
Terms for subject Footwear containing with | all forms | exact matches only
I’m looking for some black pumps to go with my evening wear我想找一双黑色的高跟鞋搭配我的晚礼服
Nude shoes are the perfect neutral, so pair them with any color单鞋是百搭鞋,可以和任何颜色搭配
Nylon bands connect the laces to the midsole and work with the shoe's tongueless upper to deliver an outstanding fit尼龙条带连接鞋带和中底,和无舌鞋面完美契合
Patent leather shoes can be cleaned with solvent-based leather cleaners漆皮鞋可以用溶剂型皮革清洁剂清洗
The adjustable clamp will achieve 100 percent jointing of the vamp with the last调整式夹具使鞋面与楦头100%贴合
The key thing with any shoe, high or flat, is that it should fit properly, not pinch your toes and have a degree of flexibility不管是高跟鞋还是平跟鞋,最关键的是是否合脚,得不夹脚且有一定的活动余地
The paper didn't mention the popularity of the 4 inch platform shoes Kim wears, but his oversized shades definitely seem to be a big hit with the women of Hollywood这份报纸没有提及金穿着的4英寸厚底鞋的流行,但他超大号的墨镜看起来的确足以和好莱坞的女明星们分庭抗礼
The shoe is a red plastic moulded clog with fleece lining and is designed to resemble a car这款鞋是一种带绒边的红色塑料模压木底鞋,并且设计成类似小汽车的样式
This material possesses a lower friction coefficient, better water resistance and seal ability with water medium这种材料在水介质中具有较低的摩擦系数和较好的防水与密封性能
With that pair of straw sandals, he walked all over his beautiful motherland他就是凭着这双草鞋,走遍了祖国的大好河山
With this approach I then set about wrapping my foot in tracing paper, and then binding it up in masking tape and then drawing various geometries onto and over the form of my foot通过这种方法,我用描图纸包裹自己的脚,然后用胶带黏合,再根据脚的形状画上各种几何图形