
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing with | all forms | exact matches only
be filled with wonder非常惊奇
can do with想要得到
can do with满足于
can do with可利用
can do with将就
can do with…就好〔够〕了
can do with能对付
can do with需要
could do with想要得到
could do with可利用
could do with满足于
could do with能对付
could do with…就好〔够〕了
could do with将就
could do with需要
glow with enthusiasm热情洋溢
lay it on with a trowel大肆渲染
lay it on with a trowel用镘刀涂抹
take a statement with a grain of salt叙述孢怀疑保留 态度
with a grain of salt有保留地
with a grain of salt此话不可全信
with one mouth异口同声地