
Terms containing with | all forms | exact matches only
gen.advance with giant strides大踏步前进
gen.aircraft with initial shortage原来设备不全的飞机
gen.All pizzas come with cheese and tomato sauce所有比萨都有番茄酱和奶酪
gen.All pizzas come with cheese and tomato sauce. I love cheese所有的比萨都有奶酪和番茄酱,我喜欢吃奶酪
gen.All the rooms with showers and bathrooms are practically full up until September所有带淋浴和浴室的房间9月10日以前实际上都已经客满
gen.An espadrille is a sandal with a sole made of rope or rubber and a cloth upper part帆布便鞋鞋底由绳子或橡胶制成,其上以布覆盖
gen.an event fraught with significance一件意义重大的事
gen.antenna with lobe switching波瓣转换天线
gen.apparatus with several arm wipers多弧刷旋转选择器
gen.Are you content with your meal?您对我们的饭菜满意吗?
bodybuild.arm extension with crank barbell putting behind the neck曲柄杠铃颈后臂屈伸
gen.Arrange the steak to a warm plate and cover tightly with aluminum foil把牛排盛入微温的盘子用锡纸包好保温
gen.arrange with M about同 M 商定 N (N)
gen.arrange with M for同 M 商定 N (N)
skateboard.ascend with the board带板腾空
gen.associated with... in an enterprise与…联合从事一项事业
gen.automatic and dynamic monitor with immediate relocation即时变位的自动动态监控器
ski.jump.backward somersault with full twist后空翻转体360°
gen.barter with sb. for sth.跟某人换取某物
gen.Basically it's a story about a boy who falls in love with a girl who then goes and dies. It's a typical love story这部电影讲述了一个典型的爱情故事,故事情节讲的是一个男孩爱上一个最后面临死亡的女孩
gen.Brazil supplies us with much of crystal巴西为我们提供大量水晶
gen.by differentiation with respect to对…微分
gen.carp steamed with fermented black beans豆豉蒸鲤鱼
gen.carry with one获得…的支持赞同在记忆中保留某事,某人
gen.Certain seats are made available to persons with a disability if the request is made at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled flight我们为残疾人士提供了一些座位,但必须在预订航班起飞前至少24小时提出请求
gen.Champagne cocktail is garnished with a cherry香槟鸡尾酒点缀着一颗樱桃
gen.Cindy, help me order because I'm still not very familiar with American cooking辛迪,帮我点菜,因为我对美式料理还不太熟悉
gen.circle with centerF以F为圆心的圆
gen.close with the land接近陆地
gen.Cold drinks don't agree with my stomach我的胃受不了冷饮
gen.come off with flying colours大为成功
gen.come off with flying colours顺利通过
gen.come off with flying colours完全合格
gen.come off with flying colours凯旋
gen.Come with me now, and see my wife and son. Come and have dinner at our house现在就跟我走吧,见见我的妻子和儿子。到我家去,一起吃饭
gen.complement with respect to 1010 的补数
gen.compromise with M on在 N 方面同 M 妥协 (N)
gen.computer with on-line remote device联机遥控设备计算机
gen.computer with on-line remote devices远程联机装置计算机
gen.Computers & Mathematics With Applications计算机与数学及其应用
gen.concur with M in与M 一致同意N (N)
gen.concur with M in在N方面和M 一致 (N)
gen.confer with M about和 M 商量〔讨论〕N (N)
gen.confer with M on和 M 商量〔讨论〕N (N)
gen.conic with center有心二次曲线
gen.connect me with Tsinghua University打电话用语给我接清华大学
gen.Could you help me with the bathwater, please? I'm a little tired请您帮我放一下洗澡水好吗?我有点累
gen.creamed mushroom soup with crab meat奶油口蘑解肉汤
gen.cucumber mixed with mustard黄瓜拌芥末
gen.cut resin with alcohol用酒精溶解树脂
wushu.cut with arm swing抡劈
gen.debit M with debit N againstM 把一笔 N 的账记人 M 的借方
gen.debit M with debit N toM 把一笔 N 的账记人 M 的借方
gen.Dieting is OK, but we all have to eat. Do you want to get a bite with me now?节食可以,可我们都是要吃饭的。你现在想跟我一起去吃点儿东西吗?
