
Terms containing withdraw | all forms | exact matches only
econ.an option to withdraw portfolio有权收回金融投资
gen.contact engaging and insertion and withdraw force触点插拔力
econ.Customers, deterred by the price all withdrew顾客全都被这种价格吓跑了
tech.emergency withdraw紧急撤退
China, lawformalities to withdraw from the cooperative退社手续
econ.He withdrew money from the bank他从银行中取回了钱
met.length of withdraw stroke拉程长度
tech.marginal propensity to withdraw边际漏出倾向
tech.marginal propensity to withdraw边际提取倾向
sport.No. 14 withdrew from the race because of injury14 号运动员因伤退出比赛 (注释:退岀比赛常用 withdraw from the race 或 quit the race)
econ.offer good until withdraw撤回前有效报盘
busin.option to withdraw portfolio有权收回金融投资
interntl.trade.option to withdraw portfolio有权收回未到期责任
securit.option to withdraw portfolio撤销投资组合的选择权
wood.platform to withdraw the panels卸板台
tech.product withdraw收回已售产品
fin.propensity to withdraw提取倾向
tech.rate of withdraw退出速度
tech.rate of withdraw引出速率
sport.reluctantly withdraw from the competition被迫退出
telecom.request for withdraw申请撤回
IMF.right to withdraw退出的权利
tech.running of extra or withdraw of trains加开或停运列车
wushu.step back and withdraw sword退步回抽
econ.The buyer exercised his option to withdraw from the contract买方行使了退出该合同的选择权
econ.They withdrew money from their account for buying a computer他们从其账户中提款购买一台计算机
econ.to withdraw offer撤回发盘
wushu.turn round and withdraw the sword转身回抽
China, lawvoluntarily withdraw自行回避
econ.We need to withdraw the merchandise ship ped to you because of wrong loading由于错装,我们需要撤回运送给贵方的商品
econ.withdraw a bid撤销投标
econ.withdraw a bid撤销承包
interntl.trade.withdraw a bid撤销递价
interntl.trade.withdraw a bid撤回投标
tech.withdraw a bid撤消投标
bridge.withdraw a card收回已打出的牌
bridge.withdraw a card收回打出的牌
tech.withdraw a claim放弃要求
econ.withdraw a claim撤回索赔
securit.withdraw a claim撤回索赔要求
securit.withdraw a claim撤回诉讼
China, lawwithdraw a confession翻供
shipb.withdraw a demand撤销需要
gen.withdraw a demand撤销要求
nautic., tech.withdraw a piston吊缸拆卸活塞
textilewithdraw a provisional cancellation撤回临时注销通知
securit.withdraw a restriction notice撤销限制通知书
wushu.withdraw a sword in T-step丁步回抽
China, lawwithdraw a trading risk reserve提取交易风险准备金
securit.withdraw an exemption撤销豁免
tech.withdraw an offer取消报价
tech.withdraw an offer收回报价
textilewithdraw an offer撤回发盘
textilewithdraw an offer撤回报盘
interntl.trade.withdraw an offer撤回报价
tech.withdraw an offer撤回承诺
tech.withdraw an offer撤回原发价
shipb.withdraw an offer撤销一项发盘
securit.withdraw an order撤销指令
securit.withdraw an order撤单
China, lawwithdraw and retain提留
securit.withdraw authorization取消认可
econ.withdraw a bid撤销递价
econ.withdraw a bid撤回投标
econ.withdraw a bid撤回递盘
econ.withdraw by a notice通知撤销
China, lawwithdraw capital抽逃资金
securit.withdraw capital撤资
securit.withdraw capital抽走资本
securit.withdraw capital contribution surreptitiously秘密抽逃资金
interntl.trade.withdraw claim撤回诉讼
interntl.trade.withdraw claim撤回索赔
commer.withdraw one's claim撤回索赔
busin.withdraw claim撤销索赔
auto.withdraw collar离合器分离夹
auto.withdraw collar拉环
auto.withdraw collar锁环
auto.withdraw collar夹圈
tech.withdraw collar分离环
China, lawwithdraw complaint撤回告诉
met.withdraw al cycle拉坯周期
fin.withdraw deposit提款
fin.withdraw deposit收回保证金
tech.withdraw deposit提取存款
securit.withdraw deposit取款
securit.withdraw deposits in large amounts大额提款
textilewithdraw force拔出力
met.withdraw frequency拉坯频率
sport.withdraw from a meeting离会
sport.withdraw from a meeting退席
sport.withdraw from a meeting退出会议
econ.withdraw... from circulation停止发行…
econ.withdraw... from circulation收回…
econ.withdraw ... from circulation停止…的流通
econ.withdraw ... from circulation收回
tech.withdraw from partnership退伙
sport.withdraw from the competition退出比赛 (race)
China, lawwithdraw from the cooperative free退社自由
China, lawwithdraw from the hearing退庭
China, lawwithdraw from the hearing before it is over中途退庭
commer.withdraw from the market退岀市场
China, lawwithdraw funds抽逃资金
securit.withdraw funds撤出资金
securit.withdraw funds撤资
nautic., tech.withdraw halfway form the hearing中途退庭
footb.withdraw into defence后退转入防御
securit.withdraw investment撤资
securit.withdraw investment撤销投资
China, lawwithdraw isolation解除隔离
securit.withdraw its listing from the Stock Exchange从交易所上退出
securit.withdraw its listing from the Stock Exchange退市
athlet.withdraw javelin引枪
athlet.withdraw javelin后引标枪
wushu.withdraw left right foot收左
fin.withdraw liquidity收回流动性
textilewithdraw market退出市场
tech.withdraw money提款
econ.withdraw money from银行提款 (the bank)
commer.withdraw money from a bank提款
econ.withdraw money from account从账上提款
textilewithdraw offer撤销报盘
interntl.trade.withdraw offer撤回发盘
econ.withdraw offer撤回报价
econ.withdraw on demand立即提款
China, lawwithdraw one's prosecution撤回自诉
econ.withdraw receivable收回保证金
econ.withdraw receivable提款
econ.withdraw restrictions撤回资金的限制条件
fin.withdraw RMB cash from accounts从账户支取人民币现金
securit.withdraw securities提仓
securit.withdraw securities提取证券
busin.withdraw share退款
tech.withdraw share退股
interntl.trade.withdraw shares退股
securit.withdraw shares提仓
securit.withdraw shares撤股
taekwondo.withdraw step后撤步
textilewithdraw stock退股
met.withdraw stroke拉程
met.withdraw stroke length拉程长度
met.withdraw stroke speed拉程速度
bridg.constr.withdraw test of pile拔桩试验
fenc.withdraw the arm收回手臂
tech.withdraw the drill pipes抽出套管
wushu.withdraw the hand and punch搬手一捶
wushu.withdraw the hips收胯
China, lawwithdraw the income提取收入
China, lawwithdraw the original approval撤销原批准
chem.withdraw tool拆卸工具
gen.withdraw troops驻〔撤〕军
securit.withdraw where having interest in securities trade在证券交易中有利害关系之处要回避
econ.You may withdraw from the partnership after the expiration of 3 years from its commencement你可在合伙公司开业期满三年之后撤回股份