ.We should supervise the work in an efficient way, using our best skill我们应该用我们的最好技能对该项施工进行有效监督
econ.We will sub-contract to Top Peak Ltd. the electrical and water work in the construction of apartment buildings我们把公寓大楼建筑中的水电工程转包给"顶峰"有限公司
gen.WHO will work in close collaboration with all our partners to prevent and control viral hepatitis世卫组织将与所有合作伙伴紧密合作,预防和控制病毒性肝炎
textilework in织人
textilework in归拢
gen.work in混〔配,综〕合
archit.work in插〔加,搀,织〕 人
gen.work in抽出时间来
gen.work in从事…方面的工作
gen.work in调和 (with)
gen.work in制造时混人
gen.work in缓慢地进人
China, polit.work in a pioneering spirit开拓创新
China, polit.work in an enterprising manner积极进取
China, lawwork in cold water冷水作业
fin.work in concert on global issues在全球性问题上协调合作
tech.work in cooperation with a due division of labor分工合作
tech.work in cooperation with a due division of labour分工合作
tech.work in coordination互相配合
avia.work in cycle进人循环
avia.work in cycle进入循环
tech.work in dusty environment粉尘作业
tech.work in echelon阶梯操作
org.name.Work in Fishing Convention渔业工作公约
org.name.Work in Fishing Convention关于渔业部门工作的公约
tech.work in four shift分四班工作
busin.work in hand手头工作
interntl.trade.work in hand定货承接总数
busin.work in hand订货承接总数
tech.work in hot environment高温作业
tech.work in mid-air高空作业
plann.work in next queue后续作业列叭
plann.work in next queue rule后续作业列队规则
footb.work in pairs2人1组训练
footb.work in pairs两人一组训练
proj.manag.work in place完成的工作
econ.work in place原地作业
econ.work in private domain有版权的作品
securit.work in process加工中的产品
met.work in process半成品
avia.work in process正在进行的工作
el.work in process未成品
plast.work in-process在加工中
ITwork in process在制品
logist.work in process在建工程
el.work in process在制件
avia.work in process有序工作
textilework in process未完工程
commer.work in process工作在进行中
avia.work in process在制项目
textilework in process account在制品账户
textilework in process cost在制品成本
textilework in process cost fraction在制品成本系数
busin.work in process file在制品档案
interntl.trade.work in process inventory在制品盘存
interntl.trade.work in process inventory在制品存货
fin.work in process ledger在制品分类帐
busin.work in process ledger在制品分类账
textilework in process norm在制品标准
textilework in process norm在制品定额
busin.work in process turnover在制品周转率
tech.work in progress施工中的工程
econ.work in progress在产品
textilework in progress在制品
econ.work in progress半成品
commer.work in progress在建工程
fin.work in progress在建项目
el.work in progress工作在进行中
el.work in progress现行工作
el.work in progress工作正在进行中
proj.manag.work in progress正在进行的工作
busin.work in progress工作在进行
textilework in progress未完工程
tech.work in progress进行中的工程
corp.gov.work in public domain无版权的作品
tech.work in shifts倒班
tech.work in succession顺序施工
gen.work in sudden bursts一阵一阵使劲工作
busin.work in tandem串联操作
shoot.work in the pit靶壕工作
China, polit.work in the trial of试点工作 (doing)
manag.work in three shift三班工作制
manag.work in three shift分三班工作
busin.work in three shifts工厂三班制
busin.work in three shifts三班倒
tech.work in three shifts分三班工作
avia.work in transit items外协项目
tech.work in two shift分两班工作
China, lawwork in underground coal mines井下作业
manag.work-in-process在制品 (or in progress)
fin.work-in-process account在制品帐户
manag.work-in-process control在制品管理
busin.work-in-process cost在制品成本
manag.work-in-process file工作品档案
busin.work-in -process inspection在制品检验
tech.work-in-process inspection生产过程的检验
manag.work-in-process inventory在制品盘存
busin.work-in -process norm在制品定额
ITwork-in-process queue处理中的工作队列
ITwork-in-process queue工作过程中的队列
busin.work-in-process turnover norm在制品周转定额
tech.work-in products在产品
econ.work-in-progress products在制品
tech.You do this work in configuration, rather than in code您是在配置中完成这些工作,而不是通过代码