gen.differ with M on在N方面与M意见〔看法〕 不同 (N)
gen.differ with M upon在N方面与M意见〔看法〕 不同 (N)
gen.direct or with transhipment直运或转船
gen.disintegration of nuclei by deuterons with proton emission核子裂变反应核子在重氢核作用下分裂而发射出中子
gen.Do not pack valuables, such as cash, credit cards, jewelry or expensive electronics in a suitcase that you will check with the airline切勿把现金、信用卡、珠宝及昂贵电子产品等贵重物品放在航空公司托运的行李箱内
gen.Do try some sauce. It tastes yummy with fried chicken来点儿酱吧,炸鸡蘸上这种酱特别好吃
gen.Do you have any precious metals with you?您带贵重金属了吗?
gen.Do you mind if others share the table with you?您是否介意别人和您同坐一桌?
gen.double thermostat with safety device带安全装置的两用恒温器
gen.duck with noodles鸭肉面
gen.Each girl in the party was paired off with a boy舞会上每个姑娘都与一个小伙子相配成对
judo.earn one point with two techniques半胜合一胜
gen.entrenched with tradition被传统束缚着
gen.equilibrium is often produced with frictional forces平衡常常是由于摩擦力的存在而得到的
gen.exclaim with delight欢呼
gen.experience with a stop watch使用停方面的经验
gen.expostulate with M about告戒劝告M 关于 N (N)
gen.expostulate with M for告戒劝告M 关于 N (N)
gen.expostulate with M on告戒劝告M 关于 N (N)
gen.floor a bridge with concrete plates用水泥板铺桥面
bodybuild.front abdominal pose with legs正展腹肌和大腿
wushu.heel kick with body turn回身蹬脚
gen.Hello, Sir, my grandpa wants to visit Australia, but he doesn't speak English. May I assist him with his visa application?先生,你好! 我的外公想要去澳大利亚玩,但是他不会说英语。我能帮他填写这张申请表吗?
gen.Hi, Max, I'm Molly, and in charge with picking you up你好,麦克斯,我是茉莉,负责来机场接你
wushu.hit with fist拳击
gen.Hold on, please. I'll check her schedule. You can meet with Ms. Carling at 10:00 tomorrow请稍等,我查一下她的日程。您明天10:00可以会见卡玲女士
gen.Hold on please. I'll connect with our Advance Reservations请稍等一下,我给您接预订部
gen.hold with the hare and run with the hounds耍两面手法
gen.hold with the hare and run with the hounds两面讨好
gen.Hollywood is like an octopus with tentacles extending across the globe好莱坞文化仿佛章鱼的触须,延伸至世界的每一个角落
gen.horsepower has nothing to do with the horse马力和马毫不相干
gen.How about the charge for the days you shared the room with your friend?这几天与您同住的朋友的费用怎么算呢?
gen.How are you satisfied with your meal?您对菜品还满意吗?
gen.How can he get in contact with you?他怎么跟您联系呢?
gen.If possible, we want a three seat row with a seat open between us如果可能的话,我想要三人一排且中间不安排人的座位
gen.if the clockspring were made of lead, with practically no elasticity, it would possess no potential energy when wound如果钟表发条是用几乎没有弹性的铅做的,它上紧以后就不会有势能
gen.if there is anything the matter with the machine机器如果发生什么毛病的话
gen.If there is something wrong with the optical frame or lens, please make a call to the shopkeeper immediately如果镜框或者镜片有问题,请立即致电与店主联系
gen.If you think gastric bypass surgery might be right for you, talk with your doctor如果你认为胃分流术适合你,可以与医生讨论一下
gen.If you're not satisfied with the service the maid is providing, don't leave a tip如果你对服务员的服务不满意,可以不留或者少留小费 (or reduce the amount you would tip)
badm.impact with the ball触球
gen.incident with one another相互关联
gen.it can be said with certainty that可以断言
gen.it comes easy with practice就很容易
gen.it comes easy with practice—经练习
gen.It is a large leather suitcase with my name tag是一件大的皮箱,挂着有我名字的标签
gen.It is considered impolite to chew food with an open mouth, or to talk while chewing anything张大嘴巴咀嚼食物,或者边咀嚼边说话,是不礼貌的
gen.it is recommended to drive a new car before you put it into use, and so with a new machine新车在正式使用前最好先试开一下,对新机器也是如此
gen.It is repulsive to talk with your mouth full嘴里有食物时说话很让人反感
gen.it is the custom with M to do so这样做是 M 的习惯
gen.It is the most important happiness to taste coffee with your love和心爱的人一起品味咖啡的日子,是人生中最大的快乐
gen.It looks like toast and tastes kind of like a croissant with ham and cheese它看起来像吐司,吃起来像加了火腿跟奶酪的羊角面包
gen.It was an old-fashioned office building with a fireplace and comfortable chairs这是一幢老式办公楼,里面有壁炉和一些坐起来很舒服的椅子
gen.It's a brown leather bag with initials AC on it. Our phone number is 8353765是棕色皮革包,上面有缩写字母 AC。我们的电话号码是8353765
gen.It's a Burgundy with a rich but delicate body which is not too dry是勃艮第葡萄酒,它浓郁香醇,但不至于一点甜味都没有
gen.It's a grilled fish with vegetables这是烤鱼配蔬菜
gen.It's especially good with steak和牛排一起吃特别好吃
gen.It's traditional dish in Beijing. The duck is roasted. You should eat it with a kind of sauce一种传统的北京菜。鸭子烤过了,就着调料吃
gen.join issue with Mon就 N 和 M 争论 (N)
gen.join issue with Mon在 N 问题上和 M 持异议 (N)
gen.keep pace with the swift tempo of the day跟上时代的飞速步伐
gen.keep up with the times赶上时代
gen.keep up with the times跟上时代
gen.keyboard with a stiff touch键不灵活的键盘
gen.kill two birds with one stone一举两得
gen.kill two birds with one stone一箭双雕
gen.Knoop hardness, with a load of 0.5 kg0.5 公斤负荷克氏显微硬度
gen.Let me go shares with you in the taxi fare我和你分摊计程车费吧
gen.Let's find a buffet with moderate prices我们找一家价格适中的自助餐馆吧
gen.local battery with buzzer calling telephone exchange用蜂鸣器呼叫的磁石式电话交换机
gen.local battery with magneto and buzzer calling telephone exchange用手摇发电机和蜂鸣器呼叫的磁石式电话交换机
gen.magnesium bums with a bright flame镁燃烧時发出很亮的火焰
gen.make a contract with M for同 M 就 N 订合同 (N)
gen.make an angle of 30° with the horizon与水平线形成30。的夹角
gen.make remonstrance with sb. against hisM 对某人的M提出抗议〔谏诫〕
gen.make remonstrance with sb. on hisM 对某人的M提出抗议〔谏诫〕
gen.mark with a circle
gen.mark with the centre用冲子冲眼
gen.mark with the centre定心
gen.measure the current with an ammeter用安培计量测电流
gen.measure sb. with one's eye用眼睛上下打量某人
gen.metal expands with heat金属遇热膨胀
gen.Mr. White is talking with the importer about inspecting the goods怀特先生正在与进口商就货物检验问题进行洽谈
gen.muddle with one's work敷衍了事
gen.My car is in the parking lot. Let s go this way. Let me help you with your bags我的车在停车区,请这边走。我来帮你拿行李
gen.My purse is a medium-sized black cloth bag with a brass snap and a shoulder strap我的皮包是一个中型的黑色布包,有铜扣和肩带
gen.Natalie frowned and expressed that she was not satisfied with her performance, because the swimming cap loosened frequently娜塔莉皱着眉头表示表现,她对自己的表现并不满意,因为泳帽经常松脱
gen.Navy with air force航空兵的海奉
gen.none of the inert gases will combine with other substances to form compounds惰性气体之中无论那一种都不会和其他物质化合而形成化合物
gen.not fit to be touched with a pair of tongs令人讨厌
gen.not fit to be touched with a pair of tongs不值得一碰
gen.not fit to be touched with a pair of with a barge-pole令人讨厌
gen.not fit to be touched with a pair of with a barge-pole不值得一碰
gen.operate with extraordinary variety of action以各种各样的方式工作
gen.or days in combination with the twelve earthly branches
gen.plate with cadmium镉靶
gen.pork fillet with sweet and sour sauce糖醋里脊
gen.post office with telephone邮电局
gen.power of a point with respect to a circle点对圆的幂〔势〕
gen.provide the tube with a small amount of water给管里注人少量的水
meteorol.rain with snow雨夹雪
gen.realize with hindsight事后认识到
gen.regard... with favour对…有偏爱
gen.regard M with favour赞成M
gen.regard... with favour赞成
gen.regard M with favour对M有偏爱
gen.regard M with reverence敬重 M
gen.regard... with suspicion怀疑
gen.Remember to cover yourself with a blanket when you sleep on the plane在飞机上睡觉的时候,记得盖毯子
gen.roast duck roll with ham烤火腿鸭卷
gen.roasted chicken with pepper and olives烤鸡配圆辣椒橄榄
gen.Sarido clothing: Our goal is to offer you series of men's fashionable and casual clothing with strong Italy pattern萨雷德品牌系列产品志在向广大男士提供带有浓厚意大利风情的时尚休闲服饰
gen.scalar meson theory with scalar coupling标量頼合的标量介子理论
gen.see with half an eye一目了然
gen.see with one's own eye亲眼所见
badm.serve with both feet in a stationary position两脚立定发球
gen.set table with candelabra摆有烛台的桌子
gen.She dosed him with non-aspirin tablets to reduce the fever她让他服用非阿司匹林药片降温退烧
gen.She enriched her bonnet with a lace她用花边装饰帽子
gen.She picked up some sugar with the tongs and put them in the cup她用夹子夹起些糖块,放进杯子中
gen.She wanted to go Dutch with me at the restaurant last night昨晚吃饭她想和我平摊费用
gen.shell with a vacancy有空位的电子层
gen.shredded duck with pickled peppers泡椒鸭丝
bodybuild.side-bend with loads负重体侧屈
bodybuild.sit up with leg against wall腿贴墙仰卧起坐
bodybuild.sit up with leg on bench腿搁凳仰卧起坐
bodybuild.sit up with loads负重仰卧起坐
gen.Some stores even offer express lane for customers with 10 items or less有些商家会为购物数目为十件以内的顾客提供快速收银服务
gen.something has gone flooey with the machine机器出了毛病
gen.Something is wrong with my wife. She's lying on the floor. She's unconscious!我妻子生病了。她瘫倒在地,不省人事!
gen.standardize with the most popular styles以最流行式样做标准
gen.starved portion of cast with insufficient metal铸件疏松缺陷
gen.steamed buns with stuffing包子
gen.stuffed crab with cheese powder芝士焗蟹盖
wushu.sweep kick with body turn转身后摆腿
wushu.sweep leg with body turn扫堂腿
gen.swim with the current随波逐流
gen.swim with the stream顺着潮流
gen.swim with the stream随大流
gen.swim with the tide随波逐流
gen.swim with the tide随大流
gen.swim with the tide顺着潮流
wushu.swing leg with body turn转身摆腿
gen.sychronize the scanning electron beam in the television receiver with that in the studio使电视接收机和电视演播室中的扫描电子射线完全同步
gen.take counsel with oneself仔细考虑
gen.take issue with Mon就 N 和 M 争论 (N)
gen.take issue with Mon在 N 问题上和 M 持异议 (N)
gen.Take one pill with a glass of water用水服,服用一片
gen.take one thing with another考虑各种情况
gen.taking one with another大概
gen.taking one thing with another总的看来
gen.taking one thing with another大概
gen.taking one thing with another平均计算
gen.taking one with another大体上
gen.taking one with another大体〔总的〕看来
gen.talking one... with another平均计算
gen.talking one... with another大概
gen.talking one... with another大体看来
gen.teem with blunders错误百出
gen.the atom is made up of a nucleus with negative electrons revolving around it原子是由原子核和绕核旋转的若干负电子组成
gen.the atomic reactor could run wild with too many neutrons原子反应堆就无法控制
gen.the atomic reactor could run wild with too many neutrons倘若中子太多
gen.the body moves with a constant velocity物体作等速运动
gen.The company, with rooms designed in France ahead of product development strengths, keeps on leisure, fashion, elegant women's style该公司凭借在法国的设计室超前的开发优势,不断推出休闲、时尚、优雅的女装款式
gen.the cutter is supplied with a tolerance on width of plus 0. 005 in. and minus 0. 001 in.这铣刀的宽度公差为 +0,005 英寸和-0,001英寸
gen.the density of the air varies directly as pressure, with temperature constant当温度不变时,空气的密度同压力成正比
gen.The director sweated out a camera angle with the cinematographer导演和电影摄影师好不容易才对好了拍摄角度
gen.The doll is a Peruvian idol of abundance, fertility, and happiness. It depicts a man with the typical garb of the Andean region of Peru玩偶是秘鲁丰收、多产、幸福之神。它是一个穿着传统秘鲁安第斯山脉地区服装的男人
gen.The flight will go to Kyoto with a stopover at Dubai, but passengers do not have to disembark该航班在飞往京都的途中将会在迪拜经停,但乘客不需下飞机
gen.The Front Desk will provide you with the service of reservation and registration any time宾馆接待处 24小时为您提供预订客房、住宿登记等服务
gen.The goblet was mantling with foam这个高脚杯盖满了泡沫
gen.The Hollywood Walk of Fame is embedded with more than 2, 000 five-pointed stars featuring the names of not only human celebrities but also fictional characters honored by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce for their contributions to the entertainment industry好莱坞星光大道上点缀着超过2 000个五角星,它们不仅代表着那些著名影人,同时也是好莱坞商会对众多做出贡献的电影人表示的感谢
gen.The Japanese have developed a strong bond with Mount Fuji, and the history of Japanese art shows it翻阅日本的美术史,不难从中解读出日本人的富士山情结
gen.The Mekong is a river blessed with breathtaking natural beauty湄公河风光优美,景色秀丽
gen.the milling machine forms parts with great accuracy铣床非常精确地铳削零件
gen.the moon is in conjunction with the sun月亮处在和太阳的会合点处处在地球和太阳之间,即新月,朔
gen.the moon is in opposition with the sun月亮在望点
gen.the mountain is crowned with snow山顶积雪
gen.The mulberry trees have been felled, but we will replace them with cedars桑树砍了,但是我们会种上雪松
gen.The nature of my job requires me to dress smartly, so I wear skirt suits, with blouse, usually fairly sheer tights and heels工作性质要求穿戴整洁,所以我通常穿套裙、衬衫和高跟鞋
gen.the nucleus is heavy as compared with electrons原子核是重的
gen.the nucleus is heavy as compared with electrons比起电子来
gen.The nurse told him to bathe his eyes with the lotion护士叫他用洗液洗眼睛
gen.the orbit of each planet is an ellipse with the sun being at one focus而太阳在它的一个焦点上
gen.the orbit of each planet is an ellipse with the sun being at one focus每一个行星的轨道都是椭圆形的
gen.The plates were piled with rice盘子里盛满了米饭
gen.The professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and told them to help themselves to hot coffee教授从厨房端出一大壶热咖啡招呼他们
gen.The quilt is stuffed with the down of eider ducks这条被子用绒鸭毛做芯子
gen.the Red Flag with Five Stars五星红旗
gen.The red of scarf clashes with the purple of her hat她围巾的红色和帽子的紫色搭配得很不协调
gen.The researchers noted that overweight people tend to live as long as the thin, but with far more chronic diseases that are costly to treat研究人员注意到,超重人的生存时间和瘦人的一样长,但是却患有多种慢性疾病,这些疾病要花费高昂的治疗费用
gen.The restaurant admitted that a clerk mistakenly put a metal spoon into the ice crusher, and then the ice shavings with floating bits of crushed metal were sold to customers餐厅承认,一位店员误将一把金属汤匙混入碎冰机里,然后将这份漂浮有金属碎屑的冰沙卖给了顾客
gen.The skill with which he faceted the great diamond is remarkable他在大颗钻石上雕琢小平面的技巧不同凡响
gen.the standard with which other things are compared is called a unit用来和别的东西作比较的标准叫做单位
gen.the testimony consisted with all known facts证据与全部已知事实相符
gen.The traditional Christmas table is always crowned with a roast turkey按照传统,烤火鸡这道菜是圣诞节餐桌必不可少的食物
gen.The traffic accident had nothing to do with him这交通事故和他没有关系
gen.The Valentine's Day became associated with romantic love in the Middle Ages in England圣瓦伦廷节与爱情发生关联是在中世纪的英格兰
gen.The young man bought a hat with a decorative clasp on the downside那个年轻人买了一顶下侧有饰扣的帽子
gen.To deal with the pain, your easiest option is an over-the-counter painkiller such as aspirin or acetaminophen为对付这种疼痛,最容易的选择就是非处方止痛药,例如阿司匹林或退热净。 (小贴士:在国外挂急诊,费用可能会很高,由于国内外医疗体制不同,在国外看病需要注意以下4点:1 •小毛病尽量自己看,出国前多带非处方药;2•选择保险公司指定的医院;3. 牢记该国急救电话,如美国是911, 韩国是119等; 4. 费用可以讨价还价。在美国,很多医疗账单可以打7折。)
gen.To get your card back, you have to go to the bank with your passport取卡需要您本人带着护照去银行办理
gen.Today, Chow Tai Seng has grown to a company with 35 branches and over 600 jewelry chain stores in more than 200 cities in the country如今,周大生公司拥有三十五个分公司,600多家珠宝连锁店遍布在全国200多个城市
gen.Today's rate for cash purchase is 100 U. S. banknotes for 688 RMB. Do you have your passport with you?今天的现钞买入价是688元人民币兑换100美元。您带护照了吗?
gen.Today's special is fish , with a 40% discount今天的特价菜是鱼,有6折优惠
gen.Toyota's market in the U. S. is fading fast, with sales last year down by half丰田在美国的市场正在迅速萎缩,去年的销量下滑了一半
gen.Trained service animals are accepted in cabin for qualified individuals with a disability. A service animal should sit in the floor space in front of the customer's assigned seat but cannot protrude into the aisles符合要求的残障人士可携带经过培训的服务型宠物入舱。宠物应该待在乘客指定座位的前面区域,不能进入过道
gen.treat with M for同M商议〔谈判〕N (N)
gen.tremble with cold冷得发抖
gen.trust N with M把 M 委托给〔托付给〕N
gen.Try to keep your fridge and pantry stocked with foods that make up a nutritious, heart-healthy diet, such as whole grains, fish, lean meat, vegetables and fruits让您家的冰箱和储藏食品的柜子中保存一些富有营养,并有益于心脏的食品,例如全麦食品、鱼类、瘦肉、蔬菜和水果等
bodybuild.twist with load负重转体
gen.unite with all those who can be united团结一切可以团结的人
gen.vee isolation with polysilicon backfill聚硅回填 V 形隔离
gen.vie with each other互相竞争
gen.vie with M for为N与M竞争 (N)
gen.vie with M in + ing与 M 争
gen.vote with one's feet逃避
gen.vote with one's feet退出
gen.We are going to the Sovereign Hill. Do you want to go with us?我们要去疏芬山,你要去吗?
gen.we are presented with a situation where...即…
gen.we are presented with a situation where...我们面临碰到这样一种情况
gen.We are satisfied with your service我对你们的服务很满意
gen.We are the gold supplier of Alibaba, a leading manufacturer and exporter with experience in Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Germany and France我们是阿里 <-> 巴巴的金牌供应商,是顶级制造商和出口商,与阿根廷、智利、巴西、德国和法国都有贸易往来
gen.We are through with our meal. Could I have the bill, please?我们吃完了。请把账单拿来好吗?
gen.We can get there on time if the lights are with us如一路绿灯,我们能准时到达
gen.We do not have any aisle seats remaining. Is a window seat OK with you or would you prefer a middle seat?靠过道的座位卖完啦,您想要靠窗的还是中间的座位?
gen.We guarantee to refund your money if you're not delighted with your purchase如果您对购买的商品不满意,我们保证退款
gen.We were all impressed with the magnificence of Russians Winter Palace气势雄伟的俄罗斯冬宫给我们留下了深刻的印象
gen.We were all impressed with the magnificence of Russia's Winter Palace气势雄伟的俄罗斯冬宫给我们留下了深刻的印象
gen.Well, if you want, you can take the leftovers home. You could take the last one home with you如果你愿意,就打包带回去吧。你把最后那个带回家吧
gen.Well, let's try to get in touch with them. Now would you please write down what you have told me in detail?嗯,让我们设法同他们联系。现在请你详细地写下刚才告诉我的信息
gen.We're specializing in the export of Chinese jeeps, we wish to express our desire to trade with you in this line我们是专营吉普车出口的中国厂商,我们非常希望与贵方在此领域合作
gen.Westerners eat with forks and knives, while Chinese eat with chopsticks西方人用刀叉吃饭,中国人用筷子吃饭
gen.WHO will work in close collaboration with all our partners to prevent and control viral hepatitis世卫组织将与所有合作伙伴紧密合作,预防和控制病毒性肝炎
gen.Why is St. Valentine's Day associated with love?为什么圣瓦伦廷节与爱情有关?
gen.with absorbed interest全神贯注地
gen.with address巧妙地
gen.with affected seriousness像煞有介事地
gen.with age因年久
gen.with age随着年龄的增长
gen.with an eye on为 …起见
gen.with an eye on着眼于
gen.with an eye on目的在于
gen.with an eye on注目
gen.with an eye on指望着
gen.with an eye to注目
gen.with an eye to着眼于
gen.with an eye to目的在于
gen.with an eye to为 …起见
gen.with an eye to指望着
gen.with animation活泼地
gen.with animation生动地
gen.with arms akimbo两手叉腰
gen.with assiduity孜孜不倦地
gen.with assiduity兢兢业业地
gen.with astonishment惊讶〔奇〕地
gen.with one's bargain解约
gen.with one's bargain不受协议的约束
gen.with one's bargain废除协议
gen.with big strides迈步地
gen.with big strides大踏步地
gen.with caution谨慎
gen.with caution小心翼翼
gen.with caution留心
gen.with certainty的确
gen.with certainty肯定地
gen.with certainty确实地
gen.be with child怀孕
gen.with circumstance详细
gen.with clockwork precision极精确地
gen.with clockwork precision如钟表_样精确地
gen.with concern关切地
gen.with craft巧妙地
gen.with craft有技巧地
gen.with difficulty容易
gen.with difficulty困难地
gen.with due regard to适当地考虑到
gen.with due regard to给…以适当的考虑
gen.with each passing day日益
gen.with great,the utmost ease很容易地
gen.with great,the utmost ease
gen.with expedition迅速地
gen.with one's eyes closed不管
gen.with one's eyes closed不理会
gen.with one's eyes closed不肯看
gen.with one's eyes closed看不见
gen.with one's eyes glued on目不转睛盯着看
gen.with one's eyes open警惕地
gen.with one's eyes open有意识地
gen.with one's eyes open明知故犯地
gen.with one's eyes open注意地
gen.with fear吓〔怕〕得
gen.with fear由于恐惧
gen.with the greatest fidelity非常精确地
gen.with the greatest fidelity非常确实地
gen.with fluency滔滔不绝地
gen.with fluency纯熟地
gen.with fluency流畅地
gen.with fluency流利地
gen.with force and arms用武力
gen.with freedom自由地
gen.with great anxiety非常担忧
gen.with great speed迅速地
gen.with half an eye一眼就看出
gen.with one's help在…的帮助下
gen.with one's help
gen.with one's help利用
gen.with one's help借助于
gen.with intent to + inf.存心做某事
gen.with intent to怀有…的企图 (+ inf.)
gen.with interest加重地
gen.with interest通过某种关系
gen.with interest狠狠地
gen.with interest有兴趣地
gen.with lightning speed一眨眼
gen.with lightning speed风驰电掣地
gen.with lightning speed闪电式地
gen.with main strength尽全力
gen.with main strength尽〔用〕全力
gen.with meaning有意思地
gen.with meaning有意义地
gen.with no毫无
gen.with no fixed abode无固定住所的
gen.with no possibility of error dueto…不会由于…而造成误差
gen.with no relation to与…无关
gen.with no view不计…与否
gen.with no view不考虑…与否
gen.with open arms张开手臂
gen.with open arms热诚欢迎
gen.with open arms热情地
gen.with open arms伸开双臂
gen.with open doors公开地
gen.with open eyes留神地
gen.with open eyes吃惊地
gen.with open eyes睁着眼睛
gen.with or without reason无论是否有理
gen.with pinpoint accuracy非常精确地
gen.with reason有道理
gen.with reason合乎情理
gen.with reason充分的理由
gen.with reasonableness妥善〔合理〕地
gen.with regard of对于
gen.with regard of按照
gen.with regard of就…而论
gen.with regard of在…方面
gen.with regard of论〔提〕及
gen.with regard of关于
gen.with regard to按照
gen.with regard to就…而论
gen.with regard to在…方面
gen.with regard to对于
gen.with regard to关于
gen.with regard to论〔提〕及
gen.with regard to至于
gen.with relation to至于
gen.with relation to提及
gen.with relation to在…方面
gen.with relation to关于
gen.with reservation of sth.以某物为保留条件
gen.with reservation of sth.除某物之外
gen.with reservations有保留地
gen.with resignation无可奈何地
gen.with satisfaction满意地
gen.with secrecy暗中
gen.with secrecy秘密地
gen.with set teeth咬着牙关
gen.with some grains of allowance有保留地
gen.with some grains of allowance此话不可全信
gen.with some success取得一些成绩
gen.with some success获得一定的成功
gen.with M stare以M眼光
gen.with success成功地
gen.with the addition of外加
gen.with the advent of随着…的到来〔出现〕
gen.with the aid of通过
gen.with the aid of
gen.with the aid of借助于
gen.with the best不比任何人差
gen.with the concurrence of经… 同意
gen.with the consent of...经〔得到〕…的同意
gen.with the emphasis on着重
gen.with the exception of除…之外其余都
gen.with the force of an avalanche以排山倒海之势
gen.with the help of利用
gen.with the help of在…的帮助下
gen.with the help of
gen.with the help of借助于
gen.with the highest degree高度
gen.with the last breath最后
gen.with the last breath临终时
gen.with the manner当场
gen.with the manner在现行中
gen.with the momentum of an avalanche以排山倒海之势
econ.with the object ofM 以 M为目的
gen.with the participation ofM 有M参加〔合作〕
gen.with the permission ofM 经 M 许可
gen.with the pressure removed, the molecules would spring back若压力一撤除,分子就会弹回来
gen.with the proviso that...但须…
gen.with the proviso that...以…为条件
econ.with the purpose ofM 以 M 为目的
gen.with the signal swing at zero当信号波动幅度为零时
mining.with the speed ofM 以 M 速度
gen.with the sympathy ofM 得到M赞同〔同情〕
gen.with the throttle against the stop全速地
gen.with the throttle against the stop以最高速度
gen.with the throttle against the stop开足马力〔油门〕
gen.with the throttle full open全速地
gen.with the throttle full open以最高速度
gen.with the throttle full open开足马力〔油门〕
gen.with the utmost promptitude极其敏捷〔迅速〕地
gen.with the utmost secrecy极秘密地
gen.with the view of希望 (+ ing)
gen.with the view of目的在于 (+ ing)
gen.with the view of以便 (+ ing)
gen.with the view of以…为目的 (+ ing)
gen.with the view of为了 (+ ing)
gen.with the wind随风
gen.with the wind跟〔顺〕着风
gen.with ulterior motive别有用心地
gen.with vigour精神饱满地
gen.with vigour有力地
gen.with violence猛烈地
gen.With water and ice加水和冰块
gen.Would you care for a glass of sherry with your soup?在喝汤的时候是否要一杯雪利酒?
gen.Would you like a room with a front view or a rear view?您是要窗户临街的房间,还是要背街的房间?
gen.Would you like ham or bacon with your eggs?您喜欢火腿还是咸肉夹蛋呢?
gen.Would you like me to get in touch with somewhere else for you?我替您跟别的地方联系一下,您看怎么样?
gen.Would you like to have some biscuits with the coffee?要些饼干来配咖啡吗?
gen.Would you like to have some snacks with your wine?您要不要叫一点小吃来下酒呢?
gen.Would you like to order some drinks with your meal?喝点什么配餐?
gen.Wrap the injured area with a bandage to prevent inflammation用绷带将伤处包裹起来,以防止发炎
gen.Yes, with this visa, you can stay in the United States for up to 90 days是的,有了旅行签证,你可以在美国逗留90天
gen.You can dry your hands with a hair dryer你可以用吹风机把手吹干
gen.You can enjoy it with little money here在这里您只需花很少的钱就能享受这辆车
gen.You can get free refills with your coke您的可乐可以免费续杯
gen.You can mail the ticket with a check for the correct amount. You also have the right to contest the violation in a court of law你可以将正确金额的支票和罚单一起寄出。你也有权利到法庭申诉
gen.You can tell our Information Desk the place to go if you want to be in touch with telephone message or visitors when you are out如您离开酒店而需要与来客或来电联系时,请把您的去处告之服务总台
gen.You look really smart wearing it. The square goes well with your face您戴着看起来真好看。这种方形与您的脸型很相配
gen.You must tell the embassy about it and they will issue you with a new one你应该向大使馆报告,他们会发给你一本新护照
gen.You'll keep in touch with us at home, won't you?回国后你会和我保持联系吧?
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